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May 26, 2011
Okay, so I don't know if anyone loves cracked articles as much as I do, but they are worth checking out once. So I read these articles for a good hour a day (because they're effing hilarious and help me de-stress) and I came across one today with a HILARIOUS quote

Terrorists are basically camwhores with guns instead of tits: they're always videotaping themselves, they desperately crave attention and rarely have anything interesting to say.

OMFG I am still laughing! Now you can't be offended by this hilariously offensive sentence. I mean yeah they are comparing us to terrorists but some of us can be (no names :lol: ). Now Going through these posts I've seen a few references to camwhores and I am even in the process of writing an article myself (to be approved by my fellow models and of course posted in this thread soon after).

Anyways, the point of this thread is to A) have people post their favourite articles - because I can't get enough of them and B) raise awareness for those who don't know of this site. Oh and to share that funny bit.

Read more: The 5 Most Embarrassing Failures in the History of Terrorism | ... z1SLk3wlDx
lol I immediately knew that EVE thing would be on there.

Ahhhha ahahahah I remember the blood plague! And it's less well-known cousin, getting the bomb on vaelastrasz in bwl then recalling to the auction house and blowing up everyone in sight!
It was also revealing: In a game where people can be heroic knights or masterful mages, many leaped at the chance to become Terrorist Tyhpoid Mary. A small Taliban like force of plague-carriers actively fought Blizzard while hiding in the mountains, breaking quarantines and even incubating the plague through server-purges by infecting their own virtual pets then re-infecting themselves. They forced Blizzard into hard server resets, nuking and reinstalling their entire world. It was douchebaggery on measurable scientific and national security scales: Real-life scientists and bioterrorism experts now study it as a case example. Presumably before drinking themselves into unconsciousness when they realize they're protecting a species that commits bio-terror in order to destroy worlds they hang out in for fun.

Lol that funeral was on my server (Illidan), Serenity Now are a bunch of tools lol. Luckily they can't fight for shit.
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Jupiter551 said:
lol I immediately knew that EVE thing would be on there.

Ahhhha ahahahah I remember the blood plague! And it's less well-known cousin, getting the bomb on vaelastrasz in bwl then recalling to the auction house and blowing up everyone in sight!
It was also revealing: In a game where people can be heroic knights or masterful mages, many leaped at the chance to become Terrorist Tyhpoid Mary. A small Taliban like force of plague-carriers actively fought Blizzard while hiding in the mountains, breaking quarantines and even incubating the plague through server-purges by infecting their own virtual pets then re-infecting themselves. They forced Blizzard into hard server resets, nuking and reinstalling their entire world. It was douchebaggery on measurable scientific and national security scales: Real-life scientists and bioterrorism experts now study it as a case example. Presumably before drinking themselves into unconsciousness when they realize they're protecting a species that commits bio-terror in order to destroy worlds they hang out in for fun.

Lol that funeral was on my server (Illidan), Serenity Now are a bunch of tools lol. Luckily they can't fight for shit.

That pretty much happened on every server.
Argh! I love Cracked! They're far too funny, though. Like... just... unnecessarily funny. Unbelievably... funny...

PLUS, informative. Don't forget informative.
Our Protagonists
The books tell the story of the vampire Edward Cullen, who is described as an "Adonis" no more than every time the author is able to, and Bella Swan, a "plain" girl who reads "serious" literature like Wuthering Heights because she's so intelligent. Also, she is much more advanced than the students in the school that she has just moved to, but that's okay, because she makes up for it by being clumsy, since every well-developed character needs exactly one (1) flaw.
Hello, new guy here. Was shocked to see a Cracked post!! Awesome!

I do enjoy the articles on Cracked and check them daily, but I would have to say that my favorite are the videos in the "Cracked T.V." series. Here is one of them that is absolutely hilarious. Check em out! Hope you enjoy. ... tants.html

^^just look at that title :p
I can't pick a favorite. I love how they run the gamut between serious factual articles and crazy craziness. Two that stick out for me are from either end of the spectrum: one about most deadly people in history (The White Death- fucking awesome), the other about the insanity of the Mario Bros. universe (Princess Toadstool fucked Bowser!)

Good shit all around.
this thread wins! :D i almost peed myself reading those articles. now i remember why i avoid cracked though. everytime i read one of their things by the time i finish it's like 8 hours later and i've wasted the whole day. rotfl!!
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