ok, heres the southsamurai take on conspiracy theories in general. im writing while zomked on opiates, little sleep and benzos which should make it more fun indeed.
point1: every conspiracy is sort of real. theres some tiny tiny kernel of truth behind them. the problem lies in how tiny is this kernel. in other words how far does the conspiracy reach?
point2: the larger a group with a secret grows the less of a secret it becomes. was it ben franklin that said 3 men could keep a secret if two were dead? or am i miffing the quote there? point being that if enough people are involved then its not going to stay secret long. there will be leaks
point 3: for any conspiracy to be effective in keeping some "valuable information" secret or at least obfuscated then the number required to keep it so increase greatly, and the greater the information, the more people needed to maintain it over time.
point4:most conspiracy theories center aroung a large powerful group keeping a secret of some kind ( CIA,or other government ageny, illuminati, whatever)
now with those criteria being invlovled ( my process only, not sayin that anyone else need even care about my process) my response to most conspiracy theories is : so what?
if area 51 is loaded with aliens and their technology and the government keeps it as quiet as possible thru disinformation, so what? humans as a group are idiots. we tend to over react, and when we do we tend to overact with violence and destruction. lets say they threw open the gates out there in the desert and said " screw it, we're tired of keepin secrets" set up guided tours of the reptiailans and greeys and whatever, their ships and dead bodies floating in formalin, or hell walkin around exchanging meatloaf recipes ( the aliens sure do love killin cows... i assume they like meatloaf a lot) so what? what happens then?
if 9-11 was a canadian bacon flase flag type of thing then knowing that would be pointless now. yeah yeah, right to know and alll that, but could we change any of the actions we've already taken? would it return lives to those lost? would we miraculously say to the people of iraq and afghanistan: " jeez, so soory mate, but this was all a big hoax, we're just gunna bugger off home now, have a nice day"
my point, and yes i have on, is that once a conspiracy is in play its sort of useless to wonder about it. by this point any records of the kennedy asssasination are useless. after this long any document could be fake anyway ditto with the 9-11 stuff
right or wrong, if any conspiracy occurs it happens for one of a few reasons:
1 the people involved care deeply about the subject and wish to keep it from harming the general populace in some way. ok, i tend to prefer making up my own mind, but i wasnt there. they might be right to keep all that alien tech locked up at groom lake or whereever to keep it out of public hands. for me the only thing i trust less that the government is the population at large anyway, so please do keep it as secret as possible
2 the people involved either did, or are going to do something illegal, immoral, or otherwise impolite. my so what breaks a little here since the motivation for this is usually greed (be it for money or power ) and any time people get greedy they get dangerous. still if someone out there is capable of pulling off a massive conspiracy and make some cash off it, then i know im not up to pulling their plans apart, so its out of my personal ability to care much other than saying " interesting, mad skils on the mushroom treatment dudes"
3 the only kind of conspiracy i tend to get upset about is the small scale one. where a small gropup of people plot and scheme to kill, steal, or otherrwise harm indiviual people for fun or profit. now those buggers need to be dick slappeed hard
massive gocernmental conspiracies are out of my reach to discover truth, or effect change, so i just dont care. of course theres consporacies. big whoop in my book. there always have been and always will be groups of powerful and/or wealthy men using ther position for play games of some kind. if they're good enuff to not get caught, then more power to em. if the get busted, then take em down hard... cant have any morons in our illuminati screwin thing up lol