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Jun 28, 2010
This television show is one of the funniest on tv, but yet of everyone that I know so far I have only found three other people that watch this show. The latest episode has to be my absolute favorite having Levar Burton making a cameo as himself, and watching what ensued. More people need to watch this show.

The show centers on Jeff Winger (Joel McHale), a suspended lawyer who was forced back into school after his college degree is deemed invalid by the state bar association because his degree is from Colombia, not Columbia University. The series focuses on Jeff's experiences while attending the Greendale Community College in Greendale, and the people he meets there. However, the focus of the series has become less centralized as the series has progressed, with plots revolving around other characters within the core group or the dynamics of the group itself.

Troy and Abed are awesome together, Alison Brie and Gillian Jacobs are FINE (which is going to make me go to another topic after this), Joel McHale, Chevy Chase, John Oliver, and Ken Jeong (senor chang) are all hilarious.
I love this show too. Chevy Chase is how I would like to be when I get old. Except for the bald & being a dude part.
I absolutely adore this show! Everyday I pray it won't get cancelled and one day it will be shown in the UK. It is classic comedy in the making. Love it! :clap:
This show, man... this fucking show :-D

I've said it before elsewhere on this forum but it bears repeating; Season 2 is fucking transcendent, yo. The Christmas episode with the clay figures was beautiful, funny, sweet, clever, unique - I usually hate Christmas episodes of TV shows but that one was perfect; the two-part paintball episode; the space flight simulator episode; the Halloween/zombie episode; the blanket fort episode; the Dungeons and Dragons episode - the whole season was just an almost dangerous fuck-load of squee condensed into perfectly sculpted, 20-minute pockets of television.

I bought Season One on DVD on a whim and it was pretty much the best decision I ever made. I don't know what's taking them so long to release Season Two in the UK. I want it nao. A friend from work enabled and facilitated my Community addiction by lending me somewhat illegally sourced DVDs of Season 2 and the first half of Season 3. I fear for Season 4 now that Dan Harmon's been ousted. But whatever happens, I'll always have Season 2 (if it comes to it I'll buy a multi-region player and buy it on Region 1, yo).

Also, Fluff; they do show it on one of the Virgin/Sky channels (possibly a Freeview one). I'll let you know which one when it comes back to me. They're showing Season 2 at the moment.

Also, I think I might go start Season One again right now. Squeeeeeeeeeee :-D

Also, Gillian Jacobs...
I am a huge fan of the show. LOVE Joel McHale! He crack me up - plus he is super sexy! The entire show is well put together and the cast is awesome. I was very worried when Chevy started having issues with Harmon that they would cancel the show or Chevy would leave. I hope the show can last another 2 seasons at least - but whatever time we have left - I shall cherish every moment. And I agree the Christmas Claymation special was awesome!
I love Troy's reaction in a later episode when he finds out Abed helped deliver a baby. That's one thing I really love about this show is it does act like a living thing where past episodes did happen that they can reference and bring up and spark characters to change. That and their hatred for Glee.
I finally got through Season 3. The last few episodes didn't really do it for me but there were some fucking gems in the back half of the season. The two-part pillow fort episode, the Law and Order episode ("A man must have a code" "Brilliant") and the 8-bit episode were as good (if not better) than anything in Season 2.

I've been reading up on Season 4 and my expectations could not be lower. In addition to Harmon being shitcanned, the Russo brothers have left (they directed a shed-load of episodes in the first three seasons), Starburns (who also served as a writer) has left, as have Neil Goldman and Garrett Donovan, who executive produced the series since episode one. I give it half a season before it goes down the shitter :(

ALSO, y'all should watch this...

It's a 65 minute stand up show from Donald Glover (Troy) and it's pretty fucking funny.
Yeah my fear is NBC kept it around while gutting it and then cancel it when everyone that gave a damn about the show can't watch the shell of what it once was. I'm willing to give it a shot and will watch out of loyalty and high hopes. I think the last episodes, the last one in particular was written out of believing they were going to be cancelled and was spent trying to tie just about everything up just in case.
I think my Community obsession may be escalating. I just watched this...

It's this year's Comic Con panel with Abed, Britta, Annie, Jeff, Shirley, two of the writers, a producer and the new show runners.

The cast all seem like awesome people. Especially lovely, lovely Gillian Jacobs. There's a cool gag reel shown where Alison Brie does the most adorable rap ever rapped. They talk a little about Season 4. The German fussball players are coming back and SPOILER ALERT we finally get to see Jeff's dad (they say he's played by Eddie Murphy but I couldn't tell if that was a joke or not) END SPOILERY.
The new show runners don't really say anything of note, at least not enough to guage whether or not they know what they're doing. It's reassuring to see Megan Ganz (lovely, lovely, lovely Megan Ganz... *lovelorn sigh*) and Andy Bobrow are coming back at least.

Also, looking at David Guarascio, I now know what I'd look like if I ever wore glasses :?

Also, they point out something I completely missed watching the series. A borderline genius throwaway gag that literally no other show would bother to do. There's one mention of Beetlejuice is Season One, one in Season Two, and then when he's mentioned a third time in Season Three, you see him walk by the window! :-D

I am seriously obsessed with community, I'd say its becoming a problem but well.. I have loads of time on my hands
I have turned many people onto this show in my mfc room, I need people to watch season 4!! I talk about community far too much in my mfc room as well, its ridiculous but very enjoyable.
I actually tweeted a photo last night of my fave community tee (I have four)
I was on such a community kick last night haha, I usually go to bed while rewatching episodes. I guess I just like to hear them while I drift off?


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