Just because a problem is pervasive and overwhelming doesn't mean it's not worth fighting to address. I mean, thank God for the Sexual Revolution, right?
The culture around piracy with regards to porn, particularly independent cam models, needs to shift. The only way to *begin* to achieve that is to take a
hard line against illegal capping and redistribution. The pirates wants to mollify models with platitudes of "increased traffic" as an excuse for unauthorized reproduction and profiteering from our sensitive content.
Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
With that in mind, the consumers need to be galvanized and made to face the issue that THEY themselves are allowing and contributing to.
Eventually, there will need to be landmark cases and revisions to existing laws.
If there is no easy way to stop the non-consensual spread of your content, perhaps
spread something worth talking about. Something that calls out the problem for what it is, and engages the viewers personally. Noah Bensi's recent videos on the topic have led to the proposition of a few hashtags, including: #cammodelsforchange and #sowhatifigetnaked.
Noah Bensi on YouTube: YOUR RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED & What you can do to change it!
I feel like a QR code linking to the discussion on Twitter or some other landing page might also intrigue at least a few people, including those who come across the illicit recordings later on.
How to create these overlays artfully and in an aesthetically pleasing manner is another challenge altogether.
One thing is for sure: the ubiquitous DMCA logos do and mean absolutely nothing....
...and Cam Model Protection's ability to protect our work is limited at best.
Custom graphics with transparent backgrounds are super easy to create in Photoshop or similar software. Anyone can experiment with adding .png files to OBS, and if someone comes up with something actually good, maybe they could share it with the community.