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Canadian models, Why u so block the entire country?

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Nov 4, 2011
I spent an hour the other day trying to figure out how many models I couldn't view because of a territorial block. The results were confounding, 51 out of the top 100 models listed on Camscore stats had my territory blocked. I live in a province that makes up less than 13% of the total population of the country. This would be the equivalent of an American not being able to view models from California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan. This is not numerically accurate, but when it comes to substance this analogy is valid. The most impressive tipper I have seen on MFC is a Canadian, and has almost single-handedly kept one model in the top 10 for the last two months, she is Russian. Obviously he has found someone he is infatuated with, but I wonder if any locals missed out on this opportunity. It's also clear to me that the same can be said of Australian viewers, who consistently tip very well and not necessarily to Australian models. I think any Canadian model that is an Über fan of Hockey and is blocking all of Canada would be like a gamer chick blocking 75% of all gamers.

Thank you to the Canadian Models I have found that currently do not block the whole country:


If I have missed you and you only have one province blocked I am sorry. Please add to this feed so people can find you. additionally I received my information from a site that lists models with a camscore above 1700 and have been online recently, they also do not expand beyond 100.
I'm honestly confused at what you're trying to accomplish with this post...?
Booty, what it comes down to is their fear of being found by people they know is greater than their desire to increase their odds of making tokens from their area. Neither being completely safe of exposure by having the block, nor gaining more tokens from removing the block is guaranteed, but the girls feel their odds are most in their favor by blocking those areas.

Frankie said:
I'm honestly confused at what you're trying to accomplish with this post...?

He's trying to point out the potential income lost by blocking an entire country of folks that may have a lot in common with them, thus liking them, thus tipping them. It's actually a very valid point, but as I stated above, it's not worth it to many girls to expose themselves.
Thanks for that my dear. There was a disconnect in my brain between the subject of the post and it's actual content. And obviously, what Amber said is pretty valid. I can't really say I blame them for it.
I have Canada blocked because I don't want ANY chance of my family or friends finding me. Way back when, when I first started on MFC and didn't even know I could location block, my cousin found my chatroom and now my whole extended family has made me the laughingstock of the family. So now I make no chances at family or friends finding me. Sorry. Sometimes our privacy and safety and respect is worth far more than some Canadian toonies and loonies thrown at us :twocents-02cents:
I understand the privacy/safety and familial concerns, they are very valid. I had a theory that some models were unaware that they could block individual provinces and did the entire country without a second thought. Perhaps there has been a change to the MFC platform ie. adding province blocks in addition to the country block. I am hoping that some models could reconsider if they so choose. I've witnessed new Canadian models block the entire country because they were still learning the system. I listed the models above after reading the favorite models thread, in an attempt to give them a shout out, as we don't have our own filter like the Australians do. To be honest I wish the tagging system worked better, so you could match a model with your interest, but I dare not go down that road again, as it led me to some very peculiar rooms.

I have also noticed it can be annoying and distracting if members continuously enter a room and tirelessly ask where in Canada are you from, and say, hi I'm from Canada isn't that awesome, eh. I'd block that as well. I'm not even a hockey fan myself, but I know there is definitely a market for this type of audience. It's actually hard to discover Canadian models, as many do not have the requisite accent that an Aussie, or Brit might. additionally I believed a Canadian model thread might be useful, akin to the Favorite MFC models one?
This thread actually prompted me to go view the blocking options for the first time EVER since I started MFC in 2009. :lol:

BootyEyes said:
I understand the privacy/safety and familial concerns, they are very valid. I had a theory that some models were unaware that they could block individual provinces and did the entire country without a second thought. Perhaps there has been a change to the MFC platform ie. adding province blocks in addition to the country block. I am hoping that some models could reconsider if they so choose. I've witnessed new Canadian models block the entire country because they were still learning the system.

Maybe you're right. The page makes it pretty obvious that you can select states/provinces in US/CAN/AUS, and below it is the list to block whole countries, but maybe they just don't realize.
I have friends and family in lots of places in Canada, so I just blocked it all, there are only a few provinces/territories I could leave unblocked. Also, I'm paranoid.
I don't block the whole country just the provinces with the most people I know in. I know those areas are some of the most populated areas which means, yes I am loosing lots of potential customers but at least I'm less likely to have my dad, brothers and uncles finding me, I think it would kill them to know this is what I do...... Rather have my family happy than money that's for sure!
I vaguely remember something about Canadian models only being able to block the whole country awhile back, and about how happy the Canadian models here on the forum were when they added the provinces feature. I know Aussie provinces is even more new.

However, if a model is going to block anywhere at all, it's going to be the place she lives. Therefore, she loses out on all that money. What she gains in return is being free of the stress. Lots of men get in their head that any girl who works the sex industry is free game. They don't understand that no always means no, even when said by a prostitute or cam-girl. This leads to stalker behavior. And if such a man finds out a girl lives close by, he's very likely to track her down and harass her in real life.

Myself, I keep this from happening by refusing to give out anything more than a general area of the country (I'm US myself, and I only give out "Northern half of US Eastern Time Zone". I figure that tells them what time it is, and that I have cold winters and hot summers. What more do they need to know?). I also freely admit to knowing of at least three dopplegangers (one of which I found out about when her high school enemy almost attacked me thinking I was her), which makes anyone who thinks they see me doubt if it was really me. Other girls may not have this protection.
I am Canadian. I have my only province blocked so I guess I could be part of your list lol. I don't have all of Canada blocked. I can absolutely understand why models would block the entire country, especially if they have family living across the country.

However, I am sure there is the random Canadian girl who has blocked the entire country, when really they would be fine with just having their province blocked so...

I guess this thread is a good reminder to us Canadians that we do have the option of blocking just the province we live in.... we don't have to keep all our Canadian fellas in the dark. Unless of course we want to. :)
I'm Canadian, and only have a few provinces blocked (If you're looking to talk with Canadian girls feel free to come say hi, I don't like hockey though lol). It makes me worry sometimes though because my profile shows the name of my town, and sometimes I get people saying that they know where it is. I almost never leave my apartment unless I'm with my fiancee anyway because of my anxiety, but it still freaks me out when people talk about knowing how to get to where I am. I'm beginning to think I may be better off blocking the whole country.

Edit: Never mind, found out that it wasn't a necessary field and took it off... now I feel like a noob lol
I am also Canadian.
I don't have the whole country blocked off from finding me. Only the few provinces in which I have lived have been blocked.
That explains why I can't see your profile Kyleigh, I thought it was a MFC glitch. You must have Ontario blocked.

I've wanted to reply to this thread for a while and couldn't think of anything constructive to add, until it hit me. Many (most?) Canadians and Americans are descendants of immigrants who came over to North America in the 1800s and 1900s from Europe, Asia and Africa. Our cultures are similar and our physical appearances are similar. When browsing North American MFC models, it's very difficult to judge whether a model is Canadian or American based on looks alone. On occasion a model will have an accent that gives a general idea of which side of the border they're from but even then that's not a 100% giveaway. As a Canadian it's cool to find a model that's from the same country as me, but I won't get butthurt if I don't see any Canadian models online at a time. It's not like they'll tell me exactly where in Canada they're from or meet up with me anyway. ;)
I block my province and a couple others, I don't really care about family (really, are you going to say "HEY COUSIN I WAS PAYING WOMEN FOR SEXUAL THINGS ONLINE AND SAW YOUR DAUGHTER!"). I'm not close/connected enough with them to care. But more so about a rather unstable ex partner and people I went to school with who may harass me.
HollieCakes said:
Why would Australia have its own state blocking feature when the uk doesn't even yet? Seems silly

Because Australia is a continent and is split across most of 3 timezones, while the UK is an Island and could fit completely in 1?
i'm canadian and i only block BC (where I'm from). but i understand blocking the entire country. in terms of the future- what if my future boss or something lives in Ontario and is a regular in my room- ten years i show up at a job interview and oh, hello Caireen. Canada has about 10% of the population of the US, and it's pretty concentrated in just a few southern cities, so i suppose the probability of running into a Canadian who recognizes you is greater than in the states.
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LadyLuna said:
HollieCakes said:
Why would Australia have its own state blocking feature when the uk doesn't even yet? Seems silly

Because Australia is a continent and is split across most of 3 timezones, while the UK is an Island and could fit completely in 1?
Yeah, it is annoying because I would love to just block two places in the UK, but we are so tiny it must all just cover the same area. I checked my IP on Facebook and it told me I had logged in from a city over 300 miles away in England.

ETA - I live in Scotland.
I block the whole country. Why? Simple: I have relatives and classmates across the entire country. I also have relatives in USA, and if I wanted to be really cautious I'd block a few states, too, but I have yet to do that and probably won't.
caireen said:
Canada has about 10% of the population of the US, and it's pretty concentrated in just a few southern cities, so i suppose the probability of running into a Canadian who recognizes you is greater than in the states.

Caireen that is a really good point. I never thought of it like that. I hear even that the state of California has more people in it than all of Canada! We have a lot of unused land that's for sure lol. Mostly we all live right along the border. I guess that's the warmest place we can get LOL
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Oh Canada! :cool:
Im from Canada and have a lot of Canadian clients of mfc, iv worked as an erotic masseuse in my area so what do I care if they see me on cam! lol
i live ina small town in BC... I guarantee you, i don't know you :p

with that said, I do wish I could visit more Canadian models
SpexyAshleigh said:
I have Canada blocked because I don't want ANY chance of my family or friends finding me. Way back when, when I first started on MFC and didn't even know I could location block, my cousin found my chatroom and now my whole extended family has made me the laughingstock of the family. ...
I can't imagine dealing with the dangers, potential stigma, and just the daily routine of a camgirl's life, full of trolls, morons and weird people like me. I thank with all my heart those of you who have the guts to do it and the intellectual potential to do it well.
As previously stated, the models probably feel that it's better for them to block specific areas than to risk certain people finding their MFC public chat. Can you imagine if a model's next door neighbor (who knows her real name, etc.) stumbled across her MFC public chat and - without thinking - posted something like "Hey, Cassandra! So you start class at Hofstra University tomorrow morning. Did you find a sitter for Xavier and Mariah?" :woops:

I don't have any locations blocked, though I know how creepy it is when random guys enter public chat and blurts out "You look familiar."
I don't block anything anymore, except India, because that country is KNOWN to have the largest amount of 'show ass bb mmmmmm' types.

I get TONS of Canadian customers, but I can totally understand another reason why Canada would be blocked. . . and that is they are VERY persistent on meeting in real life, especially if they find out you live in the same province!... muuuuch more than the United States guys.
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