Let me introduce you to camgirl.tv : live sex (aggregator)
The website is new and a lot of features will arrive.
I would like to have your opinion on this aggregator : what improvments ? what's nice, what's bad ?... etc.
The most important feature we will deploy is to promote camgirls.
Camgirls who subscribe will be highlighted on the site and even on Google rank.
Also an "offline tip mode" (via paypal) will allow user to send money to any camgirl.
Thank you in advance for you feedback
Let me introduce you to camgirl.tv : live sex (aggregator)
The website is new and a lot of features will arrive.
I would like to have your opinion on this aggregator : what improvments ? what's nice, what's bad ?... etc.
The most important feature we will deploy is to promote camgirls.
Camgirls who subscribe will be highlighted on the site and even on Google rank.
Also an "offline tip mode" (via paypal) will allow user to send money to any camgirl.
Thank you in advance for you feedback