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Brilliant discussion(video) on Trigger Warnings, Free Speech, and safe spaces on college campuses

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As for you video, I watched about 15 minutes of it. I didn't find it particularly relevant, and this from somebody old enough to remember the cold war. At one point in my life I was going to be a ICBM operator awaiting the order turn the key and to finish WWIII, so I paid more attention to cold war stuff than most people. As Sevrin pointed the Soviets pretty much failed in their mission subvert the West, and fell victim to Blue Jeans, Pepsi, Rock and Roll, as well as their own absurd economic system, and dyspotic political system. Compared to the threat that Islamist represent, Commie propogranda and even crafty Putin are pretty low priority.

I see the direct connection to the topic. If you watched it it'd make more sense.
In the video I posted they talk about how true liberalism isn't for more laws and regulations, yet somehow college students have taken it to a near communistic level. People blame capitalism and the free market for the problems in the American economy yet in the most Politically Democratic states and cities have the most regulations that make it nearly impossible for newer small businesses to grow enough to change wealth and political influence.

I can use NY as an example. People believe NYC to be the kind of "city of dreams" but fail to realize the excessive laws and taxes have gotten so out of hand that they prevent free market. Same for LA. That's not the result of greedy right wing conservatives as the media would have you believe. When you have police departments and meter maids required that to fill a financial quotas on parking and speeding tickets you're seeing blatant elements of communism in government.

What Yuri Bezmenov a highly intelligent PR person for the Soviets talks about subversion of the west he explains how it's a slow process, and the different steps generation by generation. The strategy wasn't to get Americans to initially believe or be accepting of communism, the process involves various stages and tactics that are designed to pull America away from the ideals at it's core and founding. You're reinforcing that by mentioning people caring more about pepsi and rock'n'roll to even notice, that is included in the strategy he talks about. He also talks about how Americans eventually do it to one another without realizing it and how it's so successful.

In the interview Yuri mentions the influential Journalists and others that came from America to Soviet Russia that were completely naive of their own use as tools for Soviet driven communist agendas. He talks about an article that one of the Americans wrote about Soviet children playing on a playground with a picture. The article fails to mention the children are all at a special camp as children of political dissident prisoners. They were the "useful idiots." This kind of blind unquestioning journalism happens now all the time in America.

He also says that by the time the subversion has taken hold it won't even be Russia that the US has to worry about, it's more the communist driven element in the world that's taken control.

The success of the confusion of the real issues is so obvious when you see people willing to give up their own freedom for what they think are civil rights. This is what he was talking about. This is how you get America away from it's core ideals without even realizing it. From a PR perspective it's genius and at the same time terrifying.
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I rated it funny because I think it's funny to end a post by essentially saying anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot.

Except that is not what I said. Perhaps when I say anything bad about "the left" you feel personally attacked and because of it you were feeling very defensive and this is the reason you misinterpreted what I said entirely... or maybe you truly wanted to troll my post and now are just manipulating what I said after the fact to make you look innocent, I don't really know which one it is, and I don't really care considering this is like the fifth time you rate one of my posts with poops, funny faces, etc in my brief history on ACF, but I digress

Here is what I said:

When we complain about campus culture we are talking about people who want to censor your speech just because they don't agree with you. There is an expectation that if you don't say the right things politically speaking you should be silenced by the authorities.
It is so pervasive now that most people who push for this to be enforced have no clue where it comes from or what the objective is, they are simply useful idiots.

I am saying that the people who push to censor opinions they don't agree with are useful idiots. Because they are. Like most of the left hey are propagating a harmful ideology, helping destroy the foundations of our civilization. If that was the only thing they were doing I would still think they are useful idiots, but at least they would be respecting the freedom to dissent. But on top of the people I was talking about are so militant they want to silence everyone that thinks differently so that their ideas and their explanations are the only ones available. And this is what I was talking about in my post, these are the people I was calling useful idiots on my post.

Those who are asking for censorship, are supporting the trampling of personal freedoms, the same freedoms it took us centuries to get. These are the same people that would applaud a tyrant and vote him into office and then, decades later, when they see everything they hold dear falling apart all around them, when they loose all their liberties (because it doesn't stop when they want it to stop) they say they regret their choice, but it is too late. To do this at a University, which is supposed to be a space for people to contrast different opinions and find their own way is especially bad.

I am not talking in abstract terms. I lived for 14 years under the Chavez regime in Venezuela, I saw it happen all around me, first hand.

Edit 1 and 2: clarity and grammar.
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