Kradek said:
I don't see how they could realistically use $1=€1 for payouts. That seems a pretty hefty risk given the current economic state of affairs.
about "$1=€1", that is exactly what they are doing, as a business decision, to make more profit, to hide the real payout % to models.
One dollar at their buying side is one euro at their selling side, wow, good business ! Smart guys !
To the models they say "Hey 1 credit here at Brijelle is 1 dollar when we pay you" and to the members they say "Hey to get that 1 credit you must pay 1 euro", I thought they did say it only to European members, however you found out it is for all customers.
It makes their payout % as given to models invalid, it's not from 40% to 60% as but from 30% to 45% and that's a big difference.
( btw, did I tell that that 60% (45% in real) is only for that part that's bigger then 1000$ in a 2 week period? I'm not sure if I did give this information before )
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It could possible change in the near future, now their extra profit is +25%, one year ago it would be +33%, 3 years ago it would be +50% . How things are now developing here in Europe, it will be soon -50% or so, that will learn them a lesson !!! (ok, and I will be broke then and not be able to spend one single token on MFC or credit on Brijelle)
This euro/dollar scam did make some cam sites a lot of money the last years. The leader of that pack is LiveJasmin, they have a very low payout, combined with this euro/dollar scam and a studio that takes 50%, then it happens that a model gets less then 15% from your money. Happy fapping next time with a young girl, but almost all your money goes to fat ugly middle-age men.YEAH !!! we fat ugly middle-age men rule this world !!! (oops, I'm a fat ugly middle-age men who pays on cam-sites, I do something wrong here).
You say that they are an euros based site? So why must they payout the models in dollars then? Why is the buying side in a different currency then the selling side? MFC does use the same currency for buying and selling. And does one of the parties use an other currency? Then the financial service handler in the middle does do this currency conversion.
This difference in currency between buying and selling is created to hide the real payout % to models. It tells a lot about their business ethics.
They should just payout in euros, the EU currency, haha, put the letter L in front of EU and there you have the real currency that will be spend in the local economy .... lol