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Breaking Bad

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Walter may have just done the most selfless thing he's ever done. Wowwwww. Walter is so fucking smart.
LilyEvans said:
Walter may have just done the most selfless thing he's ever done. Wowwwww. Walter is so fucking smart.

Tiny font because, spoilers.

I was thinking he did all that on accident. I was thinking he said all that on accident until I saw that he left Holly in the firetruck! O_O I thought saying all those threats was just his anger taking over, and that he didn't mean to clear Skyler in front of the cops like that. but I'm so happy for what he did. Jesse though... What's going to happen to him?! :crybaby:
Just got done watching it at almost 1am. How the hell am i supposed to sleep now?!?!?! :shock:
I figured Walter would try a kill Jesse at the beginning of this season, but telling him about Jane, now that was truly evil. I also love how Meth Damon has a picture of Brock up on the wall just to complete Jesse despair, cause being tortured and turned into a meth cook slave isn't quite bad enough.

I wonder of Marie is going to go psycho on Skylar kill her and end up in jail.
What a perfect poem to name the episode after.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.[1]
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HiGirlsRHot said:
What a perfect poem to name the episode after.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.[1]

That poem was written by Percy Bysshe Shelley, husband of Mary Shelley, who wrote Frankenstein!


Edit: There is also a second poem, similar in content, written by Shelley's friend Horace Smith:

IN Egypt's sandy silence, all alone,
Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws
The only shadow that the Desert knows:—
"I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone,
"The King of Kings; this mighty City shows
"The wonders of my hand."— The City's gone,—
Nought but the Leg remaining to disclose
The site of this forgotten Babylon.

We wonder,—and some Hunter may express
Wonder like ours, when thro' the wilderness
Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace,
He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess
What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place.

– Horace Smith.[4]
LilyEvans said:

Great find Lily I was looking for that. Hearing Bryan Cranston recite Ozymandias really gives you an appreciation of what I fine actor he is.

Next weeks episode is called granite state, which is either about tombstones, or the granite state New Hampshire. My bet is New Hampshire because the state's motto is "Live Free or Die"
Poor Marie, now she doesn't have anyone to bail her out of trouble the next time she gets caught stealing from someone. :crybaby:

I get why Walt would want to clear Skyler of anything criminal, but why the hell would he take responsibility for Hank's murder, thus clearing Tod's scumbag Neo-Nazi uncle???
Poker_Babe said:
Poor Marie, now she doesn't have anyone to bail her out of trouble the next time she gets caught stealing from someone. :crybaby:

I get why Walt would want to clear Skyler of anything criminal, but why the hell would he take responsibility for Hank's murder, thus clearing Tod's scumbag Neo-Nazi uncle???


I would guess it's so the investigation ends and Skyler doesn't wind up getting implicated. Walt's fucked either way. If he confesses to everything including Hank's death, then the Neo-Nazis are less likely to be investigated. Keep in mind they know everything Jesse knows now. And Walt knows that.

The last scenes of the episode were almost the redemption of Walt. Almost. Changing his mind and handing the baby back, and clearing Skyler of any wrong-doing were selfless, almost heroic acts. Leaving Jesse to be tortured and (as far as Walt knew) killed by the people who just murdered his brother-in-law... not so much. And the line about Jane was pure villainy.

I'm thinking Marie's gonna get offed by the Neo-Nazis next week. They're gonna be heading to her house to retrieve Jesse's confessional video. I don't see it ending well :(

I still have some small hope that Walt's gonna see that he was in the wrong re: Jesse. I'm guessing he somehow finds out about the blue meth still being cooked and works out that Jesse's being kept alive to cook for Todd and his uncle. Maybe that's what brings him back - armed with a machine gun - to try to make things right with Jesse. And then Jesse kills him. I've just decided that's how I think it will end.
mynameisbob84 said:
Poker_Babe said:
Poor Marie, now she doesn't have anyone to bail her out of trouble the next time she gets caught stealing from someone. :crybaby:

I get why Walt would want to clear Skyler of anything criminal, but why the hell would he take responsibility for Hank's murder, thus clearing Tod's scumbag Neo-Nazi uncle???


I would guess it's so the investigation ends and Skyler doesn't wind up getting implicated. Walt's fucked either way. If he confesses to everything including Hank's death, then the Neo-Nazis are less likely to be investigated. Keep in mind they know everything Jesse knows now. And Walt knows that.

The last scenes of the episode were almost the redemption of Walt. Almost. Changing his mind and handing the baby back, and clearing Skyler of any wrong-doing were selfless, almost heroic acts. Leaving Jesse to be tortured and (as far as Walt knew) killed by the people who just murdered his brother-in-law... not so much. And the line about Jane was pure villainy.

I'm thinking Marie's gonna get offed by the Neo-Nazis next week. They're gonna be heading to her house to retrieve Jesse's confessional video. I don't see it ending well :(

I still have some small hope that Walt's gonna see that he was in the wrong re: Jesse. I'm guessing he somehow finds out about the blue meth still being cooked and works out that Jesse's being kept alive to cook for Todd and his uncle. Maybe that's what brings him back - armed with a machine gun - to try to make things right with Jesse. And then Jesse kills him. I've just decided that's how I think it will end.
You're forgetting the Ricin he grabbed from the empty house. I think walt's going to take that before he goes gunning for them. So even if he gets caught he dies in custody instead of waiting for the cancer to do him in.
Aaron Paul posted this on Instagram.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the big machine gun is to go rescue Jesse (or at least I hope so).


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Spoilers (obviously)

What a ride that show was, I've watched it 4 times since it aired last night. The shootout went to its 'natural' conclusion....some great lines by Hank. Walt lost the only thing that matters to him...almost. Anyone else notice Walt's pants from Season 1 while he was rolling the barrel in the desert.

Jesse causes a lab 'accident' that kills Todd (or at least the set up).
Marie is killed by the Jack's crew
Walt's bad ass machine gun is to wipe out Jack's crew
Ricin? I figure that's for Todd or Jack.

Who torches the White house hold and scrawls Heisenberg on the wall?
Where's Saul?
Does Todd plan on killing Jesse after he learns how to cook meth?
Why didn't someone call Saul?
Is Walt's new identity Hal?
DaddyDominant said:
Spoilers (obviously)

What a ride that show was, I've watched it 4 times since it aired last night. The shootout went to its 'natural' conclusion....some great lines by Hank. Walt lost the only thing that matters to him...almost. Anyone else notice Walt's pants from Season 1 while he was rolling the barrel in the desert.

Jesse causes a lab 'accident' that kills Todd (or at least the set up).
Marie is killed by the Jack's crew
Walt's bad ass machine gun is to wipe out Jack's crew
Ricin? I figure that's for Todd or Jack.

Who torches the White house hold and scrawls Heisenberg on the wall?
Where's Saul?
Does Todd plan on killing Jesse after he learns how to cook meth?
Why didn't someone call Saul?
Is Walt's new identity Hal?
I was assuming Walt called Saul to get the pickup scheduled with the mystery mini van driver.
AmberCutie said:
DaddyDominant said:
Spoilers (obviously)

What a ride that show was, I've watched it 4 times since it aired last night. The shootout went to its 'natural' conclusion....some great lines by Hank. Walt lost the only thing that matters to him...almost. Anyone else notice Walt's pants from Season 1 while he was rolling the barrel in the desert.

Jesse causes a lab 'accident' that kills Todd (or at least the set up).
Marie is killed by the Jack's crew
Walt's bad ass machine gun is to wipe out Jack's crew
Ricin? I figure that's for Todd or Jack.

Who torches the White house hold and scrawls Heisenberg on the wall?
Where's Saul?
Does Todd plan on killing Jesse after he learns how to cook meth?
Why didn't someone call Saul?
Is Walt's new identity Hal?
I was assuming Walt called Saul to get the pickup scheduled with the mystery mini van driver.

If i remember right saul showed walt the card and told him the phrase message to leave. Walt possibly could have called directly.
Rileyster said:
Maybe the ricin will be for Lydia? They always show her using stevia for her tea.
Rileyster said:
Maybe the ricin will be for Lydia? They always show her using stevia for her tea.
I hadn't thought of that angle. It makes sense the way they've been foreshadowing her ALWAYS asking for stevia.
Jessi said:
Aside from the cliff hanger of Jesse being locked up in the lab, the last episode would have been such a perfect ending with walt driving off in the van. Leaving it a mystery as to his fate.

Mercifully Vince Gilligan has promised he won't do a Soprano-like ending and leave us all hanging. Ultimately Breaking Bad is a morality play and actions do have consequences. The writer of the last episode gives a good interview here.
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DaddyDominant said:
Who torches the White house hold and scrawls Heisenberg on the wall?
Could just be the skaters that spray paint the house. That dog that ran by at the end was a symbol for something. So much foreshadowing in this show. Remember creepy Todd with the spider in the jar?
PunkInDrublic said:
DaddyDominant said:
Who torches the White house hold and scrawls Heisenberg on the wall?
Could just be the skaters that spray paint the house. That dog that ran by at the end was a symbol for something. So much foreshadowing in this show. Remember creepy Todd with the spider in the jar?

I'm kind of taking the dog to symbolize jesse on a leash and maybe he'll get free of it somehow.
JerryBoBerry said:
PunkInDrublic said:
DaddyDominant said:
Who torches the White house hold and scrawls Heisenberg on the wall?
Could just be the skaters that spray paint the house. That dog that ran by at the end was a symbol for something. So much foreshadowing in this show. Remember creepy Todd with the spider in the jar?

I'm kind of taking the dog to symbolize jesse on a leash and maybe he'll get free of it somehow.

I think the stray dog is Walter: no home, no family.

Gale was the "problem dog".
Jesse was the "rabid dog".
Walter is the stray dog.
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DaddyDominant said:
Is Walt's new identity Hal?

Yuss. I hope the last scene is the first scene from the first episode of Malcolm in the Middle.

I think Jesse is going to kill Walt. Unless Walt Jr. does it. Somehow, someway, Walt has to die and it would make sense for either his son or his surrogate son to do it.

Also, I read an interview with one of the producers and she said the baby saying "Mama" was unscripted. She saw her mother off camera and just said it and Cranston fucking ran with it like a boss.
yossarian said:
DaddyDominant said:
Is Walt's new identity Hal?

Yuss. I hope the last scene is the first scene from the first episode of Malcolm in the Middle.
Jane Kaczmarek visited the BrBa set at one point and there are rumors that they filmed a silly scene to go on the DVD/Bluray extras! It'd be so cool if they actually did it!
HiGirlsRHot said:
Jessi said:
Aside from the cliff hanger of Jesse being locked up in the lab, the last episode would have been such a perfect ending with walt driving off in the van. Leaving it a mystery as to his fate.

Mercifully Vince Gilligan has promised he won't do a Soprano-like ending and leave us all hanging. Ultimately Breaking Bad is a morality play and actions do have consequences. The writer of the last episode gives a good interview here.

Great read...thanks for posting.
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