Sorry, been awfully busy today and this is the first chance I've gotten to log on and read the replies. First of all my source was a local talk radio station that subscribes to CNN for national and world news, so yeah, that. Secondly ( and I just barely skimmed the responses) am I afraid of people you get than I? No, not in the least; I actually feel sorrow for some of them. I used to teach kids who are currently in the age range of 27-30 yrs old. I've seen what holds their attention and honestly don't think the majority of them could change a flat tire if their lives depended on it, so no not in the least afraid of them.
I'm not anti-immigration, far from it; I am, however, anti-illegal immigration. Someone please explain to me why those who've gone through the legal steps to gain citizenship have to wait sometimes decades to actually receive it? It makes no sense whatsoever, nor does fast-tracking illegals over those who came to this country through a legal port of entry. The president certainly could fix some of the problems via executive action, but the problem with that is that practice isn't law and can be overturned by the next president; this is the reason we need laws from Congress to fix immigration. A border wall won't be the end all to fix immigration but it is a step and its more than any other president (regardless of party affiliation) has taken so far.
Now about those children. I've seen a photo of a child in a cage, the inference being it was Trump who somehow put that kid in there. If you dig just a little deeper the truth cones out, and the truth is that photo was actually in 2014 by a pro-illegal immigration group and was staged. Now liberals can argue all they want but their temper tantrums will not, and can not, change the fact that Donald Trump was NOT president in 2014. Am I for separating children from their parents? No, not if it can be helped. But my point this morning (and apparently I didn't clarify it well enough, that's on me and no one else) was that those 10,000 kids had already been seperated from their families and not one tear was shed for that; again, where is the righteous indignation when it doesn't serve the leftist point?
We can come to these boards and insult one another until we're so pissed off we can't see and we'll not listen to another point of view. Or, we can have an honest discussion without the insults and see if we can come to some sort of agreement on the tiniest of matters. Honorable people can disagree yet still maintain their views, if only those in Washington could see that then maybe (hopefully) we could see meaningful change.
Just my two cents.