I like my boobies to come in a very wide of variety of shapes, colors and sizes. Basically if I get to see them, or especially if I get to touch them, then I like them. My first ever lap dance was by a very, very curvy (I just thought she was hot and she even gave me a hug!) stripper with HUMUNGOUS boobies. Most amazing experience with boobies I've ever had......
"Fat" girls' boobies, big boobies, augmented boobies, small boobies, boobies that look like just large nipples, in between boobies, perky boobies, stripper boobies, lactating boobies, boobies that have fed infants, boobies with body modifications. This list goes on for days. You show me your boobies, I like them. :thumbleft:
Yup, I like the before's and after's!
*All of these pictures came from generic google search for some variation of "boobs"