I got tattoos scattered up and down, half stick-n-pokes, half professional. I'll probably end up getting more when I have good ideas and funds for a good artist.
I have my ears and septum pierced and I think I may just leave it at that with piercings. I used to have my nipples pierced when I was about 19, but the "professional" who did them at the shop put in bars that were too short. Went in to get new bars, and he gave me ones that were too long. They snagged on everything.. They never fully healed and I decided it would be best if I just took them out. Not only til after this ordeal did I find out that hoops were better for new piercings. You can kinda see a scar on my right boobie, but it doesn't bother me at all. Anyhooo, I'm considering getting just my left one done again. I'm hesitant because the idiot who did mine has a great reputation around town, so who can I trust? Hah. And yes, I kept them clean and followed instructions. I had another professional look at them and she agreed that he screwed up, got the piercing location, and style of jewelry wrong.
Damn, that rant was longer then I intended. I guess I never got over my want of sparkly nips.