My boyfriend complains about getting bald as well. I always tell him, "baldness on your head means more bare spots to kiss." I bloody hate beards tbh, and he loves his. So a bigger forehead, getting bald,... actually *does* mean more space on the head to kiss freely.
That said, I had Scheuermann's as a kid, and it went untreated, which means my ribs are deformed and I'll most likely have a hunchback in 70 years. Also I have hirsutism because of hormonal problems. "Thank god" it got worse and I started getting horrible cysts which left me paralysed for weeks; the pill I'm taking now, not only reduces the risk of getting cysts, but reduces this male-pattern hair growth as well. I can't wait for it all to be gone. (Although I am considering a switch to a pill with more estrogen because of unrelated side-effects.) It was never worth getting bullied this severely for. To quote a husband of a woman who had hirsutism and hid her hairy chin from her husband for 20 (!) years: "It's just hair." (She was on a TV show and told viewers - and the doctor present - about her beard growth. Thanks to her openness, I know the medical term for this condition. Thanks, woman!) (And yes, I know waxing and shaving helps. But for waxing you need to wait for the hairs to grow to a certain length, and you have no idea how "male" having to shave makes many women with hirsutism feel.)
I have a pear-shaped body, small breasts, the palest skin ever, and loads of cellulite on my butt. But I don't give a rat's ass about those issues tbh.