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Blade & Soul

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yes, head start began yesterday, 2016 Jan 15 for anyone who bought founder's packs.

(disclaimer - the following is just my opinion, a solely PVE/carebear player)
as for a comparison against BDO, I can only speak for Korean servers but in many ways the games are comparable. both are simply beautiful games visually. they show off the Korean programmers desire to create stunning landscapes and high quality, detailed game environments, characters, art. the actual games vary a great deal, which both are using a partial action combat engine, BDO feels very clunky and doenst flow as well in battle as B&S (personal opinion).
Blade&Soul has been out in the Korean market for several years. some of us have been playing it there since launch out of enjoyment for the game. so there are years of content waiting the NA/EU market although at launch we're getting a hybrid client of the current level 50 capped game that all other regions have. BDO has been out around a year and has some content still to come but that's if the game survives that long in NA. it's doing well in the Korean market because Korean gamers play completely differently from western gamers (I've played on Korean servers for in various games for nearly 5 years, this is personal experience speaking).

PVE is a heavy focus in Blade&Soul as is PVP. there are constant mini instances you clear as you level through the game, most being group instances with a few requiring solo play. true instances start around level 20, even the first one has some group mechanics in place that will kill you in 1 shot if you're not paying attention. by the end game content (45 at launch but later 50) bosses do not give a f-ck and will 1 shot anyone not aware of what's going on at any given time. there is a weapon growth/evolution system in place that allows for the earliest weapon you acquire in the game to over time and through a lot of work become the strongest in the game. this doenst discourage collecting or finding other weapons in the game as nearly every single weapon available to your class will be needed to grow your weapon into the end game item. end game is about farming for materials for evolving your weapon, clearing the end game instances/open raids for bopae and equipment, and clearing floors on a solo instance called Tower of Mushin in which on each floor you fight a different and progressively harder boss as personal tests. the higher floors are time tracked for the fight time and on Korean servers there is a ranking system for fastest kill times. the open raids are just that, you or your group enter the instanced zone of up to 24 and run around killing mobs, groups, bosses however long you want. they respawn on timers with zone wide announcements 30 seconds before they spawn. bosses drop equipment upgrades, a few costumes, and various other items. there's several dailies that give keys required to open boxes. random mobs can also drop keys. there is no limit to how often you can clear these end game places, none of that once a week crap. you can spend every evening in them for hours. the 4/6 man instances you can clear repeatedly each night.
for the other side of the game. PVP, there are 2 factions, commonly referred to as Red vs Blue because of the dobak colours, but if you're not wearing your dobak you can group and work with anyone you want or meet. PVP is enabled by simply putting on one of a dozen faction dobaks. every faction in the game has an opposing faction. you can collect or purchase dobaks for both sides of every faction in the except the primary 2. of those 2 you can only side with one which you pick at level 4 (it was level 20 until a year ago in Korea). the factions dont have any perks or buffs or benefits other than cosmetic appeal of the costumes and the lore behind them. blue stands for a strong centralized, organized union. red is all about anarchy and chaos and governing yourself. that said obviously most people take red faction because they feel they're a rebel, a badass, and want to be a unique snowflake. there's specific areas in B&S where you can equip your faction dobak and do dailys specific to your faction in that area. these are important later in game. once done you put on any other dobak for fashion reasons and you're neutral again. you and friends can equip opposing dobaks at any time and have a brawl as well. guilds do it regularly in Korea, set up 3v3 or 5v5 teams of opposing factions for fun. there was a server wide one a year ago on my server there that involved some 200ish participants. all organized, hundreds of players all sitting in rows on the beach where it happened, watching the fights. completely player organized and run. the PVP action happens betweens players in the PVP daily zones but mostly players queue for the arena. its a 1v1 instanced arenas, best of 3 rounds. gear is equalized so it's a contest of skill. this doenst go over well with many western PVPers because it eliminates any advantage or unbalance they can obtain. obviously every class has a class who is their nemesis but also a class who is completely their bitch.

BDO is heavily focused on PVP and open world PVP. while there are PVE elements in the game theyre mostly relegated to gathering some things and hoping you dont get killed in doing so which brings me to a major downfall for the game in the western market. PVP games, specifically open world PVP centered games, in western markets fail for 1 reason, griefing. the act of intentionaly ruining others' gameplay for the joy of yours. its a terrible side of human nature that western gamers tend to act upon more than eastern. I only played BDO in Korean for a couple weeks so cant comment too much other than saying the PVE elements were mostly completing quests and farming materials.

if you have any specific areas you'd like answers to, please post them up and I'll answer what I can.
Are any of you WoW players that could compare some of the game aspects/mechanics for me?

I've tried a lot of the popular MMOs since 2005 but none of them really struck me like WoW did so that's the basis of comparison for all new games I encounter. I know I'll never experience the same level of wonder that I had going into WoW way back in the day, so it's almost unfair, but I'm going to try and have a more open mind the next time I dive into a game so long as it seems made well.
its probably safe to say most of us started in WoW (vanilla up to Cata here). Blade&Soul and the action combat MMOs (vindictus, Tera, etc) are a more involved version of MMOs. there's still the leveling, the farming, and all the normal MMO elements. what theyre doing differently (better or worse depending on opinions) is changing combat and in the case of Blade&Soul taking out the class trinity need or even taking it out completely. in Blade&Soul there are no tanks, healers, damage classes. there's a few classes in Blade&Soul that can tank but meaning they have a block and a talent to generate additional threat on one or two skills. no taunting or anything like that. there's no healer, no support class. every class is DPS. to complete fights you have to play your class well, know how to avoid taking major damage, use skills to slow, stun and knockdown enemies. attacks in Blade&Soul are a hybrid tab target. unlike games like Tera where nearly nothing is targetted and you have to manually aim attacks at everything, in Blade&Soul you do semi lock on a target but turning your camera will result in actions not completing because you didnt have the reticle on the target. actual hits can miss or be dodged by RNG but at a low rate. players can and must actively dodge incoming attacks to survive. also the tanking classes must actively block and counter to absorb damage. again game play varies based on which class/role you prefer. I tend to play all classes to learn various roles but some just stick to a single class/role their entire gaming career. also, this is something that realy got to me at first from habit of years in WoW, you dont use the mouse cursor in action combat games. the mouse is directly connected only to controlling your camera. movement is WASD.

as far as PVE mechanics you'll encounter the same situations you're used to in WoW. a boss that needs to be killed but as you dont have full tanks and no healers they have to be handled correctly meaning each player should know the fight. bosses cant be staggered, stunned or knocked down with a single hit but instead require 2 of a single type within a few second of each other, forcing teamwork. many boss attacks can 1 shot players unless the boss is stopped. some fights require the usual hide behind something or interact with the environment. there's a giant bird boss around mid game that flies up in the fight and requires players in the room to grab shotguns from bodies on the floor and shoot the bird down all while dodging fire its spraying around the room.

*also have to say, AmberCutie, your avatar is among the best I've seen on any forum. cats make everything better*
there's a few classes in Blade&Soul that can tank but meaning they have a block and a talent to generate additional threat on one or two skills. no taunting or anything like that. there's no healer, no support class. every class is DPS.

That's a bit misleading. While there aren't any classes that are dedicated support or tank or healing, it's possible to spec a lot of classes for support. My main is a summoner who can feed "focus" (BNS's equivalent to action points or mana) to my party OR provide a small AoE heal. And the summoner's pet can definitely taunt for 8 seconds of every 12 while receiving very little damage if I spec for it. Oh, and I have a group rez, too. Other classes can also provide some limited support functions, again, depending on whether they spec for it. Certain classes depend on getting hit for their skills to work properly, to the point where they complain about my pet tanking, but there's no true tanking and certainly no healing class, though.
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true it wasnt worded as clearly as some may like but what I meant was while several classes, or the summoner pet, can help in roles there isnt a pure form class from the established trinity. there isnt someone standing in the backfield casting heals and buffs and supporting the group. various classes have buffs (wait until we get that nightmare called a Warlock), yes pets, KFM and BM (not LBM) can block and generate high threat but they arent in any way a solid pure tanking class. that was what I meant by the traditional roles dont exist. not saying that they are gone in all forms, just not in the sense should you play priest or warrior or mage.
Watched a ton of videos and read a lot about Blade & Soul yesterday. Jawbs decided it probably isn't for him, so I'll probably give it a try solo this week once it launches. Couldn't justify paying the $25 for the head start pack since chances are I won't end up enjoying it as I've learned the biggest/most fun aspect of the game seems to be PvP.

This video (below) was incredibly entertaining to listen to and watch. TheLazyPeon is a hoot, I also watched his Black Desert review and Jawbs and I both came out of that looking forward to trying it when it's released.

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1 thing to note about that video, it actually should be removed from YouTube because while he is providing good feedback, he's promoting a 100% pirated server/version running stolen content and code. the Russian server while popular among many who dont want to use the JP servers and patch is still stolen. even mentioning it on the B&S communities will get you banned. sorry but promoting pirated software is like people selling the recorded videos of all the cam sites. that said his comments about loading times, optimization, etc he's playing on a stolen version of the game, with pirated server code, on a 2+ year old version.
PVP in Blade&Soul is a heavy drive in the game but PVE is just as important. in the western market PVP is being pushed heavily to appeal to the western gaming market. if you enjoy open world PVP then yes BDO will probably appeal more as that's going to be what its mostly about. the games are roughly comparable but have different focus.
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I was about to say something about that video but @MiqoteVariant took the words out of my mouth. He's playing on a horrible pirated server so his experiences would most likely be vastly different than what we currently play on JP. I'm so excited to play on NA for the ping times but I will surely miss the community on JP I think, haha.
he's promoting a 100% pirated server/version
I don't necessarily think he's promoting anything except the play of the game itself, though. It's not like he told people to go load up this version. I think it may have been the only access he could get his hands on at the moment, maybe? If you had not have pointed this out, I would have never even known, so no harm no foul. I realize to people who have a very deep seated passion for the game it's a terrible offense. I'm glad to know his latency issues were due to the problematic server and hope not to run into that.

Anyway, much like cam girls' pirated videos, while it may be wrong/illegal, sometimes it drives new customers to the target. In this case, his review of the game confirmed that I do want to try it, so some good came of it, even if the source is frowned upon by the hardcore community.

Do any of you play a summoner or force master class? I'm normally a caster or ranged DPS in any game I try, so of course I am lured to these options. Most videos I've watched are the more melee based characters.
as for the ranged classes:
Summoner is classified as ranged but you will need to micro manage your cat to play the class completely. so you'll need ranged and melee work. the class was originally the only 2 star class as NCsoft stated they made it specifically to appeal to female gamers by making it ridiculously cute. the class is strong dps, the cat can tank very well, and can be set up to provide several group wide benefits (defense and offense).
the forcemaster is the true glass cannon. the class excels at damage and crowd control, specifically frost based slowing and freezing effects. their weakness is the expected fragile state of the class.
eventually NA will get summoner which is another strong ranged class though hopefully we get the updated, nerfed version because on launch the class was stupidly overpowered.

you're right in that he didnt tell people "go play version X" but in stating that there's a RU server it will just lead people to it. the JP, TW and CN servers have been accessible to everyone since launch and there is a fan made EN patch for a large portion of the game. CN and TW have been F2P since launch. JP was P2P at launch for went F2P over a year ago.
yes its a pet peeve of mine, but so many people freely admit they do not care and that they're supporting piracy its almost a useless discussion now. the same people Ive heard for years complaining the games were not available to NA were the ones playing and supporting the pirated versions of the game which takes money from the developers and discourages them from putting any effort into launching in NA.
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eventually NA will get summoner which is another strong ranged class though hopefully we get the updated, nerfed version because on launch the class was stupidly overpowered.

What he meant to say was Warlock, haha.
Warlock was a blast on the JP Servers.

Yeah, it's really a fun class. It's my highest level on TW, which I've sort of given up on now.

Anyway, I'm playing on Poharan. Send me a PM for character info if you want to say Hi. It's not the highest pop server, but it's around 3rd, so it's pretty active and hasn't had queues. I don't recommend playing on Mushin, which has had constant queues even for subscribers, but that's a personal choice. Players are already transferring off that server because they can't get in to play.

Launch is in about 6 hours. There will be queues on some servers, not only Mushin. Premium players have queue priority. IF you want to start playing at launch, and even IF you are not planning on paying for a regular subscription, I would strongly suggest buying at least a 7-day subscription that comes with the STUDENT Signature pack. It costs $5 worth of NCoin, and gives you 7 days of premium, allowing you to get into the game more quickly during that period. It's a one-shot deal, so after that your game access will depend on whether you want to sub, at least until the initial rush subsides. There's also a 30-day starter pack, but that's quite a bit more expensive.

If you don't know whether you're really interested, and don't want to pay for a subscription you can always wait a month or so until the queues should be shorter, but if you really want to play at launch, spend the $5 or settle on a low-pop server.

More info here on starter packs here. You also get a few useful baubles and some cool glasses for your 5 bucks.
also a word of caution about personal security, as I know this is always a prominent issue for this community. as with most NCsoft titles if you give someone your character name and/or add them to your social list, they can see ALL of your characters across all realms. they will also see your account name, all character names, levels, races, servers, gear, talents, etc. so you cant for example have a public character you play with forum/camming friends with then log out and onto a personal character for playing with your SO.
So i enjoyed this game immensely. It's a helluva mmo. Unfortunately, i'm starting to hit a wall.

I understand these types of games require lot's of grinding, farming, and patience. After awhile, the constant grind & farm feels tedious and i'm searching for other reasons to stick with the game. I joined a clan but unfortunately they're a do-nothing clan that's not really focused on anything team based. I tried befriending some players but i hafta keep in mind i'm a merely faceless weirdo on the internet to them. I'm hot garbage at PvP and my character is not even maxed out yet. I'm looking for any suggestions to keep my interest going because i do enjoy the game for what it is, but up to a point. Suggestions?
Things change once you hit 45. On an average weeknight I have only a few hours to play and have to make decisions about what I do and don't do because there's more stuff to do than I really feel like doing. With additional content coming on the 10th of this month, there will be even more to do.

Being in a decent guild makes a big difference. I don't group with guildies every time I'm on, but I do hang out with them on Teamspeak, and that makes even the grindy bits more fun.
Just out of curiosity: is anyone still playing? I had a decent run, but then a couple of things happened: the guild I was in sort of imploded, and then I became really ill with the flu for a while. I wasn't up to playing for over a week, and then, once I felt better, I had lost the desire to play, which happens to me a lot in MMOs when it gets to be all about the dailies.

There are a few things that bothered me about how the game is being handled, but mostly it just stopped being fun.
Just out of curiosity: is anyone still playing? I had a decent run, but then a couple of things happened: the guild I was in sort of imploded, and then I became really ill with the flu for a while. I wasn't up to playing for over a week, and then, once I felt better, I had lost the desire to play, which happens to me a lot in MMOs when it gets to be all about the dailies.

There are a few things that bothered me about how the game is being handled, but mostly it just stopped being fun.

Strange that you feel this way since you were one of the folks here really hyping up the game.

I remember the release was made into such a big deal that there was a live broadcast of its big release party. EVERYBODY was playing during its first week. Now it seems like such an afterthought. Most of what i noticed have either moved onto BDO or just went back to their usual games.
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