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Blade & Soul

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Sep 15, 2010
I like KMMOs. Played Aion, TERA, Archeage, Vindictus, and recently a bit of Cabal 2. I don't remember when the first time was when someone started posting on an MMO forum that "Blade & Soul will kill this <insert KMMO name here>.

Anyhoo, the time has come, and Closed Beta for NA/EU has been announced. If anyone's interested, you can apply to participate, or, as is now the norm, buy a founder's pack to guarantee your place in the CBT, a 3-day Headstart, name reservation, etc.

The link is here. CBT application link at the bottom of the page.
I'M SO EXCITED FOR BLADE & SOUL! Like... SERIOUSLY! I can hardly breathe! ^_^
for anyone who's never played before, this game is the greatest MMO made to date (personal opinion). I have played it nearly 4 years on the Korean servers, briefly on the Japanese servers and for a month on the Chinese servers. this game is THE reason I learned to read Korean. we have maintained a very active community over at to support this game. fans have made decently thorough EN patches for it to help those who have no interest in learning to read JP or CH. I've dozens of videos of various parts of the game and hundreds of pictures and translations done. if anyone has any questions about anything in the game just ask.
that said, it is the single most beautiful game out and for anyone who has played Korean MMOs you'll understand that they make beautiful games period. the fluid motion, combat (arguably vs Tera) and actions overall in the game are better than anything you've played before. many will not like the lack of tab target, it's a dieing style that the Koreans thankfully prefer to avoid. the character creator is typically NCsoft meaning there's 4 tabs of sliders each tab being several pages. character creator takes many people hours, DAYS to complete. you can also save any character profile to copy it or give to friends in game. classes are race locked and each race has an exclusive except the elegant Kun (changed to Yun for NA/EU). Lin technically have 2 but one is considered a hybrid of 2 others. there are no healers. the generic trinity of tank healer and dps is gone. everyone can tank or dps and will. 2 classes have talents to increase their threat which help them to tank. a summoner can augment their cat to tank as well. a couple of the classes have some powerful group support skills (forcemaster, summoner, warlock) but there's no real healer/support. to counter this you must know how to play your class, time blocks, read movements of bosses to avoid instant kill actions and taking excessive damage.
unless you just use a default template character its rare to see 2 people ever alike because of the in depth character creator engine. couple that with the fact that dobaks are for the most part purely cosmetic and the fashion show ensues. flagging yourself for PVP requires equipping your factions dobak or one of the dozens of minor faction ones. the dobaks look different on each race/gender as well. you'll pick up literally dozens of dobaks from quests, drops, factions, farming, instances, etc. in your bank there's a second tab purely for costumes. for those who want to play the summoner and have an adorable cat, you can dress up your cat in their own specific costumes! and change their appearance at several scattered cat beauty shops in game. want a panda cat? done. tabby? ok. sealpoint? yep.
crafting isnt something you as a player do in game, you set work orders with the guilds. they complete them then mail you the results. crafting is required for the later QingGong movement quests as you have to turn in some specific crafted only items that require crafted materials from ALL professions. you can craft some basic gear and accessories that work well as upgrade fodder. also cooking gives nice stat bonuses from the food produced. alchemy for obvious reasons is popular. making charms is important also as you need to release cursed items. you can pick up any 2 gathering professions and 2 crafting. each gathering supplies 2 crafting and each crafting requires 2 gathering, some pairs line up perfectly, others do not. I'd link the complete page for it all on NCsoft's site but it's 100% Korean.
I'll end here and next time post media stuff from my adventures. again if anyone has any questions speak up.
you're mocking me, arent you?

Oh no! We got Variant started... LOL!

No, I really am excited :p I always play a healer/support so I'm interested to see how this goes for me. I don't know if I'll play the summoner or the Force Master!

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the class/race combinations, video is pre Lin blademaster, there have been some additions and changes since then. need to make an updated one soon.

the intro movie. your character in current gear is loaded into nearly all of the cut scenes to give you a more involved feel.

overview of the sliders for the Lin race (this race has the LOWEST number of sliders and you can see the amount present)

some early platforming to reach a quest hub in the firey desert region

(my personal favourite video still) volume is very quiet. demo of the FungFu Master using blocks and counters to avoid damage and stuns

later area, a fishing village on a cliff. just showing off the remarkable scenery in the game. it really is astonishing

the collection of all dobaks I had acquired up to this point in the game and I only had 2/3 available to me then. character is female Fun blademaster. any dobak that too 5-10 seconds to remove was a pvp dobak.

cut scene progressing the story when your class training is completed. Gon Destroyer alt character

same alt, battling the first instance boss you find with friend from Tera

same pair of fighters against the scorpion boss, second instance boss you meet

a story scene, one of the main story characters makes her appearance here.
anyone who's watched the anime will recognize her.

an amusing cut scene in a pub, again anyone who's seen the anime will recognize the people and place

level 50 get

random quest story cut scene, just showing the work put into the game

completion of the original lvl 45 story quest ended with this scene. its VERY sad. you've been warned. my eyes were watering the first time I played through and watched this. I had to walk away from the computer when she knelt to pray

There is a "Technical Alpha" going on now in preparation for the CBT, and there are quite a few streams up in case anyone is interested in watching the game in English.

Tangent rant...

So i'm an infant pup when it comes to mmorpgs. I tried my hand at Archeage to see what mmorpgs are about, and i must say, i feel like a foreigner trying to acclimate myself in another country, because i feel so clueless on so many aspects of the genre. I sure as hell need a mentor
@MiqoteVariant Thanks but what i really need is someone to play along to give me the little tidbits of MMOs, and usually i have a dozen questions that pop up as i go along

For that kind of support, you'll want to join a guild, or a clan, as it's called in B&S. It's a new game in NA, but there are a lot of people who have been playing on Asian servers for a long time. For answers to questions that come up as you play, a clan is where you find the quickest answers.

For some information while the game is offline, I'd suggest visiting a fan site, too. The biggest one in English is Blade & Soul Dojo.
Blade & Soul is *AMAZING* @MiqDroid, @MiqoteVariant and myself played all weekend during the alpha. We loved it so much we're installing the JP version to not have to wait for the beta weekends / NA launch in early 2016.

Here are a few screenshots of our adventures:

So exciting!
ermagud. how cute are the Lyn(s)!?
I play a summoner both on the TW server and NA test. Lyn wouldn't have been my first choice, but they're growing on me. I'm using a modified preset, and added some Harry Potter glasses. She's as cute as a really cute button. Will post a screenie once I get back in the game.

This is how she looks without the glasses.
So just a reminder to anyone in the closed beta: it starts tomorrow 10/29 and not 10/30 as originally planned. Also, there will be an EU server for the beta, which was not originally announced.
So here is my summoner


And while playing, I came across another summoner with a familiar with an, uh, familiar name.

I see it launches in just a few days... I may need to give it a shot.
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