Certainly, it's enough to be able to MacKenzie Scott most of it -- nearly all of it, I'm sure -- and still be able to afford a luxury sex island.
Honestly, my interests and tastes couldn't even make a dent in that amount of money. Like, I couldn't even wrap my head around something so large and abstract. I like drawing, riding bikes, buying action figures and books, and playing games. I'm able to keep those habits with only a few thousand dollars annual. So, what would I do? Build a nice art studio? Travel to all the cool biking spots? Buy all the toys and games?
Okay, here's what I would do:
Liquidate it. Turn it into tangible, physical items with intrinsic value, doing so hopefully so fast, it destabilizes a few markets and bursts a few bubbles. I'm talking gold, jewels, art, antiquities, rare cars, and that kind of stuff. A cool $40 billion worth. Then, I hide all of it, all over the place, and have treasure maps made, which I just leave lying around places -- places where they'll be found, but I'm not going to tell anyone about the maps. Then, I take my leftover walking-around money, and I disappear. I head to Tuvalu, which I've bought with my pocket change, and nobody ever hears from me again, because I'm riding my sick e-bike on the beach, filling sketchbooks with drawings of fantasy titties, and playing RPGs with all my sweet action figures. And I'll hope at least a few people will follow the treasure maps, and have cool adventures with a smoldering, sexy, dashing companion they met along the way.