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BDSM Test - What's your kink type?

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My results are not shocking. Vanilla with submissive tendencies. Not surprised I've got a little exhibitionist in me too. :)

Screen Shot 2016-01-30 at 9.34.28 AM.png
I think I'm a lot more vanilla, actually.

== Results from ==
73% Vanilla
58% Non-monogamist
48% Switch
46% Experimentalist
43% Dominant
40% Exhibitionist
35% Voyeur
17% Submissive
14% Master/Mistress
13% Ageplayer
11% Brat Tamer
10% Primal (Hunter)
10% Daddy/Mommy
10% Rigger
9% Brat
5% Primal (Prey)
5% Girl/Boy
4% Rope Bunny
4% Sadist
3% Degrader
2% Owner
2% Degradee
2% Masochist
1% Pet
1% Slave
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Mine's mostly accurate, but on the degrader/degradee bit it's more to do with bratty/brat tamer power play where the two sorta battle out dominance.

If I know the person well enough that I think they can handle me doing it; any degrading things I might say to someone during those moments can be translated as:

"Fuck I think you're hot, and smart, and damn it you have me blushing, so I'm gonna call you out on something and maybe throw in name-calling just to show how frustrated you make me."

If the other person shows signs of brattiness/frustration and still wants to be around me...I find that hot too. I will not get turned on if someone just starts throwing out name-calling/derogatory comments in my direction hah (felt I should clarify that.)

Results summary
Your test score for each archetype is displayed below. Click an an archetype for info.
87%DominantMore info
72%SwitchMore info
71%RiggerMore info
70%SadistMore info
68%VoyeurMore info
68%Primal (Hunter)More info
67%VanillaMore info
65%Master/MistressMore info
60%ExhibitionistMore info
58%ExperimentalistMore info
58%Brat TamerMore info
53%MasochistMore info
39%DegraderMore info
39%SubmissiveMore info
37%OwnerMore info
31%BratMore info
28%Rope BunnyMore info
28%Daddy/MommyMore info
25%Non-monogamistMore info
24%Primal (Prey)More info
20%SlaveMore info
17%AgeplayerMore info
17%DegradeeMore info
16%Girl/BoyMore info
11%PetMore info
I wish I was more brat tamer, but I have never quite developed the skill.
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I've never heard the term Brat before and I'm not a huge fan, but I definitely do fit the description. I've always known that I'm naturally more submissive. I'm not sure how accurate the others are, I definitely like Vanilla sex way more than this said I do. Fun and interesting test though! I always like to take tests more than once, weeks apart to see how the results compare.
That was pretty doggone interesting.
Interesting test, especially the spider graphs on the PDF. Definitely click through to that if you take the test. Of course the numbers are strictly among people that responded to the test, so don't necessarily reflect the general population.
upload_2016-1-30_13-54-46.png upload_2016-1-30_13-56-15.png upload_2016-1-30_13-56-40.png
Click for bigger images. The pink bands are median responses for women, the blue for men. I'm guessing they used gender (vs sex) for this, but not sure.

General results, which seem about right:
Lol! I am not at all surprised by mine.


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@Rose *cough cough* Come over BB? I have pizza. >.>
Hoo buddy I'd say this is accurate.

97% Rope Bunny
95% Submissive
90% Masochist
81% Experimentalist
67% Slave
67% Exhibitionist
64% Non-monogamist
53% Degradee
49% Brat
45% Voyeur
42% Primal (Prey)
34% Vanilla
33% Girl/Boy
32% Switch
28% Pet
22% Rigger
20% Ageplayer
16% Sadist
12% Dominant
10% Daddy/Mommy
8% Master/Mistress
6% Brat Tamer
4% Owner
3% Degrader
3% Primal (Hunter)

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Interesting indeed...

== Results from ==
92% Switch
78% Ageplayer
78% Vanilla
69% Submissive
69% Rigger
69% Daddy/Mommy
67% Primal (Prey)
63% Dominant
63% Rope Bunny
63% Brat Tamer
63% Experimentalist
60% Primal (Hunter)
58% Girl/Boy
56% Degrader
56% Brat
51% Voyeur
50% Degradee
46% Master/Mistress
45% Pet
37% Sadist
34% Exhibitionist
25% Slave
25% Owner
19% Masochist
12% Non-monogamist
See my results online at
== Results from ==
80% Brat
78% Non-monogamist
78% Switch
63% Rope Bunny
57% Dominant
57% Submissive
56% Brat Tamer
55% Sadist
55% Ageplayer
53% Rigger
49% Vanilla
49% Masochist
47% Daddy/Mommy
42% Experimentalist
42% Degrader
40% Girl/Boy
35% Master/Mistress
20% Primal (Hunter)
17% Owner
10% Exhibitionist
10% Voyeur
6% Primal (Prey)
5% Pet
5% Degradee
4% Slave
See my results online at

It was a little hard for me to answer some because, for example, although I'm fine with submissive men, I find it a turn off when they act young, but I'm fine with it from women. And there's a lot of other things that vary between what I'm into with men and women for me. I'm also surprised that submissive is so high. Overall I think it's pretty accurate!
98% Rope Bunny
95% Submissive
92% Masochist
90% Brat
85% Exhibitionist
80% Degradee
68% Non-monogamist
66% Experimentalist
65% Girl/Boy
62% Voyeur
38% Primal (Prey)
35% Switch
33% Vanilla
31% Slave
25% Pet
14% Ageplayer
11% Rigger
9% Dominant
8% Sadist
7% Daddy/Mommy
4% Master/Mistress
4% Degrader
4% Brat Tamer
3% Primal (Hunter)
0% Owner

Welp. Not surprising.
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== Results from ==
99% Masochist
99% Ageplayer
98% Rope Bunny
97% Pet
97% Non-monogamist
96% Brat
95% Submissive
93% Girl/Boy
83% Exhibitionist
82% Switch
74% Daddy/Mommy
52% Slave
50% Degradee
48% Owner
47% Rigger
44% Experimentalist
40% Primal (Prey)
38% Voyeur
33% Dominant
26% Brat Tamer
25% Master/Mistress
23% Sadist
13% Primal (Hunter)
7% Vanilla
4% Degrader
See my results online at
== Results from ==
100% Bondage receiver
100% Submissive
96% Primal (Prey)
91% Non-monogamist
83% Primal (Hunter)
79% Masochist
75% Exhibitionist
70% Voyeur
54% Slave
50% Degradation receiver
33% Switch
32% Sadist
29% Vanilla
0% Dominant
0% Bondage giver
0% Master/Mistress
0% Degradation giver
0% All-Rounder
See my results online at

Oh so accurate. Especially the two primal results.
Interesting test, especially the spider graphs on the PDF. Definitely click through to that if you take the test. Of course the numbers are strictly among people that responded to the test, so don't necessarily reflect the general population.
View attachment 60309 View attachment 60310 View attachment 60311
Click for bigger images. The pink bands are median responses for women, the blue for men. I'm guessing they used gender (vs sex) for this, but not sure.

The pdf spider charts are pretty interesting... here's mine:

dtypes.JPG Othertypes.JPG stypes.JPG
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Well that's interesting...

97% Dominant
90% Rigger
73% Sadist
72% Daddy/Mommy
71% Brat Tamer
60% Master/Mistress
52% Primal (Hunter)
52% Voyeur
50% Degrader
34% Vanilla
30% Owner
28% Ageplayer
24% Experimentalist
7% Masochist
6% Non-monogamist
5% Rope Bunny
4% Switch
3% Exhibitionist
2% Submissive
1% Degradee
1% Brat
1% Girl/Boy
1% Primal (Prey)
0% Slave
0% Pet
What I found most interesting with all this is how some people have a very broad range of sexual play while others are very contained to a particular type of play. Appears that some people know exactly that one thing they want, some like to experience many different things while still being clear on their tastes, while others appear to be still exploring.

I really found the pairing of 'kink type' the most interesting, those where both pairs were either high or low. When they drift outside the norm is very telling of that particular person.
For my own for example, those things I have a particular dislike of have showed up strongly (ageplay, and degradation games both dominant and submissive fall lower), in the spider diagrams it was way outside of the norm. Sadist/ Masochist play showed up strongly the other way as particular likes outside of the norm.
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== Results from ==
93% Dominant
89% Voyeur
86% Switch
83% Master/Mistress
81% Rigger
72% Experimentalist
62% Owner
56% Vanilla
53% Non-monogamist
47% Daddy/Mommy
43% Exhibitionist
42% Brat Tamer
37% Degrader
35% Ageplayer
33% Sadist
29% Submissive
27% Girl/Boy
19% Primal (Hunter)
13% Brat
13% Pet
8% Rope Bunny
7% Masochist
5% Slave
4% Primal (Prey)
1% Degradee
See my results online at
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Screen Shot 2016-02-13 at 5.25.42 PM.png

This test is awesome! I'm sending it to my partner too. I feel like voyeur & brat stats should be switched though. I think I'm way more of a brat, I just don't combine it with age play.
== Results from ==
99% Submissive
98% Rope Bunny
97% Pet
96% Brat
95% Exhibitionist
95% Degradee
94% Masochist
92% Primal (Prey)
90% Experimentalist
90% Non-monogamist
85% Girl/Boy
85% Slave
69% Voyeur
68% Ageplayer
34% Switch
27% Degrader
19% Daddy/Mommy
18% Sadist
12% Brat Tamer
12% Owner
12% Master/Mistress
12% Dominant
9% Rigger
6% Vanilla
6% Primal (Hunter)
See my results online at
Oh this was so awesome to find!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Amber! It was nice to see the end percentages and puts my style into a better perspective!

99% Rope Bunny
97% Primal (Prey)
96% Submissive
96% Masochist
95% Experimentalist
94% Exhibitionist
83% Voyeur
82% Brat
74% Non-monogamist
66% Pet
61% Slave
49% Sadist
48% Degradee
40% Switch
34% Girl/Boy
26% Rigger
21% Primal (Hunter)
11% Dominant
10% Master/Mistress
8% Ageplayer
8% Vanilla
6% Brat Tamer
5% Owner
5% Daddy/Mommy
2% Degrader
I would have thought myself more of a brat though... :angelic:

== Results from ==
95% Switch
89% Experimentalist
89% Rigger
83% Vanilla
77% Primal (Hunter)
76% Primal (Prey)
75% Rope Bunny
74% Voyeur
68% Dominant
65% Submissive
54% Exhibitionist
50% Master/Mistress
49% Brat Tamer
49% Non-monogamist
48% Brat
44% Ageplayer
27% Slave
23% Girl/Boy
20% Daddy/Mommy
17% Sadist
16% Masochist
14% Owner
8% Pet
2% Degrader
1% Degradee
See my results online at
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