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BBW's on MFC

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PinUpKittie said:
I think you're getting it.

Being a successful BBW means NOT thinking of it as 'being a successful BBW'. You're a successful WOMAN! I find that when I take my weight out of the picture, and I just do my best, I do very well. I'm a size 18, (I don't put this on my prof, but I'm 5'7" 230lbs) which is pretty damn big, but I've actually only had ONE negative comment, and that was my first night. Most people who don't like me, I assume, see my confidence and leave. I still keep waiting to be called 'fat' but no one dares.

If you don't focus on the weight, you're more likely to realize problems with cam/lighting/clothing/makeup/attitude rather than just baliming it on "They don't like me cause I'm fat" It's pretty rare I think about my weight while on cam. I'm here to be pretty, friendly, engaging, smart, funny, and to show off my boobies, haha!

I've only been on a few weeks and have been forced to be mostly off for the same number of weeks, but when I was on I was climbing the ranks by 300 a night. Will I ever reach top 20? No idea, that's not my goal. Sorry Jebbaz.. My goal is to be the best version of myself and I judge my success by the friends I meet as much as the money I make. I consider myself wildly successful. Of course my goal may change, as I am excited at the prospect of a bigger girl (I don't say curvy because as NOT big as she is, Amber is the curviest woman I've ever seen. I mean that in the BEST way possible, with lots of jealousy thrown in!) in the top 20. Who knows? But I don't feel like it's a goal I need right now.

Oh, and I've had 300 in my room once. I stay consistently around 100 when topless, 50-70 when just chatting. I don't attribute it to finding just BBW-fetishists. I have all sorts in my room, because there are awesome, decent men on here who care about more than size. (Hehe one of my regs admitted he's been perving FrankieChemical, and we have just about opposite body types! But that doesn't automatically make her MORE or LESS anything! Just makes her, her....and her is awesome ;))


Btw I think I love you! LOL :oops:
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