AmberCutie's Forum
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Banning/blocking people

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Oct 9, 2011
Okay so there's this guy who is one of my regulars. He was cool at first, would tip a lot, and I always held up to my end of the deal. Shows, videos, pics, whatever I said I'd do, I would do. But now he's getting extremely annoying. I have told him numerous times I will not meet him in person and I will not give him my phone number. He won't drop it. Over and over and OVER again he begs and begs and begs for things that I just simply will never do. I want to block/ban him. The only thing I feel guilty about is that I do owe him a skype show from a while back. However, I believe that due to the circumstances (of him extremely disrespecting me), I'm allowed to back out of it.
My question is, is there a way to block or ban him without him knowing? Like so that he just thinks I haven't been online? I know I shouldn't give a f**k what he thinks, but I'm too nice and would rather do it discreetly if possible. Thanks!!
RileyMoon said:
Okay so there's this guy who is one of my regulars. He was cool at first, would tip a lot, and I always held up to my end of the deal. Shows, videos, pics, whatever I said I'd do, I would do. But now he's getting extremely annoying. I have told him numerous times I will not meet him in person and I will not give him my phone number. He won't drop it. Over and over and OVER again he begs and begs and begs for things that I just simply will never do. I want to block/ban him. The only thing I feel guilty about is that I do owe him a skype show from a while back. However, I believe that due to the circumstances (of him extremely disrespecting me), I'm allowed to back out of it.
My question is, is there a way to block or ban him without him knowing? Like so that he just thinks I haven't been online? I know I shouldn't give a f**k what he thinks, but I'm too nice and would rather do it discreetly if possible. Thanks!!

Listen, there's nothing good that could come out of him not knowing. However, you could do all of us a big favour.

Tell him, calmly and concisely, that you are uncomfortable with the way he is acting. Tell him that you are tired of repeating your boundaries to him, and that you are now going to block him because he did not listen to you and disrespected you. Explain that you consider the tokens he gave you for the skype show as payment for the inconvenience and mental stress that he has put on you. Tell him that you are going to post his username on ACF and tell other models to be cautious of him. Then ban and ignore him.

Hopefully, this will make him think twice before he does anything like this to another girl. :)
No. He will know no matter what you do that he is banned.
Yea I know I should prob just tell him. The skype show was something he won anyway...didn't pay tokens for it. I guess I'm having a difficult time telling him b/c he has been a regular for so long but enough is enough. he's annoying the crapola outa me.
Yeah, even if you don't tell him he's banned, he'll know as soon as he tries to get into your room. It sounds like he wants more from the cam girl/member relationship than he can reasonably expect and while I'm sure he won't see it at first, in the long run you'd be doing him a favour by banning him.
Plus, you have every right to put your feelings first in these matters and if it's getting to the point where he's hampering your enjoyment of your job, then you need to let him go. :twocents-02cents:
Yea seriously. Sometimes when I see him online I don't even wanna cam. Terrible. He thinks we are going to run off into the sunset together and have wild hot sex all day every day. It never crossed his mind that there's a small chance I might actually be doing this for the money. He's delusional. I'm ending it.
RileyMoon said:
Okay so there's this guy who is one of my regulars. He was cool at first, would tip a lot, and I always held up to my end of the deal. Shows, videos, pics, whatever I said I'd do, I would do. But now he's getting extremely annoying. I have told him numerous times I will not meet him in person and I will not give him my phone number. He won't drop it. Over and over and OVER again he begs and begs and begs for things that I just simply will never do. I want to block/ban him. The only thing I feel guilty about is that I do owe him a skype show from a while back. However, I believe that due to the circumstances (of him extremely disrespecting me), I'm allowed to back out of it.
My question is, is there a way to block or ban him without him knowing? Like so that he just thinks I haven't been online? I know I shouldn't give a f**k what he thinks, but I'm too nice and would rather do it discreetly if possible. Thanks!!

I hate it when this happens...the guy seems awesome in the beginning, and then starts acting like he's entitled to this and that.

You need to remind him that you're a cam girl who works from the privacy of your home. It is NOT a hookup. Let him know that he's making you very uncomfortable and that you will have no choice but to ban him if he doesn't drop it. If he continues to nag you about it, then he's an annoyingly persistent idiot who needs to be banned. I don't care how many tokens he has. You've made it clear to him that you will not meet up or give out your phone number, and he needs to respect that. I wish you would let me type up the message for you. LOL.
The_Brown_Fox said:
I hate it when this happens...the guy seems awesome in the beginning, and then starts acting like he's entitled to this and that.

You need to remind him that you're a cam girl who works from the privacy of your home. It is NOT a hookup. Let him know that he's making you very uncomfortable and that you will have no choice but to ban him if he doesn't drop it. If he continues to nag you about it, then he's an annoyingly persistent idiot who needs to be banned. I don't care how many tokens he has. You've made it clear to him that you will not meet up or give out your phone number, and he needs to respect that. I wish you would let me type up the message for you. LOL.

LOL seriously! Some people really think this is a dating site!
A lot of mentally ill people in the world and sadly, they seem to concentrate on cam sites. And most of them think THEY are perfectly okay...standard even. This is kind of like going into a grocery store and demand they fix your car. lol
I can't count the number of times I've seen big tipping regs do this as well as try to somehow control the room and/or the girl. Tokens dont [or at least shouldn't] buy power.
If he's a real reg, and there's any kind of rapport built, simply tell him whats what. If it were me, I'd send him mfc mail saying in detail what he's doing. Don't pussy foot or be politically correct. Pull no punches and don't be nice. If you want, give him the "last chance option" to straighten up and behave respectfully or you will indeed ban him for the max, repeatedly. If on the other hand you've been there done that.. ban his ass and send him a "I warned you about this and you didn't respect my wishes" email saying he has no one to blame but himself....

The one downside to this, besides token loss.... if he's vindictive/psycho/dillusional/"in love" like a few I've seen... he can or will use new accts just to give you grief. Sadly that's just part of the Biz... Good luck ..
A simple STFU and GTFO is all you have to do.

If you just block him he's gonna go on a member by member info seeking mission and in the doing, probably will turn more of your regulars against you.

Costing you money.

Publicly smack him with a STFUGTFO & [insert reason here] and there wont be much of a mystery why he is banned.

He passed the point of doing it privately and quietly, he's a bug, squash him.
This thread is reason #672(a) why the internet could be the most dangerous innovation ever. FYI..Reason #1 is movie spoilers and tape delayed results of sporting events.

If you have to pass and background and personality test to own a gun, why not the same for having internet access?
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Yuck. I'm having this issue right now. I have a wonderful reg that literally showers me with tokens and private shows but mentions meeting in person, asking for my number even though I'm not comfortable with talking on the phone with members, telling me I should pack up and move in with him and most recently suggesting that I set up a date raffle and rigging it so that he can be the winner. It's unfortunate because when he's not being pushy, he's a great person that I actually enjoy.

Cut him loose, but be nice about it as you don't really need him spamming you all over the lounge for being a bitch or whatever.

Good luck to ya.
Not sure how it works, depends on how you (models) broadcast, but there was an ignore function that some models used that would let the person view your cam broadcast but prevented that member from posting anything in chat. No one could see his chat postings as long as you had him on ignore. If the member was on ignore even he couldn't see his own postings in chat. It was tested before, I volunteered to test it for a model, and as long as I was on ignore on her side of the site I couldn't post or see my own posts in chat. Hopefully there is more info on this in the models wiki as to what you need to do for this to be available and how to use it.
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bud9752 said:
Not sure how it works, depends on how you (models) broadcast, but there was an ignore function that some models used that would let the person view your cam broadcast but prevented that member from posting anything in chat. No one could see his chat postings as long as you had him on ignore. If the member was on ignore even he couldn't see his own postings in chat. It was tested before, I volunteered to test it for a model, and as long as I was on ignore on her side of the site I couldn't post or see my own posts in chat. Hopefully there is more info on this in the models wiki as to what you need to do for this to be available and how to use it.

From what I have seen and my own ignores, the person that does the ignoring is the one that doesn't see the obnoxious person. It doesn't prevent anyone else from seeing them or from posting in a chat. I've seen countless requests in rooms from an iggied member asking others to "please have her un-iggy me so I can talk to her". :confusion-shrug:
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I would try first try to tell the truth. Most dellusional guys can't be fixed, but I guess there is a small chance. You could explain this is virtual only and there is no chance of getting your real phone number or ever meeting you for real in person....your relationship will be online only, forever and you will always be just friends. Apologize for misleading him as well (whether you did or not shouldn't matter much) and make sure you explain that you appreciate his tips or gifts or whatever. Of course, none of this matters if you just can't stand the guy, but if you can tolerate him and he can accept the new format, both sides can win.
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I'd say if you've told him once, or more than once that you are uncomfortable with his actions and he continues to do it, he forfeits any rights to your room.

It sucks to lose a good tipper, and he'll probably go around badmouthing you in other rooms and lounge, but it's not worth the stress of having to deal with someone like that. If it's getting to a point where you want to avoid camming because of him... you're long past the point where you should have banned him.

As a side note. You can block his whole state, which would make it so you don't appear online, but I've found that girls that have my state blocked, that I have on my friends list still appear on the "Most Popular Rooms" list for me. So if he checks it while you are on and you are in the top 75 rooms, he'll likely see you're online. I doubt you wanna lose a whole state because of him, though.
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as a discreet way, if you know where he's from, you could always block his area and you wouldn't show up as being online. yeah, he'd eventually figure it out once he tries to visit your profile, but it's the most discreet way I can think of to block him :p and if he's determined enough he can still visit by getting a IP blocker.
of course, you also block other potential customers as well.
SoTxBob said:
bud9752 said:
Not sure how it works, depends on how you (models) broadcast, but there was an ignore function that some models used that would let the person view your cam broadcast but prevented that member from posting anything in chat. No one could see his chat postings as long as you had him on ignore. If the member was on ignore even he couldn't see his own postings in chat. It was tested before, I volunteered to test it for a model, and as long as I was on ignore on her side of the site I couldn't post or see my own posts in chat. Hopefully there is more info on this in the models wiki as to what you need to do for this to be available and how to use it.

From what I have seen and my own ignores, the person that does the ignoring is the one that doesn't see the obnoxious person. It doesn't prevent anyone else from seeing them or from posting in a chat. I've seen countless requests in rooms from an iggied member asking others to "please have her un-iggy me so I can talk to her". :confusion-shrug:

I saw the models talking about how the browser version of their software ignored someone for the whole room, several months ago. I do not know if it still works that way.
Taken from Cam-girl Rage by AmberCutie. It is a good reading.

AmberCutie said:
When you "pay for the time" you're paying for what you see on the screen.
Don't act like you have to walk on eggshells. He must understand the screen part. Only ban him if you have no other option. If you lock the door, he might try to sneak in through the window.

Read the chat that Amber posted. Maybe you'll find the right words to put an end to this issue without banning him.

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Shaun__ said:
I saw the models talking about how the browser version of their software ignored someone for the whole room, several months ago. I do not know if it still works that way.

Yup this is correct. I use the ignore function at least a few times a day.
In the software version it would ignore the user only to the model, but if the model is using the browser then the user will be put on ignore for the entire room.
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sorrowfool said:
I'd say if you've told him once, or more than once that you are uncomfortable with his actions and he continues to do it, he forfeits any rights to your room.

It sucks to lose a good tipper, and he'll probably go around badmouthing you in other rooms and lounge, but it's not worth the stress of having to deal with someone like that. If it's getting to a point where you want to avoid camming because of him... you're long past the point where you should have banned him.

As a side note. You can block his whole state, which would make it so you don't appear online, but I've found that girls that have my state blocked, that I have on my friends list still appear on the "Most Popular Rooms" list for me. So if he checks it while you are on and you are in the top 75 rooms, he'll likely see you're online. I doubt you wanna lose a whole state because of him, though.

Yea I prob won't block the whole state, but even if I did, I doubt I would be in jeopardy of him finding me in the top 75. My camscore sucks at the moment lol.
RileyMoon said:
Yea seriously. Sometimes when I see him online I don't even wanna cam. Terrible. He thinks we are going to run off into the sunset together and have wild hot sex all day every day. It never crossed his mind that there's a small chance I might actually be doing this for the money. He's delusional. I'm ending it.

Don't let him keep you from going about your routine. You are right about how many people think MFC is a dating site. Absolutely blows me away when I here the type of things models are asked. As far as the lounge goes....that place has to be one of the most worthless places on the internet. I wouldn't worry about it at all.
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I have told regulars in the past

"If a woman says no in real life and you keep asking for it, it's called harassment. If a woman says no in real life and you do it anyway, it's called rape. Learn the meaning of no!"
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