AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Dec 16, 2024
Hello, I was recently banned i guess 2 days ago when i last logged in. No warnings given and no reply from Chaturbate. From the looks of it they seem to be on a tear lately. @punker barbie i hear you are the one who may be able to help in this situation. My account is the same as my username ( thethightickler69 ) here and any help is greatly appreciated.
I partially agree that models should police the chat in their own room. If it's a small room with not a lot of users, that should be easy. However, I have seen popular models with chat moving like crazy with tips and messages and not to mention spams from grey accounts.
It's still the model's responsibility to keep her chat under control. In that case, the model can set chat settings to "users who have tipped me today". Then only tippers can use public chat.

When I have ~4k people in my room, that setting reduces the potential chatters to under 50 people. But realistically, only a handful are actually chatting...maybe 5-10. And tippers rarely say weird shit. It happens, but it isn't common.

It also gets rid of the problem of...
also why is this person still hijacking every cb banned thread? spend that energy on other sites and take responsibility for your actions, or lack thereof.

Main character syndrome (MCS) is a term used to describe a person's tendency to view themselves as the main character in their life. It's a popular expression in social media and pop culture, but it's not a clinical diagnosis or mental health disorder.

Some signs of MCS include:
  • Difficulty accepting criticism
  • An exaggerated sense of importance
  • Seeking constant attention
  • Steering conversations back to themselves
  • Exaggerating stories for effect
  • Showing little interest in or dismissing the concerns of others
  • Regularly creating or thriving in dramatic situations
  • Expecting special treatment and feeling slighted when it's not received
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I've been following this and didn't really want to get pulled into a back-and-forth on the public part of this forum, because I don't have any extra time and energy for them. I also don't find them rewarding, regardless of whether I get agreed with in the argument, or not. However, a point, that I do want to add (at the risk of having to rudely ignore any replies to myself trying to pull me in further) is that this is not unique to CB. At the start of this I saw some writing that kind of implied that this is just CB.

SM has banned models for the exact same thing. It is our responsibility to moderate our chats. It's a lot of work sometimes, I get that, but it's still our responsibility (to use Marti's term). Some tips I've found that help me, when some wankshaft misbehaves, when my room is busy, is to keep an open tab with a notebook open. Quickly jot down their name or client number. That way you can go back afterward, and deal with reporting them. Another way that might work for some people is to try to remember to keep an open pad of paper and a pen handy.

It's really annoying that people like that disrupt, when money is being made, but in the end, it really is in our interests to actively police our sites. I love getting rid of crappy members. That I do find rewarding. And another thing I will say is that by dealing with these people actively, it encourages the kind of members that we all want to visit, to come back. Many members will not frequent or spend in models rooms, if they feel the model is too passive in moderating or managing their chat. So I like doing it for them too. It's an additional motivator. These people turn everyone off, and make everyone uncomfortable.

The quicker we get them banned, the quicker our money making, and fun having flow, can get back on track.
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this is the most cringe community i have ever seen. I have been doing this for years and never in my life did i feel the need to moderate the chatroom but all of a sudden CB getsd hammered with a lawsuit and they decide well who can we blame for our lack of restrictions,.... the model thats right. The fact that any of you think i have to sift through numerous messages on a fucking search for bad words is embarassing. What the fuck is my show then?? just reading messages hopiing nobody said a bad word that could ruin my position at CB? wow that will bring me in all the money. Maybe if your room is fucking boring with nobody talking you can keep track but when you have engaging viewers who tip and your actually performing you cannot monitor everything. Its a embarassment on there part and i truly hope they get what they deserve now if this is how they treat there perfomrers. Adn to the fucking asshole saying not doing anything is consent , you truly are whats wrong in the world. Get a fucking braincell
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this is the most cringe community i have ever seen. I have been doing this for years and never in my life did i feel the need to moderate the chatroom but all of a sudden CB getsd hammered with a lawsuit and they decide well who can we blame for our lack of restrictions,.... the model thats right. The fact that any of you think i have to sift through numerous messages on a fucking search for bad words is embarassing. What the fuck is my show then?? just reading messages hopiing nobody said a bad word that could ruin my position at CB? wow that will bring me in all the money. Maybe if your room is fucking boring with nobody talking you can keep track but when you have engaging viewers who tip and your actually performing you cannot monitor everything. Its a embarassment on there part and i truly hope they get what they deserve now if this is how they treat there perfomrers. Adn to the fucking asshole saying not doing anything is consent , you truly are whats wrong in the world. Get a fucking braincell
This has been a thing on Chaturbate and other sites since 2016. Direct your anger at Congress -- ya know the people responsible for all of this horseshit to begin with! Cheers!
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you weirdos are acting like its next to impossible to ban and report people engaging in ToS violating play. its your responsibility to moderate your chat. chaturbate gives you so many tools even the ability to have moderators to help maintain chat. ffs.

Adn to the fucking asshole saying not doing anything is consent , you truly are whats wrong in the world.

ignoring it can mean you are complicit.

Get a fucking braincell
no u :h:
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you weirdos are acting like its next to impossible to ban and report people engaging in ToS violating play. its your responsibility to moderate your chat. chaturbate gives you so many tools even the ability to have moderators to help maintain chat. ffs.

ignoring it can mean you are complicit.

no u :h:
I can’t find the report button when I right click and I need to report about 50 men a day but I just ban them. RACE PLAY CHILD PLAY RAPE AND GAPE PLAY
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I can’t find the report button when I right click and I need to report about 50 men a day but I just ban them. RACE PLAY CHILD PLAY RAPE AND GAPE PLAY
There is no report button. You email CB.
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plenty of models/studios use translators and don't get dinged for engaging in underage content... numeral numbers are practically universal, including different writing systems.

also why is this person still hijacking every cb banned thread? spend that energy on other sites and take responsibility for your actions, or lack thereof.
This is not about posting content or violations by the model. We are talking about a user (random user) who entered your room and wrote you one or two messages in the thread.

What you are talking about is essentially a serious violation, and it is almost impossible to justify it.

What this means is that you have to become a babysitter for the other people in your room and be responsible for their words and violations without agreeing or participating in any way.
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Can you tell me the email please 💙
In fact, a simple ban may not be enough for Chaturbate. They may consider it a violation if you do not report and submit a report.

People here talk about your obligation to perform certain actions. Although if you reread the TOS, it says that you must report it if you consider or notice this violation. Basically if you didn't notice it for some reason, but you shouldn't be involved in the conversation or something like that. Then you are not responsible for it.

But what is being discussed here is the imposition of duties for which you are not paid. Your responsibilities include not breaking the rules and having fun. And report if you notice something suspicious, but there is no list of words or anything like that, what exactly is considered a violation.

No one is saying you are not responsible for your actions. Or that you don't control the room. If this user duplicated this message 5 times, believe me, it would be subject to ban. But when it was written somewhere in the stream and you really didn't notice it, but at the same time you get blocked, it's a completely different story.

But people would rather say that my position is to avoid responsibility and look for excuses. Although this has never actually happened to me, I worry that it might happen to me.

But I would most likely be called a malicious violator than get support here. I express the opinion of a fairly large number of people speaking on my own behalf. I don't know how to say this correctly, so I just put myself in this person's shoes.

Even though I am replying to your post, this is a message to several people here.

And since you all talk about responsibility, I want to return to my question. The person who told false information about me without checking it never responded to my message.
TIt seems he doesn't want to take responsibility for his words, throwing mud at me here, saying some facts that are not confirmed. It seems like a lot of people supported this, so if I were Chaturbate I would call you accomplices.
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I am pretty sure that all of the models in this thread who have been doing this as a primary source of income, (for many of us over 10 years) are all in agreement. So that's that. There is no argument. Done deal. If any new models are reading this thread in the future please take note of that, and save yourself a bunch of bother. Learning things the hard way by getting banned, and then arguing a moot argument for days, and having to get accounts reinstated (thus missing work days and income) is not the smart, easiest way to go. We are responsible for managing our rooms, and moderating.

To do that effectively read the ToS of the site(s) you work and/ or ask the site support staff for clarification on any rules you don't understand. Asking here can also be really helpful too, or on the sites individual discord servers as well. Especially familiarize yourself with the no tolerance/ immediate ban rules each site has. These usually revolve around anything to do with minors, roleplay of minors, or unverified persons being on stream.

As you can read in this thread "not knowing" or not personally agreeing with a sites rule, is irrelevant, when risking a ban. So it's important to take time studying the ToS of each site.
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This is exactly my point, it is in no way my responsibility to police the room. If i see something i think is bad i can ban and report absolutely. I am not paid by chaturbate in any way i have to perform. They provide the platform and the users. If they are allowing the type of users to come in and claim to be underage or are in fact underage that is there responsibility not mine at all. I am not a paid employee. The people claiming ignoring or not monitoring chat is basically compliance and a perma ban is justified are morons. Its not my fucking job to do any of that at all. I am there to make fucking money for both myself and chaturbate by getting viewers to tip. Thats fucking it. the amount of shit people say in chat is crazy and i cannot be bothered to police every single thing. This is the platform they created and they need to take ownership of it. Read the TOS if you have not already as no where is any of that mentioned that i have to do any of that shit.
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I am pretty sure that all of the models in this thread who have been doing this as a primary source of income, (for many of us over 10 years) are all in agreement. So that's that. There is no argument. Done deal. If any new models are reading this thread in the future please take note of that, and save yourself a bunch of bother. Learning things the hard way by getting banned, and then arguing a moot argument for days, and having to get accounts reinstated (thus missing work days and income) is not the smart, easy way to go. We are responsible for managing our rooms, and moderating.

To do that effectively read the ToS of the site(s) you work and/ or ask the site support staff for clarification on any rules you don't understand. Asking here can also be really helpful too, or on the sites individual discord servers as well.
Youre an idiot and clearly never read the TOS you are not a fducking paid moderator you are not responsible for every word someone in your room says at all. jesus get some braincells or ill come in your room and get you perma banned cause its very easy
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Youre an idiot and clearly never read the TOS you are not a fducking paid moderator you are not responsible for every word someone in your room says at all. jesus get some braincells or ill come in your room and get you perma banned cause its very easy
Well that escalated quickly. Making disgusting threats to Perma Ban makes YOU a God Damn Fucking CUNT every single hour you breathe on this planet! CUNT YOU ARE
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  1. Adults only.​

    We have placed this detail over and above all of our other terms because it is the most important (although it is also referenced below). The platform is only open to consenting adults looking to express themselves in the form of streaming video and messaging. We have zero tolerance for any minors on the platform, whether such individuals are actually minors or pretending to be minors perhaps in a misguided attempt at role-play. Moreover, we have zero tolerance for any image of any minor being uploaded to our platform for any reason. Please be advised that we reserve the right to and do report each and every suspected minor to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and any and all other law enforcement agencies we feel appropriate. If you believe that a minor is using the site, we strongly request and encourage you to report each and every user you encounter which you believe or suspect to be under the age of 18. All reports are reviewed as quickly as we can. If you are a minor, you must immediately leave this site now. You are not legally permitted on Chaturbate for any reason, and if we find you on this site, we will report you to law enforcement as noted above. We will not reactivate you for any reason ever.

    With respect to all other matters, as we operate an online platform and we are not in the business of producing or presenting cam broadcasts, we only adopt what we feel are necessary to comply with law, community standards and for the safety of our users.
  2. The Platform​

    The Platform (as defined below) is an online platform providing social networking capabilities including both a text and video chat service whereby individuals accessing the Platform (each a "Community Member") may create and share with other Community Members online audio, video, interactive, and live content which may include, at the providing Community Member's election, content of an adult nature. Community Members, whether or not their account is capable of receiving tokens, are free to broadcast their live streaming video through the Platform, subject to the minimal restrictions set forth in these Terms, which restrictions have been put in place to comply with applicable law, community standards, and for the safety of the Community Members. Subject to safety and legality required rules, Community Members may produce and broadcast (or not broadcast) as and when they determine and set their own rules for other Community Members viewing their broadcasts. Community Members are also free to use other video streaming platforms either at different times or at the same time as such Community Members use our Platform, subject to the provision below that Community Members may not, through the Platform, promote or advertise any entity, product, service, or website that delivers live-streaming content.

    1. When you access the Platform, you understand that you may see graphic depictions of nudity, exposed genitals and persons engaged in explicit sexual activity consisting of people of different genders, people of the same gender, as well as sexual acts involving more than 2 individuals. By accessing and/or using the Platform, you expressly acknowledge that you wish to see such materials. By accessing the interactive video chat social networking platform located at (collectively the "Platform") these terms and conditions (these "Terms") form the binding agreement between you ("you") and Multi Media, LLC (the "Company") regarding your use of the Platform. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, you must immediately exit the Platform and not access the Platform again for any reason. There is no fee to access the Platform and view content to access some functions of the Platform, but Community Members will be required to create an Account (defined below).
    2. Community Members who are eligible to receive tokens in their account, from other Community Members are referred to in these Terms as an "Independent Broadcaster(s)". In these Terms, the use of phrases such as "we" "our" "us" or other appropriate first-person terms refer to the Company. The use of the terms "you" or "your" refers, as the context may require, to you the Community Member or Independent Broadcaster accessing or utilizing the Platform. By accessing and/or using the Platform, you agree to be bound by the Terms.

    1. This Platform is for Adults Only. In order to access and use the Platform, you must be at least 18 years old or the age of majority in your jurisdiction, whichever is older (the "Age of Majority"). IF YOU ARE NOT OF THE AGE OF MAJORITY, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY LEAVE THE PLATFORM. By accessing and/or using the Platform you agree that you have reached the Age of Majority and acknowledge that we have the sole and absolute right to terminate your Account if we believe you are in violation of this requirement. If we believe you are in violation of this Age of Majority requirement, we will report you to law enforcement.
    2. Law Enforcement Reporting. We reserve the right to and do report suspected violations of the Platform's minimum age requirement to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ("NCMEC") and any and all law enforcement and other organizations we may feel appropriate, in our sole discretion. If you believe that a minor has accessed the Platform, you should immediately report it to us at For more information regarding this policy and our zero-tolerance stance on minors using or in any way appearing on the Platform, please contact us at
    3. No Child Pornography. For the purpose of these Terms, "Child Pornography" includes, but is not limited to (i) any materials showing a person under the Age of Majority in a state of undress, or engaged in any suggestive or sexual acts of any kind; (ii) any materials that simulate the foregoing, such as dolls, animated films or shorts, adults made to look like children or suggest that they are below the Age of Majority; and, (iii) discussion of child pornography or child exploitation. Child Pornography and the exploitation of children is a serious crime. All Community Members are strictly prohibited from using the Platform to distribute, access, or solicit Child Pornography or engage in any conduct or discussion exploitative of a person below the Age of Majority, including by way of role play. If you see anything on the Platform that violates this provision or seems questionable, report it immediately to us at We will immediately investigate any claim and take the appropriate action. IF YOU ARE SEEKING OR HAVE AN INTEREST IN ANY TYPE OF PEDOPHILIC OR PEDERASTIC CONTENT, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY LEAVE THIS SITE. YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR EVEN DISCUSSING SUCH ACTIVITY OR ENGAGING IN INAPPROPRIATE ROLE PLAY. FURTHER YOU WILL ALSO BE BANNED FROM THE PLATFORM AND REPORTED TO NCMEC AND/OR LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR DISCUSSING OR ARRANGING TO DISCUSS MINORS ON ANOTHER PLATFORM. SIMPLY PUT, PEOPLE WITH INTERESTS IN CHILDREN, INCLUDING EVEN JUST ROLE PLAY, ARE NOT WELCOME TO USE THE PLATFORM AND WILL BE DEALT WITH IN THE HARSHEST MANNER POSSIBLE.
    4. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The Platform is a Community Member-driven interactive platform with content provided by Independent Broadcasters, and pursuant to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, we are immune from suit for materials published through the Platform by Community Members. As such, we are not liable for content published by Community Members. As we operate an online platform and we are not in the business of producing or presenting cam broadcasts, we have endeavored to keep our rules to a minimum imposing only those we feel are necessary for the safety of Community Members, to comply with applicable law, and the continued operation of the Platform.
    5. Room Reports. If you identify a Community Member you believe to be violating any of the Terms, which include Appendix C (the Code of Conduct, linked below) please immediately let us know by emailing support at or using the "REPORT ROOM" function at the top right of each streaming broadcast. All room reports are reviewed as soon as practicable but in no event more than 4 business days.
It does not even say its required to report them just encouraged. You guys are just talking shit and have no fucking clue
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Youre an idiot and clearly never read the TOS you are not a fducking paid moderator you are not responsible for every word someone in your room says at all. jesus get some braincells or ill come in your room and get you perma banned cause its very easy
Oh dear me son lol You aren't making yourself look very smart or good here. And it's really cracking me up hard 😆

You got issues little boy. You come in my room starting shit, you'll be the one banned not me. I don't encourage Pedos, like you clearly have. It's obvious. Go ahead, come at me your hardest. I'll teach you the hard way, to watch that mouth and those childish threats. And you'll only need but one lesson Sunshine.
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Oh dear me son lol You aren't making yourself look very smart or good here. And it's really cracking me up hard 😆
nor do you, but i get it . Its the internet and ignorance is king here. Facts are useless on you i know that now. Thankfully i dont really care about your opinion since its literally based on nothing
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Oh dear me son lol You aren't making yourself look very smart or good here. And it's really cracking me up hard 😆

You got issues man. You come in my room starting shit, you'll be the one banned not me. I don't encourage Pedos, like you clearly have. It's obvious.
oh there it is, hook line and sinker. the pedo comment. Ahhh so easy to get it out of you. Barley took any trying. But im sure you have heard that before no?
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oh there it is, hook line and sinker. the pedo comment. Ahhh so easy to get it out of you. Barley took any trying. But im sure you have heard that before no?
I've never had an account banned on any site in ten years sweetheart. We all know what's really going on here and what you did, and why you're raging. It's obvious. You're never going to get your account back Honey. Deal with it. All the models you've made your dipshitted brain cell comment about in this thread, have never been banned once. From any site. We are also all verified models on this forum. So it's very clear to anyone reading this thread who the moron is.

I am a career cam model who's never once had a ban, and who supports a whole family. You're a little hobby wanking twat, that's here to argue common sense, and probably makes next to no money camming. I mean... Cmon now. Just facts 😆 Humble yourself and listen, or you'll never aspire to being more than the trash you are tonight Darling. It really is quite comical.
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In fact, a simple ban may not be enough for Chaturbate. They may consider it a violation if you do not report and submit a report.

People here talk about your obligation to perform certain actions. Although if you reread the TOS, it says that you must report it if you consider or notice this violation. Basically if you didn't notice it for some reason, but you shouldn't be involved in the conversation or something like that. Then you are not responsible for it.

But what is being discussed here is the imposition of duties for which you are not paid. Your responsibilities include not breaking the rules and having fun. And report if you notice something suspicious, but there is no list of words or anything like that, what exactly is considered a violation.

No one is saying you are not responsible for your actions. Or that you don't control the room. If this user duplicated this message 5 times, believe me, it would be subject to ban. But when it was written somewhere in the stream and you really didn't notice it, but at the same time you get blocked, it's a completely different story.

But people would rather say that my position is to avoid responsibility and look for excuses. Although this has never actually happened to me, I worry that it might happen to me.

But I would most likely be called a malicious violator than get support here. I express the opinion of a fairly large number of people speaking on my own behalf. I don't know how to say this correctly, so I just put myself in this person's shoes.

Even though I am replying to your post, this is a message to several people here.

And since you all talk about responsibility, I want to return to my question. The person who told false information about me without checking it never responded to my message.
TIt seems he doesn't want to take responsibility for his words, throwing mud at me here, saying some facts that are not confirmed. It seems like a lot of people supported this, so if I were Chaturbate I would call you accomplices.
Since it is impossible for you to not make every thread about you I am removing your ability to reply in this one.
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This is not about posting content or violations by the model. We are talking about a user (random user) who entered your room and wrote you one or two messages in the thread.

What you are talking about is essentially a serious violation, and it is almost impossible to justify it.

What this means is that you have to become a babysitter for the other people in your room and be responsible for their words and violations without agreeing or participating in any way.

Yes you have to babysit/moderate your chatroom. Lol
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I partially agree that models should police the chat in their own room. If it's a small room with not a lot of users, that should be easy. However, I have seen popular models with chat moving like crazy with tips and messages and not to mention spams from grey accounts. if the model has to focus on reading every single message and filter what is underage and what not, it seems distracting and people can lose interest quickly. Also, there are models who masturbate with their eyes closed for like a min or two and the chat probably moves 1-2 pages already. Should she go back and read every single one and report underage comment? Probably not so practical.

I think CB should have some app/tech to detect inappropriate stuff to help broadcasters as well. I also think CB should not let users create accounts so easily because i have seen some models banned an user for saying shit then having the same user come back in less than 1 min with a different account. Imagine you have to constantly deal with this in your room, how are you going to focus on your work and satisfy other users then?

(I'm not a broadcaster btw).
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