This is what I was talking about a few weeks ago. Believe me, this can happen to anyone, even if you do all the steps described above every time, but one day you missed it!
Chaturbate does not pay models for such reports, and these actions actually require you to take your attention away from the paying user, potentially losing profits. Will Chaturbate compensate you for this? Of course not.
You can also be on another site (Chaturbate does not prohibit multi-stream broadcasts), and are not obliged to follow every message. You may not even notice it (for example, if the Lovense gives commands several times).
Any such accusations require evidence and the right to an explanation of the situation, Especially when Chaturbate reserves the right to report this to the relevant services. Where, of course, they can indicate your data.
So this is actually a very serious question. And don't blame the people who don't report such messages right away. Chaturbate has done nothing to make this easier with the click of a button.
So I will repeat once again, anyone can get into this situation, simply not having time to do it in the mythical timing, which is determined by the mood of the one who is investigating this issue.