Well those above reasons you gave for bans are ridiculous too, imo. Lol. But since this thread is about CB…
The stuff I read on here make me grateful that there are other sites out there besides CB (I know that you and others love CB, and I AM happy for you guys). It’s nice for models to have other options. I feel like if I were to rejoin CB, I’d be walking on eggshells just by existing. Banning models for “looking too young?” Wut. I’m little and look young af, and IRL I’ve recently been mistaken for a school student.
And after this crap I just went through with my missing wallet (and waiting several days to get my new photo ID in the mail), I would’ve been screwed with that CB verification thing that I hear you guys talk about. It sounds like it’s done frequently at random moments while live? They probably wouldn’t have cared about my “Someone took my wallet, so I’m without ID at the moment” excuse, and would have banned my ass so fast, I bet.
Constantly smiling is creepy, and I cringe when men tell women to smile. I’d be a smartass, and give them a creepy smile…and hold that pose.
Okay, I spent too much time talking about me in this post. I’m sorry, Katie. This thread is about you.