AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!


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wow that many bans? Am i just extremely lucky to only ban like one or two people a week at most? I dont get many assholes although i only allow premiums to talk in my room.
Mirra said:
Well... 103 does seem like a lot of bans to me... though your number seems pretty low as well so you may be a bit lucky to boot. :p
If I had guests and basics unmuted, I'd probably have this many, too. So much easier just to quiet the whole mob of them.
AmberCutie said:
Mirra said:
Well... 103 does seem like a lot of bans to me... though your number seems pretty low as well so you may be a bit lucky to boot. :p
If I had guests and basics unmuted, I'd probably have this many, too. So much easier just to quiet the whole mob of them.
There was one girl that I spent time with that had over 1,000 bans ( yes that IS One Thousand) in less than a 4 hour shift she was not in a good mood that day
TashaTypical said:
i have been banned once for asking a model if i knew her from another site (and i did).. thats was a really strange bann..
i was like wtf.. its not like i'm advertising for that site or anything..

Not that I agree with her banning you, but...was it a porn site? Maybe it was something from her past, and she didn't want a bunch of curious guys in public chat finding her on there? Or maybe she'd rather keep her MFC chatters within MFC, and not looking for her on other cam sites cuz she's afraid they'll just wind up camping out in free chat, never spending a dime on her (that has actually happened with me when telling a MFC guy about another site I was on). I don't She shouldn't have banned you though. She could've just PMed you "Hey, hun. Please let's not discuss ____ in front of the other chatters...thanks!" or something like that.
The_Brown_Fox said:
TashaTypical said:
i have been banned once for asking a model if i knew her from another site (and i did).. thats was a really strange bann..
i was like wtf.. its not like i'm advertising for that site or anything..
Not that I agree with her banning you, but...was it a porn site? Maybe it was something from her past, and she didn't want a bunch of curious guys in public chat finding her on there?
Lots of models are very wary of discussing one site while working on another, even in PMs. It's usually not necessary to mention the name of another site. "Don't I know you know?" usually works well enough for me.
Yeah, I'm sure if I only let premiums talk it would be one or two a day. 95% of my bans are guests and basics, but some of them are pretty cool and I don't care to bug them about getting a premium account.

Mirra said:
Well... 103 does seem like a lot of bans to me... though your number seems pretty low as well so you may be a bit lucky to boot. :p

What number?
I rarely ban. Guests are ALWAYS muted. Basics, usually because the first word from there tends to be an ever-curious "... Tits?" or something to that extent. xDD

I've only REALLY had to ban one member, and I just ban him every time he appears. Bugger took advantage of my kindness (and first-time naivety) and got away with essentially a free show (Paid $7 beforehand and was meant to pay $75 overall). I was so mortified.. Doesn't upset me any more, I just go "lolno" every time I see his name appear. Fool me once, bitch.
Fool me once, bitch.


oh and what a dick, had something similar happen to me in the beginning, but i did some research and got his families info, and his wifes facebook and threatened to tell her so he paid double ahaha
Sevrin said:
Lots of models are very wary of discussing one site while working on another, even in PMs. It's usually not necessary to mention the name of another site. "Don't I know you know?" usually works well enough for me.

From where? Describe it...

No, still no good. Too many sites fit that description...


SweetDivalia said:
I've only REALLY had to ban one member, and I just ban him every time he appears. Bugger took advantage of my kindness (and first-time naivety) and got away with essentially a free show (Paid $7 beforehand and was meant to pay $75 overall). I was so mortified.. Doesn't upset me any more, I just go "lolno" every time I see his name appear. Fool me once, bitch.

Used to do MSN shows. Had one guy pay in advance three times before he pulled the "I don't get my check till Friday" ruse. A few months (and a computer reformat on my end) later, he tried it again, and I said he had to pay for the one first, and he said he always pays in advance. I agreed to drop it, but required him to pay in advance, and he left. Now he comes in every once in awhile trying to get a free show, but I always remember him once I see his screen name.
I ban a lot of people too. But I am super grumpy lol. Recently though I've gotten nasty comments on my profile after banning people. One telling me he hopes I die from cancer, another saying I'm nasty, even though I banned HIM for calling me fat as well as other horrible things.

Also, has anyone ever banned someone, and had them tip to try and get unbanned? The second nasty commenter tipped me 11 tokens and expected me to unban him.
AngelicTease said:
Also, has anyone ever banned someone, and had them tip to try and get unbanned? The second nasty commenter tipped me 11 tokens and expected me to unban him.

I don't do this, but I have heard that some models do. I've had guys who were banned ask if they could pay to get back in my room. Course, one was a friend who just needed to be taught a lesson, so I told him to stop whining and wait the 6 hours. :p
I didn't mean I ask them too, they just offer to, lol, and I'm not going to say no to that haha. :D
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