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Cam Model
Jul 22, 2010
Twitter Username
Have you ever banned or been banned for a reeeeeeeally silly reason? Share your stories!

Some of mine..
I was being grumpy and banned all premiums who weren't typing in my room once. :lol: I was really struggling for convo and they were all being too quiet!

I banned someone yesterday because I was hungover and just hanging out, he came in and said "You should turn the tree lights on, at least something would be turned on then!" The cheeky shit lol instaban.

Your turn!
Banning for silly reasons: This isn't really that silly, but I almost NEVER ban a very very rarely. The night before I came home for the holidays (i.e. the night I was saying goodbye for 2 weeks) at like 4am I was saying goodbye to my members and banning lots of basics when a premium came in and asked "how dos ur ass look bb" and I said "A hell of a lot better than your face" and banned him. All my members were like " :eek: omg he was a never talk like that" Haha the first time you see a girl's tired bitchy mood is always shocking....

Banned for a silly reason? I already talked about this so I hope I don't sound like I'm whining....but my first night as a premium I came into a room where the model suddenly decided to call by name every non-tipping premium in the room and curse them out, then ban them. I had only been there less than a minute when she got to me and she went NUTS and called me pigupfucker or something like that...I told her I wouldn't want anyone to pay for this kind of treatment and she 60-day banned me O.O ((I plan on visiting her in 60 days and not tipping >.> )
Yesterday I banned all the premiums in my room, and muted the guests and basics coz people wouldn't tell me what someone said. Someone typed something with a £ sign and it got lost my end, so I showed them on the screen, and they said they saw it blank too, when I knew they could see it on their bloody screen! Then someone finally told me, and THEN everyone else suddenly saw it, wtf? And then someone did it again, and they wouldn't tell me then either, then someone said someone typed a whole line of £'s but no one would tell me who it was so I could ban them, ARGHHHHHHHHH. I was like I can't bloody see it on my screen, I've shown you that, why the fuck can't you just tell me seeing as you guys can bloody see it FFS. So then I banned everyone, grrrr. PFFFT.
Geez seriously how hard is it to just say a bloody name and copy and paste what they said minus the bloody £?
I tried to view my own cam as a guest, but it made my laptop crash, so I was reliying on the lazy fuckers to help me and they wouldn't coz they were being lazy fuckers GRRRRRRRRRRRR. PFFFFFFFFFT. HMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHH.
AngelicTease said:
Yesterday I banned all the premiums in my room, and muted the guests and basics coz people wouldn't tell me what someone said. Someone typed something with a £ sign and it got lost my end, so I showed them on the screen, and they said they saw it blank too, when I knew they could see it on their bloody screen! Then someone finally told me, and THEN everyone else suddenly saw it, wtf? And then someone did it again, and they wouldn't tell me then either, then someone said someone typed a whole line of £'s but no one would tell me who it was so I could ban them, ARGHHHHHHHHH. I was like I can't bloody see it on my screen, I've shown you that, why the fuck can't you just tell me seeing as you guys can bloody see it FFS. So then I banned everyone, grrrr. PFFFT.
Geez seriously how hard is it to just say a bloody name and copy and paste what they said minus the bloody £?
I tried to view my own cam as a guest, but it made my laptop crash, so I was reliying on the lazy fuckers to help me and they wouldn't coz they were being lazy fuckers GRRRRRRRRRRRR. PFFFFFFFFFT. HMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHH.
do you have any idea how many people have back ground tabs open while they view mfc? You probably got yourself rated 1 star'ed for every single person you banned like that. Punishing the whole room because of one person didn't work when teachers did it back in School, what on Earth made you think banning your entire chat room was a good idea?
AngelicTease said:
Yesterday I banned all the premiums in my room, and muted the guests and basics coz people wouldn't tell me what someone said. Someone typed something with a £ sign and it got lost my end, so I showed them on the screen, and they said they saw it blank too, when I knew they could see it on their bloody screen! Then someone finally told me, and THEN everyone else suddenly saw it, wtf? And then someone did it again, and they wouldn't tell me then either, then someone said someone typed a whole line of £'s but no one would tell me who it was so I could ban them, ARGHHHHHHHHH. I was like I can't bloody see it on my screen, I've shown you that, why the fuck can't you just tell me seeing as you guys can bloody see it FFS. So then I banned everyone, grrrr. PFFFT.
Geez seriously how hard is it to just say a bloody name and copy and paste what they said minus the bloody £?
I tried to view my own cam as a guest, but it made my laptop crash, so I was reliying on the lazy fuckers to help me and they wouldn't coz they were being lazy fuckers GRRRRRRRRRRRR. PFFFFFFFFFT. HMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHH.

lol that sounds like so much trouble for a problem easily solved..
when i'm online i'm in my own room with my premium name just for things like this..
also to check models that i dont see in my model software but are in my room..

i only bann people that are rude... weird.. or just annoy me
i have been banned once for asking a model if i knew her from another site (and i did).. thats was a really strange bann..
i was like wtf.. its not like i'm advertising for that site or anything..
and once had a bann from some russian couple because i told them they shouldnt bann people just cus they are asking if they could stop shaking the camcorder..

very rarely i bann someone by mistake.. when i'm tired or so..
i see someone beeing a prick click their name and bann..
turn out that person allready left and i clicked the person above/below
There wasn't even that many people though, there was like 4 premiums I banned, and all were talking to me. So they deserved it for not helping me damnit, lol!
It's not like I had a room full of people, I very rarely have more than 10 in my room and I know your all thinking 'I wonder why' hahahahaa. I think the same, but I can't stop being a cunt, I think it comes naturally to me. So many people everyday call me a bitch and a cunt, and it's like I was just being myself? Eeek. I guess some people are born nice, other people miss out on the niceness and become complete cunts instead, oooooops.
Yay for the few people that have a bitchy cunt fetish, wooooooooooooo. :D

Also, it's not like I do that often, lol. I did it once, after being online for 8 hours straight and being pissed off that I couldn't see something, and no one would tell me what was written, pfft. Not like I murdered someone!! :roll:
AngelicTease said:
There wasn't even that many people though, there was like 4 premiums I banned, and all were talking to me. So they deserved it for not helping me damnit, lol!
It's not like I had a room full of people, I very rarely have more than 10 in my room and I know your all thinking 'I wonder why' hahahahaa. I think the same, but I can't stop being a cunt, I think it comes naturally to me. So many people everyday call me a bitch and a cunt, and it's like I was just being myself? Eeek. I guess some people are born nice, other people miss out on the niceness and become complete cunts instead, oooooops.
Yay for the few people that have a bitchy cunt fetish, wooooooooooooo. :D

Also, it's not like I do that often, lol. I did it once, after being online for 8 hours straight and being pissed off that I couldn't see something, and no one would tell me what was written, pfft. Not like I murdered someone!! :roll:
I just hope you didn't shoot yourself in the foot is all.
I don't even know what you mean by that? Most people who come in my room never come back again anyway, lol. I was just doing them a favour so they didn't waste any more time on me haha. ;)
My "silly guilty bans" would mostly be on premiums who don't speak english. I don't dislike ethno-culturally-diverse premiums or anything but their free-chat comments can get so fucking random that they just have to go for the sake of maintaining some sort of coherent conversation. ie, if I'm talking about my shiny new winter tires and no-speaky-english premiums just keeps typing, "mmmmmmmmmmmmmyaa yayaya bbb i lrv u posy ya" I'll boot them pretty fast. It's not out of spite or anything, they can come back in 6 hours and do it again if they want.

And emoticon guys, god this drives me nuts, do you think your little lesbian pussy licking flash vid is making me wet? adding to the conversation? lol. I warn these guys though, say something like, "randomdude6969 use your big boy words hun, your emotes are annoying" if they continue I just quietly ban them. It's not a big deal, it's just irritating.

I'm all about the silent ban, it's not personal, I'm not "mad", I think I've only ever 60 day banned half a dozen people in a year for being truly abusive and consistently disruptive. It's just that the random crap makes the chat way harder to follow.

You can convince me to reverse the ban too, just send me a "WHY U BAN ME BB I LUV U BB WHY U MAKE ME GO AWAY?" mfc mail and I'll request you write a one page essay describing how you displayed poor conduct and what your action plan is for improving your conduct in the future, and I'll totally unban you (buahahahaha evil laugh) (so far no takers!)
LovelyLemon said:
My "silly guilty bans" would mostly be on premiums who don't speak english. I don't dislike ethno-culturally-diverse premiums or anything but their free-chat comments can get so fucking random that they just have to go for the sake of maintaining some sort of coherent conversation. ie, if I'm talking about my shiny new winter tires and no-speaky-english premiums just keeps typing, "mmmmmmmmmmmmmyaa yayaya bbb i lrv u posy ya" I'll boot them pretty fast. It's not out of spite or anything, they can come back in 6 hours and do it again if they want.

And emoticon guys, god this drives me nuts, do you think your little lesbian pussy licking flash vid is making me wet? adding to the conversation? lol. I warn these guys though, say something like, "randomdude6969 use your big boy words hun, your emotes are annoying" if they continue I just quietly ban them. It's not a big deal, it's just irritating.

I'm all about the silent ban, it's not personal, I'm not "mad", I think I've only ever 60 day banned half a dozen people in a year for being truly abusive and consistently disruptive. It's just that the random crap makes the chat way harder to follow.

You can convince me to reverse the ban too, just send me a "WHY U BAN ME BB I LUV U BB WHY U MAKE ME GO AWAY?" mfc mail and I'll request you write a one page essay describing how you displayed poor conduct and what your action plan is for improving your conduct in the future, and I'll totally unban you (buahahahaha evil laugh) (so far no takers!)

I'm the same way with non-English speaking premiums and emote-crazy guys. But I 60-day. And I don't reverse bans unless its very very very convincing. My saying is "my bans are permanent."
LovelyLemon said:
You can convince me to reverse the ban too, just send me a "WHY U BAN ME BB I LUV U BB WHY U MAKE ME GO AWAY?" mfc mail and I'll request you write a one page essay describing how you displayed poor conduct and what your action plan is for improving your conduct in the future, and I'll totally unban you (buahahahaha evil laugh) (so far no takers!)

Damn near snorted coffee on that one :lol: those sneaky ones that pop up out of the blue always make me laugh the hardest.
Bocefish said:
LovelyLemon said:
You can convince me to reverse the ban too, just send me a "WHY U BAN ME BB I LUV U BB WHY U MAKE ME GO AWAY?" mfc mail and I'll request you write a one page essay describing how you displayed poor conduct and what your action plan is for improving your conduct in the future, and I'll totally unban you (buahahahaha evil laugh) (so far no takers!)

Damn near snorted coffee on that one :lol: those sneaky ones that pop up out of the blue always make me laugh the hardest.

Agreed!! Another reason to love Amy. :)
LilyPink said:
Have you ever banned or been banned for a reeeeeeeally silly reason? Share your stories!

I was being grumpy and banned all premiums who weren't typing in my room once. :lol: I was really struggling for convo and they were all being too quiet!

I've been so tempted to do this lately. Preemptively to a few members in particular. I see them in other models' rooms all day, every day and they don't speak! Just sit there silently. It's creepy. One evening I was BEGGING for conversation and they're all just sitting there silently and I'm sitting there because since no one is talking I decided screw dancing and being entertaining. It was really frustrating. I was like, "I know you all can't be jerking to me sitting here drinking wine..." At least I would hope not. That's no fun. That experience put me off nights again, lol. I don't understand the point of being a premium if you're just going to lurk.

As far as being banned? Haven't had that happen yet. I don't really say much to models outside of complimenting them on something I like. The few times I've tried to help a model out with their cam being blurry/room being dark/music being too loud, they've either just ignored me or cussed me out. No bans though. :shifty:
yesterday i see a model of top 20.. only can said is 1 or 2 place...

And is funny member appear and she said ... " one day pm to you and you respond want my 50 000 tks".. the member said not him said that.. and she agree.. then she said in public chat he have 20 points is cheap... but the true the member have a lot of points i see once tip a

the girl continue joke with him and he ask to her to tell the true.. some guys tip her 1000 tks... and she said tip me 1000 tokens and i tell the true..
Member said no because she knows the true why joke with him...

wel she bann the member and said only my room tippers...

Good personality.. funny how a girl like this stay in top 20...

PS: sorry for my English.. i hope
LovelyLemon said:
... I'll request you write a one page essay describing how you displayed poor conduct and what your action plan is for improving your conduct in the future, and I'll totally unban you (buahahahaha evil laugh) (so far no takers!)

Tell you what Amy... you say that to me in a stern voice with your hair up in a school-teacher bun... and I'm all over you that!

(Yes ma'am... I've been a naughty, naughty boy... I'll go to your room now)
The one banning that stands out the most for me has to be from a girl that will remain nameless, went into her room, she had about 20 people in her room total, everyone trying to say Hi and converse with her, spent almost 10 minutes in her room trying to get her to at least say Hi.... ( she wasn't talking to anyone, just sitting there looking bored ) she finally said Hi and my next comment was :eek:mgomgomg SHE IS ALIVE.... she banned me without another word. I deserved it, I admit I deserved it, I went out of my way to wait for this person to say anything just to piss her off. apparently She IS alive was the way to do just that. :lol:
PinUpKittie said:
Banning for silly reasons: This isn't really that silly, but I almost NEVER ban a very very rarely. The night before I came home for the holidays (i.e. the night I was saying goodbye for 2 weeks) at like 4am I was saying goodbye to my members and banning lots of basics when a premium came in and asked "how dos ur ass look bb" and I said "A hell of a lot better than your face" and banned him. All my members were like " :eek: omg he was a never talk like that" Haha the first time you see a girl's tired bitchy mood is always shocking....

Banned for a silly reason? I already talked about this so I hope I don't sound like I'm whining....but my first night as a premium I came into a room where the model suddenly decided to call by name every non-tipping premium in the room and curse them out, then ban them. I had only been there less than a minute when she got to me and she went NUTS and called me pigupfucker or something like that...I told her I wouldn't want anyone to pay for this kind of treatment and she 60-day banned me O.O ((I plan on visiting her in 60 days and not tipping >.> )

Sounds like a certain blonde Romanian I know
LuxDahl said:
LilyPink said:
Have you ever banned or been banned for a reeeeeeeally silly reason? Share your stories!

I was being grumpy and banned all premiums who weren't typing in my room once. :lol: I was really struggling for convo and they were all being too quiet!

I've been so tempted to do this lately. Preemptively to a few members in particular. I see them in other models' rooms all day, every day and they don't speak! Just sit there silently. It's creepy. One evening I was BEGGING for conversation and they're all just sitting there silently and I'm sitting there because since no one is talking I decided screw dancing and being entertaining. It was really frustrating. I was like, "I know you all can't be jerking to me sitting here drinking wine..." At least I would hope not. That's no fun. That experience put me off nights again, lol. I don't understand the point of being a premium if you're just going to lurk.

Some prems have have a dozen or so windows with different models open simultaneously and they probably have all but one model muted. I'm not justifying, just explaining why sometimes you see that happen.
I'm certainly not condoning banning people for not chatting, but I distinctly remember how weird it felt back in the day to have 20 people in a room and nobody is chatting! Or worse, only silly people are chatting and nobody is breaking up the awkwardness with non "anal zoom" type commentary provided by the under achievers.

I have really big rooms now that are very chat heavy so I don't really have the time or the inclination to scroll through the member list and see who isn't contributing to the conversation (actually just looking at the member list bouncing around gives me vertigo, why do they have to make it bounce like that lol???) This is also why i never know who has tokens and who doesn't unless they're chatting, I just get dizzy trying to click on them.

*Amber-cakes* how do you keep track of 60 day bans? Do you actually record the dates somewhere and then reissue the ban after 60 days? The gents who I have 60 day banned in the past never seem to reappear so I've never had to be organized enough to manage that feature.
Being banned by a girl you don't know and that you never visited her room is considered a silly reason?

This already happened with two different girls and after a couple of months, I'm still banned. However, this smell like MFC bug. I also can't send a MFC mail to these two girls.

I was once banned because I said in free chat that the pvt the girl had was hot. Later she gave me the idea (she never said yes or no) that she didn't want that certain members know about the nude shows.
LovelyLemon said:
*Amber-cakes* how do you keep track of 60 day bans? Do you actually record the dates somewhere and then reissue the ban after 60 days? The gents who I have 60 day banned in the past never seem to reappear so I've never had to be organized enough to manage that feature.
Now I have a 30 day reminder on my phone to reban everyone in the list. Just go in and re-click on them in the ban list and redo the 60-day. Don't have to wait until exactly 60 days to do it. Each time you do it, it extends another 60.
LilyPink said:
Have you ever banned or been banned for a reeeeeeeally silly reason?

Apparently, KillerKunt got sand in her vag and banned me when I told her (On this site, in the MFC Rules thread) that she shouldn't worry about what other models are doing and concentrate on her own room/fans. Only reason I know is somebody linked her in the lounge and I couldn't check it out.

My other ban was for being friends with another model who was also in the top 20 competition.
AmberCutie said:
LovelyLemon said:
Now I have a 30 day reminder on my phone to reban everyone in the list. Just go in and re-click on them in the ban list and redo the 60-day. Don't have to wait until exactly 60 days to do it. Each time you do it, it extends another 60.

Sounds like there would be a market for an app.
AmberCutie said:
LovelyLemon said:
*Amber-cakes* how do you keep track of 60 day bans? Do you actually record the dates somewhere and then reissue the ban after 60 days? The gents who I have 60 day banned in the past never seem to reappear so I've never had to be organized enough to manage that feature.
Now I have a 30 day reminder on my phone to reban everyone in the list. Just go in and re-click on them in the ban list and redo the 60-day. Don't have to wait until exactly 60 days to do it. Each time you do it, it extends another 60.

you're a master of efficiency :) that's soooo hawt!
thanks gorgeous
I've only been banned from one model's room and I honestly have no idea why I was, possibly for non-chatting because I had her muted in the background.
Bocefish said:
My other ban was for being friends with another model who was also in the top 20 competition.

Wait...children can work on mfc???
Bocefish said:
LilyPink said:
Have you ever banned or been banned for a reeeeeeeally silly reason?

Apparently, KillerKunt got sand in her vag and banned me when I told her (On this site, in the MFC Rules thread) that she shouldn't worry about what other models are doing and concentrate on her own room/fans. Only reason I know is somebody linked her in the lounge and I couldn't check it out.

Am I shocked by this news? No. KillerKunt should be named Stupid Cunt. And the fact that I just used a word I NEVER use (the C word) should tell you how serious I am about that.

AnaVictoriaXO said:
Bocefish said:
My other ban was for being friends with another model who was also in the top 20 competition.

Wait...children can work on mfc???

Yeah, see above the quote.
I've discovered 2 models who I am location blocked from. One was within the last month. What was strange is after some *cough* investigative work (go go proxies) I loaded up the latest one's profile because I was curious if it was an MFC bug or a geo-block and her location showed as Oregon. Maybe she has family here though.

Otherwise, I've been banned twice. Once was Amber because I'd never been banned before previous to that... and the other was... stupid.

Basically there was a new model who I found rather attractive and she had a quirky sense of humor that I thought could be rather amusing once she was more comfortable in front of the cam. I suggested she come check out these forums for some good information and proceeded to hang out in her channel. I ended up in a disagreement with another premium who was spreading misinformation and left the channel. Tried to go back later to apologize to the model and was banned.

I don't know if she ever came here and read anything. If she does read this though, oh well.
I let guests and basics talk in my room so there's always the idiots, and 99% of the time the first begging, demanding, or idiotic comment will get the banhammer instantly. There's premiums that I ban too, but much less often.

Last few days I've been keeping track of how many bans I've done that day/session in my topic. Record was set earlier this week when I hit a 103 bans over the course of about eight hours. On average I think I ban about ten every hour.

I never ban for the sake of banning though, or for not tipping (I love some basics) or talking. Most of my bans are when they come in acting as if it's

I have been banned from some rooms, mostly making snarky comments, and one time I was banned for staying in a room for too long without tipping or talking. I had my window in the background then.
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