AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Ban Banners on camera.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Mirra, can't blame a girl for trying I guess, but that kinda stuff should be limited to people that have friended/favorited her.

The following is another one that's not too terribly distracting. The screen cap reminds me of an old Jimmy Hendrix poster. She is hottt and her Venezualan accent is sexy.


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MissStar said:
RufffRider said:
Models can be Trolls too? :eek:
errm you keep posting so you do give a fuck?
Most of the time i don't think AmberCutie even likes me, I don't think she hates me or anything, i am not HER Prem and i dont kiss her ass, Amber and I have agrreed on about 20% in this forum so far, this is the best Forum for MFC that I have found, please tell me if you know a better one.

what are u talking about???better forum??? dude see you idiots are stuck in this forum world talking about webcam girls all across the net are copied and reposted for many different reasons. the reason we put our name/urls is to stop/slow theft ....Fuck what u want. BTW 20% lmao thats a complete failure in anyones book....retards atleast get 40%

sorry i was stuck i forum world so now i realize 2 weeks later that MissStar was still arguing.
i think the MikeytheGeek post says everything i would have said if i knew i was still involved. and yes i have posted to this forum in the last two weeks, i just didn't check this thread, i am new to these types of forums, but i still say, if there is a better MFC Forum please tell me.
20% agreement is based on agreement of Opinions, everyone gets to have an opinion, opinions are not Fail/Win
Here's the cutest and most well placed (IMO) one I've seen yet.


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This is one of the most annoying ones so far. The topic was the same thing, but a better topic would have been 2975 tokens to remove the fucking annoying banner.


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Bocefish said:
Mirra, can't blame a girl for trying I guess, but that kinda stuff should be limited to people that have friended/favorited her.

The following is another one that's not too terribly distracting. The screen cap reminds me of an old Jimmy Hendrix poster. She is hottt and her Venezualan accent is sexy.

I just recently found her room, shes awesome! Her banner doesn't get my shit like some banners do, I cant stand shit that covers more than a couple inches of the screen.
Bocefish said:
This is one of the most annoying ones so far. The topic was the same thing, but a better topic would have been 2975 tokens to remove the fucking annoying banner.

She has that on there every day, big and extremely distracting.


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Isn't there software you can use to five it transparency? I mean, if I'm going to throw nickels at internet strippers to stick comically large objects into their vaginae, I want to be able to see the whole show.
Seriously, putting them in a place that is out of the way makes it easy to cut out. Putting them in the way makes the whole thing pointless. Putting them in the way, but with transparency is still kind of annoying.
KatieBanks proves that you can do it in a nice, not annoying way.
My pick would be to post something in the background. Hell, if you want to post an image in the corner, it would be better to make a barcode that when you take a picture with your smartphone it will take you to a website.


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DanicaDancer said:
AmberCutie said:
Yeah it's pretty distracting and annoying. I've only used banners for a game we're playing or for highest tipper shout outs and that sort of thing. Example:

So I know this thread is about how banners are annoying and all, but I have wanted to be able to use them for some small suttle uses (similar to Amber's above) but I don't know how where to add them.

Can anyone tell me how to add text to my webcam screen? I have the logitech ordbit as my cam.

Thanks in advance for any replies (and I promise I won't abuse the banner feature, lol)

Nice use of a banner by Ultress. It's a crawl and most of the time it's not even in the frame. I'm not sure that it's called for at all times, but I'm sure some models would find it useful once in a while. Some models I know get really distracted by PMs, and I know Amber prefers that chat remain in public.


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Mikeythegeek said:
pretty clever except for the lips animation in the lower right (found in the preview image, so not at normal size)

not too bad really...looks like its hanging off the dildo LOL
Does anyone do it WELL? I mean, if I were to put a lil wee in my far right hand corner, or down the side on the left hand corner, and make a serious effort to make it discreet, petite, elegant and unobtrusive would it be acceptable or is that whole concept pretty much universally fail?

The ONLY reason I would consider doing this is for copyright purposes. So that when privates are recorded and reposted online I would at least have a hope of generating traffic from it.
LovelyLemon said:
Does anyone do it WELL? I mean, if I were to put a lil wee in my far right hand corner, or down the side on the left hand corner, and make a serious effort to make it discreet, petite, elegant and unobtrusive would it be acceptable or is that whole concept pretty much universally fail?

The ONLY reason I would consider doing this is for copyright purposes. So that when privates are recorded and reposted online I would at least have a hope of generating traffic from it.
I think it was mentioned earlier about making a banner and hang it on the wall behind you. In general, if it's small and along the side it was not a bad idea
Something small, elegant and unobtrusive would be fine. It's the big gawdy ones that are seriously FAIL. A tiny watermark type URL would be best IMO. As far as copyrights go...models have none, if it's from MFC.
Bocefish said:
Something small, elegant and unobtrusive would be fine. It's the big gawdy ones that are seriously FAIL. A tiny watermark type URL would be best IMO. As far as copyrights go...models have none, if it's from MFC.
I thought so too. I,m confused now. I thought MFC owns whatever happens on their cams. I think that water mark might deter some people posting the videos all over, but i don't think any of the models owns the camera feed on mfc. Unless we are treated differently.
AngelNery said:
Bocefish said:
Something small, elegant and unobtrusive would be fine. It's the big gawdy ones that are seriously FAIL. A tiny watermark type URL would be best IMO. As far as copyrights go...models have none, if it's from MFC.
I thought so too. I,m confused now. I thought MFC owns whatever happens on their cams. I think that water mark might deter some people posting the videos all over, but i don't think any of the models owns the camera feed on mfc. Unless we are treated differently.

From another thread...

AmberCutie said:
As a side note: any and all content broadcasted over MFC is owned by MFC and not us, the models. The contract clearly states that any and all content may or may not be used anywhere MFC deems fit, including, and not limited to, MFC selling the content to other sites without reimbursing or notifying the model. That being said, legally, sites do not have to obey a DMCA request from models (or their members) as the models are not the copyright holder of the content in question and you could possibly get in trouble for impersonating the copyright holder. For all we know, MFC could have given the site in question explicit permission to use any of MFC's content as they see fit. It's good to keep this in mind if/when you find a site with images/videos of yourself and try to take action to get it removed.
I've been trying to figure out how she did that. Manycams wont let you add the copyright symbol. I'd like to have that so it makes it harder for guys to upload recorded videos. Anyone have any ideas how she did that?
HaileyJade said:
I've been trying to figure out how she did that. Manycams wont let you add the copyright symbol. I'd like to have that so it makes it harder for guys to upload recorded videos. Anyone have any ideas how she did that?

Figured it out!! :dance:
This thread has reminded me of two things:

1) Some people are just stupid and some people are just trolls. When the two of those traits are found in the same person, watch the fuck out!

2) MFC owns all the broadcasts on MFC. So putting a copyright symbol on there is disingenuous. If you must put text on your screen, just put your name. The copyright symbol is just stupid.
Runts said:
This thread has reminded me of two things:

1) Some people are just stupid and some people are just trolls. When the two of those traits are found in the same person, watch the fuck out!

2) MFC owns all the broadcasts on MFC. So putting a copyright symbol on there is disingenuous. If you must put text on your screen, just put your name. The copyright symbol is just stupid.
Yup on both notes.
Runts said:
MFC owns all the broadcasts on MFC. So putting a copyright symbol on there is disingenuous. If you must put text on your screen, just put your name. The copyright symbol is just stupid.

I don't think including the copyright symbol is stupid at all. Those of us here know it's not legit, but it may very likely deter some lesser knowledgeable folks. As long as it's not illegal and MFC obviously doesn't give a can't hurt.
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Mikeythegeek said:
I agree with Runts on both counts, but agree with Boce too. If it keeps certain individuals from posting those videos elsewhere on the internets, then it's not the worst thing in the world.
Yeah I agree in a sense with Boce too. MFC doesn't give a rats ass about anything these days, so if it's added just to deter, then cool. My problem is with the models who THINK THEY OWN THE FEED. That's the stupid part.
AmberCutie said:
Mikeythegeek said:
I agree with Runts on both counts, but agree with Boce too. If it keeps certain individuals from posting those videos elsewhere on the internets, then it's not the worst thing in the world.
Yeah I agree in a sense with Boce too. MFC doesn't give a rats ass about anything these days, so if it's added just to deter, then cool. My problem is with the models who THINK THEY OWN THE FEED. That's the stupid part.

Im going to start putting the symbol and my name on my feed. I know I dont own it, but having it there will help make it easier in case my videos do get posted. When videos get posted, MFC really doesnt give a shit, so I'm on my own as far as getting my videos down.
Maybe I'm not looking at this the right way, or maybe its just the way I look at the issue, but I would imagine that the best thing to add to your cam video would be a web site or URL to your profile.

As good as the cam quality is on MFC, its still pretty poor compared to a good HD video. I imagine the real draw for people is knowing they are watching a real live person, in live action. Thus, a recording of a performance is basically just a grainy, low-res porn clip. In that regard, you could turn it to your advantage and at least benefit from whatever distribution happens. If someone posts it on a site, at least you may somehow get a few potential new fans from it.

I don't think a (c) will deter anyone who is going through the trouble to capture the video of your show and posting it somewhere. But at least with a promotion URL you can take lemons and make a bit of lemonade?
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