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AVN 2017

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Inactive Cam Model
Jan 9, 2016
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I plan on going to AVN this year for the first time! Can someone tell me how it works as far as getting in, the cam girl mansion party. Anything I need to know??!?

I cam on Streamate and clips on Manyvids. I contacted manyvids and they don't help with entry or anything like that.

I'm so excited for this!! I watched last year and wished and this year I'll be there!
I'm interested as well! I think it'd be fun and hopefully educational, plus a great opportunity to meet some other models and maybe some site reps or something, just to have a face to know. I cam on Chaturbate and I contacted Shirley, since I've seen her name all over the place as being super helpful, so I'll post if she shares anything with me! I just asked her if Chaturbate would be there and how I could represent them, if I went.

Does anybody have any experiences to share of actually going though? Was it helpful? Fun? Did you have problems getting there? Pros and cons?
There is a link on MFC that tells you how to request tickets and how to get on a booth schedule to sign at the booth.

THINGS YOU SHOULD HAVE: Business cards, printed photos to sign, dress in costume or VERY photo friendly clothing.

Some tips are to charge your phone and bring your charger to the show. I would suggest a power charger that you can charge your phone with in case you don't want to leave your phone unattended on a plug. Take comfortable shoes (or design your outfits/costumes around comfy shoes). Take a bottled water and some snacks. Get there EARLY. Parking at the Hard Rock is a bitch and valet takes FOREVER. Take a camera! Bring a hot spot modem to connect to for WiFi and broadcast live from the show!

You aren't going to get ANY sleep so don't even bank on it! LOL

I am actually having a Cam Party in my suite for those who want to join me - message me here! :) I've been every year since 2011 and it's TOTALLY fun! Anyone want to be my booth partner and get more info about the show I am more than willing to help best I can!!
Ahh, thank you so much for your insight into AVN! I'm very excited about attending. I emailed Shirley from Chaturbate and await her reply on repping Chaturbate, but I was wondering if you knew about this at all? I cam on there and if I go can I wear the logo or something? Is there a booth? What was your first time going like? I'll definitely message you for some more info!
These are some convention tips posted by misslollipop!

A couple of the girls rooming with me for Exxxotica NJ are first timers and were asking me a few questions. I started writing an email with stuff to bring, tips etc.. then it sort of grew into a crazy long tips list. So I thought I'd post it here. Much of it is common sense. Some of it is my personal opinions on how models should treat each other, manners etc.

If anyone sees any glaring errors, or has anything to add please do. I'm basing my experiences off the AEE in vegas, The camgirl Mansion (I attended both of the previous ones) and Exxxotica Miami. I'm by no means a 'vetran' at conventions.... that said - here are a few things I wish I had known!

There are many conventions around the US every year that Myfreecams Sponsors and attends officially. If anyone has a list to add to this thread that would be awesome.
WHY YOU SHOULD GO: Exposure. To meet other models. To network. To watch and learn. Exposure! FUN? FUN is a perfectly acceptable reason too.
WHY YOU SHOULDN'T GO: Don't go expecting it to make you a lot more than it normally does. Often you won't break even, after all travel expenses are paid for. DONT go if you're brand new and easily overwhelmed, scared in social situations, or very concerned about being 'exposed' or outed.

HERE is the official MFC wiki about tradeshows.

It helps to see it sometimes. If you can watch a few models during one of the shows, do so! Nothing beats seeing it live.
Here's videos from the convention that MFC puts out. You can also look on the web for footage from peoples own cameras that is posted, to give you an idea of what to expect.

Common misunderstandings/myths i've heard models ask about:
a) You have to be top 20/top100 to go. You have to be invited. INCORRECT - any registered MFC model can go.

b) MFC pays models to go. INCORRECT - you do not get paid to go. You DO get your TICKET free. I have heard rumors of top models getting large tips from leo after conventions. I have no idea whether this is true or not. All I can tell you is I've never had one LOL!
c)MFC models have to stay in one place: INCORRECT. Stay wherever you want.

d)Camming from conventions will make you more money: I haven't found this strictly true. It's a great chance to network with other models, do girl/girl shows and get Exposure. But it may pay off in the long run, rather than immediately. Think of it as marketing your brand, rather than expecting HUGE tips to fall out of the sky when you arrive.

e) You have to cam on a schedule/arrive at certain times: You don't have to do anything. You don't even have to cam.

f) Members will show up and expect you to sleep with them: Be careful managing the expectations of members who may want to visit you. But I have not had this happen.. yet.

g) Girls are really bitchy there, its drama and if your'e a low camscore model, or don't look like all the other girls it'll be horrible:
THIS IS TRUE IF YOU LET IT BE THAT WAY FOR YOU. ANY TIME you put a large number of young women together, especially where we are essentially in competition with each other, there will be drama. However I've found if you AVOID negativity, gossip and go in with CONFIDENCE and a FRIENDLY POSITIVE attitude, you can avoid most of it. I'm by no means a petite model, and haven't found I was snubbed. And I'm certainly not top 20! If you have a 20k camscore are you gonna be more popular for girl/girl shows? Well yes of course. As we always talk about on here, DONT compare yourself to other girls. Focus on yourself :)
h)You have to be bisexual, lesbian (or willing to play with girls) to be able to go. INCORRECT - you can do perfectly fine going and doing your own thing if you're straight, or just want to fly solo. Girl/Girl shows are a blast and yes, they get lots of viewers but don't feel pressured.
The conventions are NOT success on a plate. Don't expect it to be handed to you. You'll need to work. You'll need to put yourself out there.

-Mail MFC model support and tell them you are coming.

-Mail the convention and tell them you will be attending as an MFC model. Send a NON nude picture for them to use on their promos. This is not necessary to attend but seems like a good idea! Exxxotica will post you on their website.

-Follow the convention on twitter!

-Talk to other girls going. There are usually threads that spring up here about girls that are going. It helps so much if you can go in knowing SOMEONE a little bit, especially if you're shy.

-Even if you don't tell people what you do for a living, make sure SOMEONE at home knows your itinery.

-Label EVERYTHING. colored ductape works fine. I cannot stress this enough - EVERY girl there will have a hitachi, a C910 or C920 cam, many will have the same laptop chargers etc. If you can instantly recognize your things its a lot easier to keep track of them.

-Weigh your luggage and know how much you can check. Remember to check all liquids over 2 oz. Its a good idea to check most sex toys too. Take the batteries out of your vibrators.


-a copy of your STD results. You'll be surprised how many girls won't ask for these. My advice is if you plan on doing shows with girls, you insist on seeing these for your own saftey. Testing from a year ago is not ok. They must be recent. Call your doctor and find out how long you'll need to wait for results so that you can plan your appointment. Even if you've had no sexual partners in the last 10 years, the girls you're working with DON'T KNOW THAT.

Get tested for: HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Herpes. You can do a blood test for herpes, though it is NOT completely accurate I'd rather see a negative result, than no result. I believe there is a TESTING thread somewhere which talks more about these kinds of things in depth.

Remember that a clear test is not a guarantee that the person does not have herpes, or has contracted something in between the time of the test and playing with you. If you have ANY doubts, there are many sexy things you can do without fluid contact.

- Your Laptop. Don't forget the charger.

-Camera and a tripod if you want to film content.

-Memory cards/flash drives. Remember videos take up room! Don't wait to get your content from another model after the convention. Copy the files raw so you have them! It's a pain in the ass waiting on someone else to send you the files afterwards.

-A standard model release form. Most models don't ask for these, but if you're working with someone you don't know well, if you are posting vids to your website or somewhere like clips4sale you should have the models information on file. It's also a great way to cover your own ass.

-Wifi stick. if you want to cam from the convention you MUST have your own internet. There is no wifi provided by the conventions usually. If it is there you can bet its crap. You can get these from your cellphone company, in most cases they will add them to your plan.

In my experience verizon has worked well for me at MOST conventions (except the camgirl mansion). They now sell these fancy wireless ones that you plug in with a usb to charge. I personally don't like them - they loose charge to quickly and seem to accept more interference (from other girls using wifi sticks in close proximity). I've had the best luck with a usb plug in stick so far. I have one that swivels so i can angle it different ways for best reception.

If you've never used a mobile hotspot before remember to warn your regulars that your internet connection will not be as good at the convention as it is at home. It's part of the trade off to get to watch you having a blast with other girls!

Most hotels are crap, so do not plan on relying on it at your hotel either. You will be frustrated and unable to make money.

-If you're driving, a car charger for your electronics is handy. Especially if you want to cam from the car!

- Sex toys

-Wet wipes

-Sex toy cleaner

-Condoms for toys if you want to share them

-Cards or postcards/prints to hand out and sign are an awesome idea. Most girls will have them, and you'll feel silly scrawling a website down on a piece of ripped up napkin.

-A pen to sign stuff!

-Flats you can carry in your purse, if you're like me and not good at walking in heels.

-Cold weather clothes! It's NJ and its fall. Stuff you can throw over a dress to go outside is helpful.

-Make up.

-Sexy clothes!

-A power strip or extension cord can be super handy for hotel rooms.

-Vitamins!!! Especially vitamin C and Zinc. Start taking it right before you leave. Travelling, and then intimate contact with other girls - I almost always end up sick! Eat healthy and stay hydrated.

-If money is a problem consider doing a cam fundraiser to get to the convention! Do remember though, that If you tell them "I'll be doing LOTS of girl girl shows" and you don't actually know anyone who has said they'll cam with you.. you might end up in an awkward position. I also PERSONALLY think its pretty low if you fundraise for the event, then don't ever log on or shoot content. If your members help you get there, give them something back.

-DON'T MAKE TOO MANY PROMISES! The weekend will FLY BY. You simply will not be able to schedule every minute of the day. Be very careful promising specific shows with models you've been talking to unless you KNOW they're good for it. Have a basic plan... but don't try to do too much.


- There are no specific 'rules'. You can talk to fans, cam, walk around etc. You don't have to arrive or leave at any set time, though it's smart to share cabs.

-Leo will sometimes make an appearance, but isn't there a whole lot. Alex is the guy who is usually on hand to make sure things go smoothly

-Alex will usually come around with a camera and a model at some point with the camera filming for the video promos they do for conventions. It's good exposure so if they ask you say Yes! Talk about MFC as positively as you can stomach.

-MFC will usually have a security guy watching the booth.

-If someone is giving you trouble, remember you're in a PUBLIC place. Don't let anyone touch you, grope you or creep you out! If you feel uncomfortable, SHOUT. There are a bazillion white knights who will jump to your aid, as well as convention security.

-Check the Dress code! Dress code for exxxotica is I BELIEVE that your nipples, ass crack/hole and pussy must be covered. Body paints count and you can often be painted there for a fee. When picking an outfit for the convention wear what you feel comfy and sexy in, not just what you think you SHOULD wear.

-The public are allowed to take pictures - which can end up on the web. So try to look your best.

-Carry flats in your purse. Wear them in the cab, and into the con. You can also wear them behind the booth. Heels are a killer after wearing them all day.

-You can usually duck down behind the booth to do shows. Some conventions are stricter than others. This is technically against the rules. MFC will usually not say anything about it as long as you're discreet and they aren't getting in trouble with the convention organizers. If you see convention security close by, don't flash or do anything! It would suck to be the model that got mfc kicked out.

-My tip: Look around you. If there are 20 other models standing behind the booth smiling at the cam..... its not something that is super interesting. DONT do what the other models are doing. Figure out SOMETHING different. Be creative!

- Only use bottled drinks. Don't leave them unnattended.

-DONT leave toys or ANYTHING ELSE on top of the booth. It WILL BE STOLEN. The bottom of the booth is covered by a curtain but is not necessarily a safe place either, anyone can reach underneath it.

- DONT trust other models. It's tempting to think we're all friends and we all want to help each other but the reality is just not that way. Just because she's another model don't trust her with your things. Don't give out your real name unless you have no other choice. Be careful giving out your number.

-Get there early to secure a spot behind the booth

- Men on cam. MFC is generally much more relaxed about this rule at conventions. But we all know how MFC is with penalizing lower camscore models and playing favorites. But: when members by tickets to Exxxotica they consent to knowing their image may be taken by photographers etc. So they cannot theoretically SUE mfc for broadcasting their images.

I don't want to tell you "DONT WORRY JUST BREAK THE RULES" but don't freak out if a guy peers into your cam or something like that. I think MFC is usually pretty understanding about accidents at cons.

- Other Models: Not all models work well together even though we might like each other. An example of this: can you imagine me on cam with a seductive, non-nude model? Don't be hurt if someone isnt interested in working with you. Just move on.
The model meet is a good time to make new contacts etc. This is usually thursday night - held at a hotel that MFC will host. MFC will let you know where and when. No members allowed but boyfriends etc are.

-If a model lets you kiss her for a tip in your room, or says hi - I think its good manners to plug her in your room. Personal opinion... If a model does you a favor, say THANK YOU :)

-You will get assholes in your chat room going "HotChickFistsHERPussy" is so much hotter/is doing a way better show at the end of the booth" - don't let them walk all over you. Explain that while its OK to talk about other models and you're having fun with them, its NOT ok to put down or try to advertise another show in your room. I also think it's INCREDIBLY bad form to allow a member to say "You're so much hotter than the chick next to you" without reprimand. Deal with it outloud in your room, nicely or bossy, or send them a quick PM. Whatever works for your style. But I don't think guys should ever be allowed to think that putting down another model is OK. This is my personal opinion....

-A note about boyfriends. MANY girls will bring their partners and keep them underwraps. If a girl introduces you her to her boyfriend, DONT assume that she wants everyone to know thats who he is. Often they'll be introduced as Managers, Photographers or Security. Respect their privacy.

-ON the subject of trusting models, don't trust their boyfriends, security guards, managers etc either. You may also get approached and asked to do porn shoots, or photoshoots. Use your brain if you do these! Take a friend if you don't know them, make sure someone knows where you are and dont be afraid to ask for references.

-MFC clothes! MFC will have a box of the most hideous shorts you've ever seen, panties, boyshorts, tank tops and t-shirts. You can help yourself. Sometimes they go quick so get what you need!

-THE DUNGEON - if its the same people as the last convention they are aware of what camgirls are doing and if you go over there and talk to them first they will usually let you try a whipping/spanking etc live on cam. Some of the guys they had last time were INCREDIBLY grabby - if you want to know who is good to go to come ask me.

-THE MECHANICAL PENIS (bull) You can go and ride it. Wear panties... you dont know how many chicks have been on there.
The guy running it is a JACKASS, but he's harmless. Just a little rude.

-Members: If you're out with a member make sure someone knows where you are. Take cash with you. Don't leave your drinks unattended - normal safe stuff. DONT get too drunk. Just be smart.

- While I say DONT TRUST OTHER MODELS, I also believe we should lead by example. Don't be a flake. Don't be rude. DO look out for the other girls! Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Sort out what youre gonna do and who gets what ahead of time. In my personal opinion, if a high camscore girl has you on her cam and she's giving you exposure at the convention - forget about the tips. It's awesome exposure.
Shows at hotels etc - I find the easiest thing to do personally is to have both rooms running and girls make what they make in the show. Many others will simply split it. OR you might agree to do some time in her room, and some time in yours.
If you're a group show girl, you may want to ask members to take you group in both rooms - or you may want to arrange for the other girl to give you cash. Remember to discuss if she will take money off the top for taxes before splitting it (and what % that is).

-What you will sell it for?
-Is it ok to put it in a package deal/discounts?
-Is it ok to post it to your fanclub/website etc.
-Who will take charge of editing, watermarking etc?
Try to get any pictures you take to all models. Check before you tweet them. I hate it when models tweet pictures that I look awful in without showing me. Some girls might not be comfy with semi nude photos being posted publically.

To Summarize:

Conventions are busy, hot, noisy and overwhelming sometimes. Take breaks. Remember to ENJOY yourself. Be as confident as you can - if you are shrinking and shy in the corner, you will be ignored. Stay Hydrated. Bring headache meds. Take your vitamins. Sleep! Don't forget to eat, and try to eat HEALTHY.
This is GREAT! Such great info, thank you so much for taking the time to share it! I really got some good tips from that.~
oh hey! I really shoudl update that - please realize much of this was from like 4 years ago! So a few things may have changed. But the overall tips are still really solid :)
Oh! Well some things may have, as things do, but I still feel like I picked up some really solid info, I agree. :) Much more than I had before! Watching some clips of promo materials and things has kind of given me some insight as well.
the stuff that has changed is a lot of how MFC runs things (like the model meet ups/parties they do are different - no partners only models, if they do the same as last year)
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and here I thought my little tidbit was helpful lmaooooooooooo :) This is great. I gotta add SMALL SEWING KIT with SAFETY PINS... .wardrobe malfunction last year had me on the fritz and this would've been SUPER helpful!! :)
Oh and add:

Don't lose your badge, they may charge you to replace it (AVN charged me $100 to get a new badge)
Don't take off your wrist band ALL weekend until the show is over.
Nudity is NOT allowed so make sure you cover up nipples with pasties if you decide to wear revealing lingerie or bathing suits.
Bring your VALID photo id. The convention will ask to verify your identity and age before allowing you in!
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Question. For the AVN's, I know earlier is better to book hotels flights etc. Has the Hard Rock hotel ever sold out? When would you recommend the latest to book by? Do many people show up to the convention during weekdays? I would love to go even for one or two days just to check out the madness!
I am going to AVN 2017 in Las Vegas (YAY!) Thank you Marissa for the generous amount of information about what to expect, what to pack, what to wear, do/not do's, etc. There are so many extremely helpful ladies on MFC:)
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Awesome info! This will be my first year too, super excited. My partner went to last years and said it was amazing.
Question. For the AVN's, I know earlier is better to book hotels flights etc. Has the Hard Rock hotel ever sold out? When would you recommend the latest to book by? Do many people show up to the convention during weekdays? I would love to go even for one or two days just to check out the madness!

I'd suggest booking as early as possible can; the two times I've been to AEE/After Party, I booked everything around December and the search wasn't very fun thanks to limited availability everywhere (at least in the price range I was willing to go for). And looking quickly at the AVN site, they claim the blocks reserved for sponsors (CB and MFC) at the hard rock are almost sold out.

As for the convention, I didn't stay very late on weekdays due to other plans (usually there are models and sometimes members that organize outings during the weeknights), usually leaving around 5PM; around that time you can easily get groups of 100 to 200 people gathering around any sort of 'action' happening and I would expect more people a bit later in the day (IIRC the convention is open until 8PM on weekdays).

Can someone tell me how it works as far as getting in, the cam girl mansion party. Anything I need to know??!?

I see no one mentioned anything about the cam mansion after party; the main details on how to get in and what it involves are in .

I've been to it twice (the last two, which were at the Palms) and will go again next year; it's a really cool experience if you want hangout with models and members in an environment that is considerably less noisy and crowded than the convention. In my experience (which will be slightly different than a model's - I know a model who had to deal with a 'real life basic' as she described him), everyone is extremely respectful of boundaries and there were no excesses from anyone. Now, the only thing you have to keep in mind is that it's an event where there might be nudity (both models and members), sex, BDSM scenes and very open discussion about those subjects (I feel I have to say that because I've seen someone that I met at the first party later recounting his impression of the event to a model who wasn't there and being a bit shocked that those things happened.)
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There is a link on MFC that tells you how to request tickets and how to get on a booth schedule to sign at the booth.

THINGS YOU SHOULD HAVE: Business cards, printed photos to sign, dress in costume or VERY photo friendly clothing.

Some tips are to charge your phone and bring your charger to the show. I would suggest a power charger that you can charge your phone with in case you don't want to leave your phone unattended on a plug. Take comfortable shoes (or design your outfits/costumes around comfy shoes). Take a bottled water and some snacks. Get there EARLY. Parking at the Hard Rock is a bitch and valet takes FOREVER. Take a camera! Bring a hot spot modem to connect to for WiFi and broadcast live from the show!

You aren't going to get ANY sleep so don't even bank on it! LOL

I am actually having a Cam Party in my suite for those who want to join me - message me here! :) I've been every year since 2011 and it's TOTALLY fun! Anyone want to be my booth partner and get more info about the show I am more than willing to help best I can!!
This was VERY helpful Thank you!
These are some convention tips posted by misslollipop!

A couple of the girls rooming with me for Exxxotica NJ are first timers and were asking me a few questions. I started writing an email with stuff to bring, tips etc.. then it sort of grew into a crazy long tips list. So I thought I'd post it here. Much of it is common sense. Some of it is my personal opinions on how models should treat each other, manners etc.

If anyone sees any glaring errors, or has anything to add please do. I'm basing my experiences off the AEE in vegas, The camgirl Mansion (I attended both of the previous ones) and Exxxotica Miami. I'm by no means a 'vetran' at conventions.... that said - here are a few things I wish I had known!

There are many conventions around the US every year that Myfreecams Sponsors and attends officially. If anyone has a list to add to this thread that would be awesome.
WHY YOU SHOULD GO: Exposure. To meet other models. To network. To watch and learn. Exposure! FUN? FUN is a perfectly acceptable reason too.
WHY YOU SHOULDN'T GO: Don't go expecting it to make you a lot more than it normally does. Often you won't break even, after all travel expenses are paid for. DONT go if you're brand new and easily overwhelmed, scared in social situations, or very concerned about being 'exposed' or outed.

HERE is the official MFC wiki about tradeshows.

It helps to see it sometimes. If you can watch a few models during one of the shows, do so! Nothing beats seeing it live.
Here's videos from the convention that MFC puts out. You can also look on the web for footage from peoples own cameras that is posted, to give you an idea of what to expect.

Common misunderstandings/myths i've heard models ask about:
a) You have to be top 20/top100 to go. You have to be invited. INCORRECT - any registered MFC model can go.

b) MFC pays models to go. INCORRECT - you do not get paid to go. You DO get your TICKET free. I have heard rumors of top models getting large tips from leo after conventions. I have no idea whether this is true or not. All I can tell you is I've never had one LOL!
c)MFC models have to stay in one place: INCORRECT. Stay wherever you want.

d)Camming from conventions will make you more money: I haven't found this strictly true. It's a great chance to network with other models, do girl/girl shows and get Exposure. But it may pay off in the long run, rather than immediately. Think of it as marketing your brand, rather than expecting HUGE tips to fall out of the sky when you arrive.

e) You have to cam on a schedule/arrive at certain times: You don't have to do anything. You don't even have to cam.

f) Members will show up and expect you to sleep with them: Be careful managing the expectations of members who may want to visit you. But I have not had this happen.. yet.

g) Girls are really bitchy there, its drama and if your'e a low camscore model, or don't look like all the other girls it'll be horrible:
THIS IS TRUE IF YOU LET IT BE THAT WAY FOR YOU. ANY TIME you put a large number of young women together, especially where we are essentially in competition with each other, there will be drama. However I've found if you AVOID negativity, gossip and go in with CONFIDENCE and a FRIENDLY POSITIVE attitude, you can avoid most of it. I'm by no means a petite model, and haven't found I was snubbed. And I'm certainly not top 20! If you have a 20k camscore are you gonna be more popular for girl/girl shows? Well yes of course. As we always talk about on here, DONT compare yourself to other girls. Focus on yourself :)
h)You have to be bisexual, lesbian (or willing to play with girls) to be able to go. INCORRECT - you can do perfectly fine going and doing your own thing if you're straight, or just want to fly solo. Girl/Girl shows are a blast and yes, they get lots of viewers but don't feel pressured.
The conventions are NOT success on a plate. Don't expect it to be handed to you. You'll need to work. You'll need to put yourself out there.

-Mail MFC model support and tell them you are coming.

-Mail the convention and tell them you will be attending as an MFC model. Send a NON nude picture for them to use on their promos. This is not necessary to attend but seems like a good idea! Exxxotica will post you on their website.

-Follow the convention on twitter!

-Talk to other girls going. There are usually threads that spring up here about girls that are going. It helps so much if you can go in knowing SOMEONE a little bit, especially if you're shy.

-Even if you don't tell people what you do for a living, make sure SOMEONE at home knows your itinery.

-Label EVERYTHING. colored ductape works fine. I cannot stress this enough - EVERY girl there will have a hitachi, a C910 or C920 cam, many will have the same laptop chargers etc. If you can instantly recognize your things its a lot easier to keep track of them.

-Weigh your luggage and know how much you can check. Remember to check all liquids over 2 oz. Its a good idea to check most sex toys too. Take the batteries out of your vibrators.


-a copy of your STD results. You'll be surprised how many girls won't ask for these. My advice is if you plan on doing shows with girls, you insist on seeing these for your own saftey. Testing from a year ago is not ok. They must be recent. Call your doctor and find out how long you'll need to wait for results so that you can plan your appointment. Even if you've had no sexual partners in the last 10 years, the girls you're working with DON'T KNOW THAT.

Get tested for: HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Herpes. You can do a blood test for herpes, though it is NOT completely accurate I'd rather see a negative result, than no result. I believe there is a TESTING thread somewhere which talks more about these kinds of things in depth.

Remember that a clear test is not a guarantee that the person does not have herpes, or has contracted something in between the time of the test and playing with you. If you have ANY doubts, there are many sexy things you can do without fluid contact.

- Your Laptop. Don't forget the charger.

-Camera and a tripod if you want to film content.

-Memory cards/flash drives. Remember videos take up room! Don't wait to get your content from another model after the convention. Copy the files raw so you have them! It's a pain in the ass waiting on someone else to send you the files afterwards.

-A standard model release form. Most models don't ask for these, but if you're working with someone you don't know well, if you are posting vids to your website or somewhere like clips4sale you should have the models information on file. It's also a great way to cover your own ass.

-Wifi stick. if you want to cam from the convention you MUST have your own internet. There is no wifi provided by the conventions usually. If it is there you can bet its crap. You can get these from your cellphone company, in most cases they will add them to your plan.

In my experience verizon has worked well for me at MOST conventions (except the camgirl mansion). They now sell these fancy wireless ones that you plug in with a usb to charge. I personally don't like them - they loose charge to quickly and seem to accept more interference (from other girls using wifi sticks in close proximity). I've had the best luck with a usb plug in stick so far. I have one that swivels so i can angle it different ways for best reception.

If you've never used a mobile hotspot before remember to warn your regulars that your internet connection will not be as good at the convention as it is at home. It's part of the trade off to get to watch you having a blast with other girls!

Most hotels are crap, so do not plan on relying on it at your hotel either. You will be frustrated and unable to make money.

-If you're driving, a car charger for your electronics is handy. Especially if you want to cam from the car!

- Sex toys

-Wet wipes

-Sex toy cleaner

-Condoms for toys if you want to share them

-Cards or postcards/prints to hand out and sign are an awesome idea. Most girls will have them, and you'll feel silly scrawling a website down on a piece of ripped up napkin.

-A pen to sign stuff!

-Flats you can carry in your purse, if you're like me and not good at walking in heels.

-Cold weather clothes! It's NJ and its fall. Stuff you can throw over a dress to go outside is helpful.

-Make up.

-Sexy clothes!

-A power strip or extension cord can be super handy for hotel rooms.

-Vitamins!!! Especially vitamin C and Zinc. Start taking it right before you leave. Travelling, and then intimate contact with other girls - I almost always end up sick! Eat healthy and stay hydrated.

-If money is a problem consider doing a cam fundraiser to get to the convention! Do remember though, that If you tell them "I'll be doing LOTS of girl girl shows" and you don't actually know anyone who has said they'll cam with you.. you might end up in an awkward position. I also PERSONALLY think its pretty low if you fundraise for the event, then don't ever log on or shoot content. If your members help you get there, give them something back.

-DON'T MAKE TOO MANY PROMISES! The weekend will FLY BY. You simply will not be able to schedule every minute of the day. Be very careful promising specific shows with models you've been talking to unless you KNOW they're good for it. Have a basic plan... but don't try to do too much.


- There are no specific 'rules'. You can talk to fans, cam, walk around etc. You don't have to arrive or leave at any set time, though it's smart to share cabs.

-Leo will sometimes make an appearance, but isn't there a whole lot. Alex is the guy who is usually on hand to make sure things go smoothly

-Alex will usually come around with a camera and a model at some point with the camera filming for the video promos they do for conventions. It's good exposure so if they ask you say Yes! Talk about MFC as positively as you can stomach.

-MFC will usually have a security guy watching the booth.

-If someone is giving you trouble, remember you're in a PUBLIC place. Don't let anyone touch you, grope you or creep you out! If you feel uncomfortable, SHOUT. There are a bazillion white knights who will jump to your aid, as well as convention security.

-Check the Dress code! Dress code for exxxotica is I BELIEVE that your nipples, ass crack/hole and pussy must be covered. Body paints count and you can often be painted there for a fee. When picking an outfit for the convention wear what you feel comfy and sexy in, not just what you think you SHOULD wear.

-The public are allowed to take pictures - which can end up on the web. So try to look your best.

-Carry flats in your purse. Wear them in the cab, and into the con. You can also wear them behind the booth. Heels are a killer after wearing them all day.

-You can usually duck down behind the booth to do shows. Some conventions are stricter than others. This is technically against the rules. MFC will usually not say anything about it as long as you're discreet and they aren't getting in trouble with the convention organizers. If you see convention security close by, don't flash or do anything! It would suck to be the model that got mfc kicked out.

-My tip: Look around you. If there are 20 other models standing behind the booth smiling at the cam..... its not something that is super interesting. DONT do what the other models are doing. Figure out SOMETHING different. Be creative!

- Only use bottled drinks. Don't leave them unnattended.

-DONT leave toys or ANYTHING ELSE on top of the booth. It WILL BE STOLEN. The bottom of the booth is covered by a curtain but is not necessarily a safe place either, anyone can reach underneath it.

- DONT trust other models. It's tempting to think we're all friends and we all want to help each other but the reality is just not that way. Just because she's another model don't trust her with your things. Don't give out your real name unless you have no other choice. Be careful giving out your number.

-Get there early to secure a spot behind the booth

- Men on cam. MFC is generally much more relaxed about this rule at conventions. But we all know how MFC is with penalizing lower camscore models and playing favorites. But: when members by tickets to Exxxotica they consent to knowing their image may be taken by photographers etc. So they cannot theoretically SUE mfc for broadcasting their images.

I don't want to tell you "DONT WORRY JUST BREAK THE RULES" but don't freak out if a guy peers into your cam or something like that. I think MFC is usually pretty understanding about accidents at cons.

- Other Models: Not all models work well together even though we might like each other. An example of this: can you imagine me on cam with a seductive, non-nude model? Don't be hurt if someone isnt interested in working with you. Just move on.
The model meet is a good time to make new contacts etc. This is usually thursday night - held at a hotel that MFC will host. MFC will let you know where and when. No members allowed but boyfriends etc are.

-If a model lets you kiss her for a tip in your room, or says hi - I think its good manners to plug her in your room. Personal opinion... If a model does you a favor, say THANK YOU :)

-You will get assholes in your chat room going "HotChickFistsHERPussy" is so much hotter/is doing a way better show at the end of the booth" - don't let them walk all over you. Explain that while its OK to talk about other models and you're having fun with them, its NOT ok to put down or try to advertise another show in your room. I also think it's INCREDIBLY bad form to allow a member to say "You're so much hotter than the chick next to you" without reprimand. Deal with it outloud in your room, nicely or bossy, or send them a quick PM. Whatever works for your style. But I don't think guys should ever be allowed to think that putting down another model is OK. This is my personal opinion....

-A note about boyfriends. MANY girls will bring their partners and keep them underwraps. If a girl introduces you her to her boyfriend, DONT assume that she wants everyone to know thats who he is. Often they'll be introduced as Managers, Photographers or Security. Respect their privacy.

-ON the subject of trusting models, don't trust their boyfriends, security guards, managers etc either. You may also get approached and asked to do porn shoots, or photoshoots. Use your brain if you do these! Take a friend if you don't know them, make sure someone knows where you are and dont be afraid to ask for references.

-MFC clothes! MFC will have a box of the most hideous shorts you've ever seen, panties, boyshorts, tank tops and t-shirts. You can help yourself. Sometimes they go quick so get what you need!

-THE DUNGEON - if its the same people as the last convention they are aware of what camgirls are doing and if you go over there and talk to them first they will usually let you try a whipping/spanking etc live on cam. Some of the guys they had last time were INCREDIBLY grabby - if you want to know who is good to go to come ask me.

-THE MECHANICAL PENIS (bull) You can go and ride it. Wear panties... you dont know how many chicks have been on there.
The guy running it is a JACKASS, but he's harmless. Just a little rude.

-Members: If you're out with a member make sure someone knows where you are. Take cash with you. Don't leave your drinks unattended - normal safe stuff. DONT get too drunk. Just be smart.

- While I say DONT TRUST OTHER MODELS, I also believe we should lead by example. Don't be a flake. Don't be rude. DO look out for the other girls! Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Sort out what youre gonna do and who gets what ahead of time. In my personal opinion, if a high camscore girl has you on her cam and she's giving you exposure at the convention - forget about the tips. It's awesome exposure.
Shows at hotels etc - I find the easiest thing to do personally is to have both rooms running and girls make what they make in the show. Many others will simply split it. OR you might agree to do some time in her room, and some time in yours.
If you're a group show girl, you may want to ask members to take you group in both rooms - or you may want to arrange for the other girl to give you cash. Remember to discuss if she will take money off the top for taxes before splitting it (and what % that is).

-What you will sell it for?
-Is it ok to put it in a package deal/discounts?
-Is it ok to post it to your fanclub/website etc.
-Who will take charge of editing, watermarking etc?
Try to get any pictures you take to all models. Check before you tweet them. I hate it when models tweet pictures that I look awful in without showing me. Some girls might not be comfy with semi nude photos being posted publically.

To Summarize:

Conventions are busy, hot, noisy and overwhelming sometimes. Take breaks. Remember to ENJOY yourself. Be as confident as you can - if you are shrinking and shy in the corner, you will be ignored. Stay Hydrated. Bring headache meds. Take your vitamins. Sleep! Don't forget to eat, and try to eat HEALTHY.
I'm gonna go this year, my first year! So exciteddddddd.

Currently fundraising for my plane ticket to get there - anyone tried fundraising on indiegogo before?

I'm hoping to meet someone who professionally films videos for trade (like 1 for 1 video like adultindieproductions does, but they won't be there this year.) If anyone can point me in the right direction, let me know. Looking to film very high quality (not via webcam) foot, leg, and stocking fetish videos.
I'll be in Vegas with the Streamate crew all week for the AVN's. Totally down for networking and grabbing a drink or walking the floor! Center Bar is too crazy though- I prefer to hide out at Luxe Bar near the HRH Tower. ;) Hope to see you there!
My SO will be attending with me. He wants to go see some panels and see everything the AEE & ANE have to offer while I'm working. What would be the cheapest/best way for him to go about that?
The expo plus pass is only 145, but I'm not sure if that's "industry" as well. The other option is the VIP pass for 275 but I can't tell if that would allow him to do everything at the ANE.

What have you bought your SO's/body guards?
I wanted to go to AVN so bad but the tip about not going is perfect. I think I'm going to wait another year and try at it in 2018 when I have done it a little more and learned more things. I've been doing this off and on PT for just a year this and just recently switched to FT. So I'm gonna take the advice, work on my brand and stuff and the comfort of not being afraid of being 100% outed, and then shoot for a 2018 visit.

Other helpful advice: if you're going to do g/g content make sure to get model releases! I didn't when I was only selling vids on MFC and it bit me in the butt later when I needed them for my website! ^_^
Can anyone explain to me how WiFi works while broadcasting from the convention? (From my understanding, you have to have a WiFi hotspot/router thingy?) Where do/did you get yours from? How much does this generally cost? Is this easy to do? I'm going to AVN with Chaturbate for the first time, and they haven't provided models with much info yet. Thanks ladies!
Question. For the AVN's, I know earlier is better to book hotels flights etc. Has the Hard Rock hotel ever sold out? When would you recommend the latest to book by? Do many people show up to the convention during weekdays? I would love to go even for one or two days just to check out the madness!

Weekdays at AVN Expo are industry only, Friday and Saturday are for the public. You can make a lot of good contacts during industry only days, it turns into a nightmare on the public days, with little business to be done. You're much better off buying an industry pass for all days, than trying to buy a public pass for one or two days.

I usually book our rooms for the show by end of October, even though we never stay at the show hotel. Hard Rock sells out fast, so if you haven't made reservations by January 1 start looking at hotels close by and you'll also save a lot of money. Hard Rock jacks up their room rates for that weekend and then does the "show discount", so you aren't saving anything in staying there.

About three weeks before the convention, start drinking orange juice and hot chai tea, mixed half-and-half or start bombing yourself with vitamin C and whatever immunity booster you prefer. Everyone gets sick during the show and you might as well go in fortified.Keep hand sanitizer on you at all times and wash your hands as often as you can too.

AVN isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. So avoid those tempting late night parties and avoid drinking too much. And whatever you do, make sure you budget at least $50 a day for food, drink and getting around Vegas.

Have a great time at the show! You're going to learn a lot about the adult industry in a short amount of time.
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