AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things! Unofficial Support Thread

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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How condescending was that. Very disappointing. Will make a point to advise models not to sign up with you.
Your communication is appalling. Also, since when is your name Amber? Don't remember you being in charge what is posted in which thread last time I checked.

I’ve read that their person in charge used to be a woman named Linda, and everyone said that she very rude and unprofessional in the way she spoke to the models. But supposedly she’s not with them anymore.
This thread was started by Arousr to answer questions about the site and not meant for any other purpose than that
I'm curious, what questions are we actually allowed to ask in this thread then? I would greatly appreciate some examples of allowed and forbidden questions to help me understand.
This thread was started by Arousr to answer questions about the site and not meant for any other purpose than that

You do not in any way need to work with us we are not here to try to force anyone to work anywhere online. Just as we do not have to approve everyone who applies to work with us. We have been transparent with our rates/faq and policies which is the sole purpose of our presence here.

We take internal data including leaked internal emails of any kind more seriously than other sites mentioned. We like to protect not only our our staff but hosts/members we work with from leaks as our main objective is to protect peoples privacy and anonymity on our platform.

Again, we do have stricter policies and this isn't for everyone which is perfectly OK.

Former Host Yummybrown was terminated for breaking our TOS and she was paid out her final payout today. Deposit times will always vary depending on the financial institution/holidays for each person
Lol way to tank any type of goodwill from any model on this forum. Maybe learn from stripchat @Charlie_SC on how to have really helpful and engaging interactions on a forum. You suck at it.
I have a few questions. Why is it okay for your staff to keep the identity protected while models expose themselves all the time? Why do you get the privilege of being anonymous in the porn industry where as arousr hosts have to carry the stigma? Why do you choose to allow glamour shots attached to support email signatures if your staff's privacy is very important?

And if you care about people’s privacy and safety, maybe refrain from assigning new models a log-in username that contains their REAL NAME. I had to beg you to get your “tech guy” to change it. Sketchy af.
Sorry for the dp. But the reason this is so scary, usually logins are usually what get leaked if your site gets hacked. All those logins with models real names will be posted in a pastebin on places on the internet that cannot be scrubbed, outing/doxxing every model.

Really yins should be thanking yummy for bringing this horrible oversight to your attention. FrFr.
They're being so dramatic (and exaggerating) on their StripperWeb thread:

"You where terminated for breaking the sites TOS and you where still paid out this week by our Team
You had also been notified by Support directly on Friday (9/23) that you would be paid out today (Monday) so we are not sure why you are saying you are not being paid out
You where paid out today and depending on your bank your actual deposit date will vary
We had to block your account solely due to hundreds of messages sent to us since before you worked with us up until and past your termination which has been very difficult for our team to keep up with. Including the mass forums texts we are still responding to now.

We have been honest/clear about our TOS/terminations and your final payout being processed today"

Hundreds of messages since before working with them? Huh? Mass forum texts?

Maybe spend less energy trying to get models to give you free foot fetish photos (for the chance to win $20...), and focus more on fixing the bugs on your site (in video chat and in text message notifications) that I'd been e-mailing you guys about. I missed out on all kinds of money due to several missed chat invites...because it'd stopped making the notification sound.
Are they really trying to allude that @yummybrownfox was harassing them? Lol if they cant handle you sending them messages to clarify and to express concern good fucking luck. They are in for a world of hurt if their site experiences an outage or glitch. Get ready for the floodgates of models panicking.

Lol so i just got caught up with the threads on stripperweb. Recommend reading to learn about more models experience for YEARS. Im convinced this is Linda.

(Closed and juicy)

(Active and juicy)
Lol so i just got caught up with the threads on stripperweb. Recommend reading to learn about more models experience for YEARS. Im convinced this is Linda.

(Closed and juicy)

(Active and juicy)
Thanks for this, I'll grab my popcorn.
So tldr/highlights for the threads on sw.

They have lowered their prices a lot throughout the years. Like their set rates used to be higher (still low).
They had $10 free credits which attached super cheep users who would bounce when their time is up.
They used to offer customer conversion bonuses, but took that away with zero notice.
They have fired models in the past for not working 20 hours per week.
Their interface has always been glitchy as hell.
They try to gatekeep their threads.
Oh and Linda is a petty bitch. (My opinion)
Yeah from what I read this is not a major site, this is like a side site, pocket change type deal. So jumping through a million hoops and having to deal with a clearly toxic, anti growth environment at their main headquarters is going to be completely unworthy of the time and effort for the majority of cam models.

Their traffic sounds on par or worse than ELM.
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Agree with ELM comparisons.

From the $0.15 per message payout, to the not-guaranteed $2 per pic "professional/semi-professional" foot fetish phots (were they seriously expecting $2 dslr photos by making that note about the phone?!), to the absolutely atrocious way you've treated someone who simply asked questions and noted reasonable concerns and made you money, even for a short bit..

I feel great sadness for anyone who feels forced to work on your site to make a living with these cheap mandated prices and shockingly poor, entitled, cold attitudes from staff.

You've successfully shown those who are fortunate enough to have more choices in their sites to work on to make the choice not to earn you money via themselves or the traffic they could bring to your site.
Notice how they still post in their "sexy models with arousr suits' but not a peep here? Sad!
Too much effort to apologize and make things right. Too hard "to keep up" with conversations, on a conversation based site 😆
Someone else gotta do it for them.
Sorry, but yes, so ridiculous.
I wonder how the model conversion rate's going ? 😆 😆
The only area of the platform you cannot set your own rate is for the texting option. When it comes to cam/phone/content you set your own rates :)
I didn't realise you can set your own rates for calls. To be completely honest with you, I'm not a fan of your user interface, I can never work out what's where and there's very little in the way of support/user manuals for models. How do you change your phone chat rate? I can only find an option for video chat rate.
Notice how they still post in their "sexy models with arousr suits' but not a peep here? Sad!
I'm honestly a little shocked how little they seem to understand how a social forum like this one works, and that it doesn't exist to give them a platform to advertise and decide how they are portrayed. This place is for discussion, advice, and camaraderie between fellow cam models and (some decent) cam site members. It's just a bonus that I allow companies and sites to post about their business, which often doesn't go well when they fail to realize how all of this works.
Apologies for the double-post but man do I regret posting that before reading this whole thread. I joined Arousr a couple months ago and have barely used it because of the super low fixed rates, terrible interface and absolute ghosting from support any time I've asked for help. On top of that, having seen the way support DO communicate, I wish this thread had existed before I joined as I wouldn't have bothered...
My last payment from them DID show up today on my bank statement in my banking app. So they were telling the truth about that. 👍

Last night instead of logging into Arousr (Obviously…lol), I got on MyFreeCams…and right away a member who’s new to my room said he liked my vibe, and gave me several back to back 25-token tips. I earned over 1,000 tokens just from him alone. And then a couple familiar names popped in and tipped a little.

Arousr firing me just means I get to focus my energy on other sites I’d put on the backburner.
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