I think being a good person is a mix of trying to do the right thing, and trying to be considerate of how others feel. Sometimes, these enter into conflict, and then you have to weigh which is more important.
I used to consider myself neutral-good. I still think I'm usually neutral-good, but sometimes I slip all the way into chaotic-good. But, when I'm in the midst of a depression, I feel like I am a monster, and like the world would be better off without me. Even then, when talking with others, I'll claim neutral-good... so I don't know.
I'm really bad about about being charitable of other people's intentions. By this, I mean not judging their actions based on what little I can see. You know, someone cuts you off and you think immediately that they're an asshole. It's reflex, but it's not right. And then, I can be really bad about doing the same thing I've been getting mad about other people doing. And I know that's not good. But the point isn't that you can't do anything bad when you're a good person. The point is that you try not to.