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Are you a geek?

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Inactive Cam Model
Sep 2, 2010
State of Bliss, USA
My best friend since I was a kid is a bit geeky and started her new, amazing blog. I know a lot of ya'll would enjoy reading her posts. If you love Star Wars, Transformers, Animes, WoW and much more - you will enjoy her blog. If you can, leave her a comment because she's excited to make new friends in the community. :-D If you have any ideas for posts that you'd like for her to cover, you can leave your comment HERE!

I would love it if you could follow her on Twitter if you have an account or maybe you could create one if you haven't already? :dance:

Awe thanks so much for the shout out Aedan! I hope everyone enjoys the content of the blog, and I would love to hear what people would like to read about. I love learning new things about the Geek world so even if I am not well versed on what you want - I will learn more about it - so I can give good content and information. I plan on doing more crafts - are there any particular crafts you would like to see done? Any TV shows? Any movies?Comics? Basically what do you geek?
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I have read the first post and part of the second. I relate so much to the first one! Anyone less of a geek doesn't seem to care about my interests, but I don't know so much about my interests that I feel comfortable talking about them.

Like, I get people refer to something, and I have no clue what it was, and then they say that I'm "not a geek" because I don't know that one little thing. I'm sorry, owning the original series of Star Wars, and the LOTR movies and books, and spending all my free time either playing video games, reading, or watching star trek doesn't seem to be good enough for you. What about my BA in mathematics, is that geek enough? Or the grammar-nazi side of me? What about my ability to learn and store random facts, as long as they're presented in an interesting way? Is that geeky enough?

I suck at chess, and don't know much science. I barely remember any math above Algebra 2. Given the option between reading, video games, and TV, I'll probably take the reading, unless I've done nothing but that for a couple weeks, in which case I'll take the video games. I like to write. I love programming but don't know enough of it to do anything useful with it. I got a 40-something on the geek test (there's a post somewhere on the forum with that...)

Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine that certain people think you shouldn't claim to be a geek unless you have (insert their one criteria here, could be a possession, an interest, or knowledge about something).

OH! and the "you're too hot to be a geek", like geeks can't be attractive. :roll:
Yeah, the language continues to evolve, migrate and sometime fall into silly traps.

Geeks started out as carnival freaks who bit the heads off snakes and chickens or whatever.

Then it seemed to mean anyone who was bookish, wore glasses, was shy, non-athletic and only popular among his or her other geek friends. (also: "nerd")

Currently is seems to be more about specialization--"I'm a paleontology geek," or "I'm a peanut butter sandwich geek, or most common, someone who is very fascinated by one genre of popular culture--"Star Wars geek." And so on, ad infinitum. :)

Kind of similar to how "troll" now seems to be a good thing among many online folks.
AedanRayne said:
I would love it if you could follow her on Twitter if you have an account or maybe you could create one if you haven't already?

Probably a silly question, but does she care if a camgirl follows her?
@AllisonWilder - I would love if Cam Girls followed! That is your occupation - I would no sooner tell a retail clerk that they can't follow. Cam ladies are a braver bunch then I am - Wish I had half the guts you all do....I hide behind words :)

@ Nordling - yes the meanings are always changing. Pop culture has become mainstream and the term "geek" is the most easily identified among the masses of society - I am sure in a few years it will be something else :)

@ LadyLuna - LOL - well I am glad that it resonates - and yet sad that people have gone through the same thing I have.... It can be lonely sometimes and you feel like you have to be more then one person to make everyone happy. I quit making everyone happy and started living true to myself, likes and dislikes - Lost a lot of "friends" - but I guess if me liking Star Wars or not liking it enough is a reason not to talk to me then they weren't friends in the first place. I agree elite geeks are a big pet peeve of mine too:)

Thank you for taking the time to read this post!
Nordling said:
Kind of similar to how "troll" now seems to be a good thing among many online folks.

My response to "Troll" is the same now as it would have been centuries ago. "Kill it! Kill it with fire!"

I do consider myself a geek, there are those far more geekier than I, but having worked at my place of employment for the past 10 months I can easily tell you I am far more geekier than a lot of people. Having to explain my tshirts that have anything to do remotely with pop culture that I view as common knowledge. "How do they not know who 'The Kurgan' is!?" My brain will shout, as I tell them he's the bad guy from Highlander, then have to tell them what Highlander is only to get the "Oh..." response.
I thought everyone who knew what highlander was too, that is what threw me off completely. and it wasn't just one co-worker either it was almost my entire shift. It is such a bad ass shirt of the Kurgan. I, however, do not support the idea of a Highlander reboot- everything after the first movie (minus the tv show of course) has been utter shit and I fear a highlander reboot would look as shitty as the Total Recall remake does now.
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SweepTheLeg said:
I thought everyone who knew what highlander was too, that is what threw me off completely. and it wasn't just one co-worker either it was almost my entire shift. It is such a bad ass shirt of the Kurgan. I, however, do not support the idea of a Highlander reboot- everything after the first movie (minus the tv show of course) has been utter shit and I fear a highlander reboot would look as shitty as the Total Recall remake does now.

I am looking forward to the Total Recall reboot. I want a Fifth Element reboot with a scantily clad Milla Jovovich involved as well. A lot of the movies I grew up with did not age well.
And I am against a 5th element reboot too. And I am against the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot and so on and so on and so on and so on.
SweepTheLeg said:
And I am against a 5th element reboot too. And I am against the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot and so on and so on and so on and so on.

I heard the Turtle script sucked so bad that reboot was put on hold.
@sweeptheleg - Ok you are right a reboot probably wouldnt work with the way they have messed up the other Highlanders - Plus goodness knows who they would put as the Highlander? I am sure it would be someone popular and not a good actor - I have seen that too much lately. :crybaby:
I am always against a reboot. Who cares about graphics? Storyline and acting ability are the main points for me, and while some of today's actors are superb, there's only so many things you can do to revamp a storyline without making it worse.
I have mental images of what I remember about a movie that made me love it in the first place, and I can't think of a time a reboot had ever come along that did anything but disappoint me. They're trying to reboot Judge Dredd, and considering how much the first movie was lampooned maybe rebooting that series isn't such a bad idea. Reboot the good ideas but poorly executed movies, not the movies people already love.
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They can't replace Duncan! He is THE only Highlander. :crybaby: A Highlander reboot would absolutely suck. There's no way they could redo it properly.

*backs out now*
Only if I get to wear my lucha libre mask during. Me llaman el barrendero de las piernas y la cangreja de asnos
LOL @Sweeptheleg it has been a long time since Spanish class. And I am not sure if google translated that for me correctly - They call me the sweeper crab legs and asses and if it did I must ask, why crab legs?
VeronicaChaos said:
For some reason, I accidentally read "5th element robot" and I totally dig that.

As long as it looks like Milla Jovovich I would be fine with that too.
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So....I blame GeekGirl for this....Highlander reboot is a go, with Ryan Reynolds being the only actor confirmed so far. Someone needs to tell the series that it's better to burn out than to fade away...
Here's a sign of a geek. A conversation/argument I actually watch happen between my parents

My Mom: Looks like a storm's coming
Dad: Why?
Mom: Thunderclouds
Dad: Those aren't thunderclouds, those are cumulus.
Mom: What? How can you tell?
Dad: *sigh* It's not that hard.
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