AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Appreciate your Work BUT....

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Yeah but even if they don't find it on MFC, theres lots of other sites you can easily see naughty stuff, like xhamster and other video sites.
I'm not defending the girls, but even if MFC stopped the girls breaking the rules, young people could still find naughty stuff they shouldn't. :(
It sucks arse!
LOL awesome Amber!

I didn't have the internet to rot my young impressionable mind with smut growing up. We just had girly magazines, and wow they were great, especially the ones from Germany.
The rule is also that minors are not allowed on MFC.
k just one more thing before u start spamming and try to insult me ( what btw definetly will not work for certain reason) Just think a moment about that...if u dont care... no problem!...if u give a problem!

If u start getting angry because of my post...hmm start thinking why? Its just a comment one a site from millions who cares? Just my Opinion and i said it...i feel good about that...what happens next? Not my business...
concernedfather said:
k just one more thing before u start spamming and try to insult me ( what btw definetly will not work for certain reason) Just think a moment about that...if u dont care... no problem!...if u give a problem!

If u start getting angry because of my post...hmm start thinking why? Its just a comment one a site from millions who cares? Just my Opinion and i said it...i feel good about that...what happens next? Not my business...

I think the problem is just the crowd that you pitched your concern to. Many of us here have a more open mind, and I am willing to bet many of us enjoyed seeing/doing sexual things at a young teen age.

I don't believe MFC is going to change, so the only answer really is to talk to your kids about what they are seeing and let them know your feelings on it. Being a good parent is more than just shielding and protecting them from taboo things, it's helping them understand it.
All fathers want to protect there children.
The hard part is its a dangerous world out there, and the internet bring the world in to our lives.

I say talk to your kid, show them the difference.
Tell them how you want them to treat women.

If that is harder then changing the world.
Then your not raising your kid but just letting things happen
damn my english is not the best i see...because i am not talking about my children personally. i know how to behave with questions about sex.

The reason why i posted this is more ethical. i just wanted to say that BECAUSE u are open minded with the topic sexuality. If u just be reminded or think a second about that topic everything is fine for me :)

PS: Better i change my Name to "assfister3000" or something like that :) maybe that would be better

PPS: yes the more i think about it "concernedfather" sounds a little bit gay ;)

PPPS: do u really think i am that unsophisticatedly that a simple post would change MFC or the Internet in general???
But as it always is just one mind on that forum whos thinking about that issue is a Win... and i BET there is one....PM please ;)
They are getting porn stuff everywhere at a young age.
My niece age 9 asks me things all the time and sometimes I think :shock: but she hears it at school.
Can't you access sites (porn or exotic material) from a ps3 and xbox- goh Idk about those things. But I do know one member told me
he was online via his gamestation watching. :think:
You should've heard the commercial on the radio a few minutes ago.
And it was a local station that I am certain a lot of kids listen to.
I will shutup for now because well ..... I just will :hand:
Young kids can access porn a lot of different ways. Game consoles, cellphones, computers, etc. A million different ways not to mention all the "old school" ways to access smut. Expecting the producers or providers of porn to do anything except what is expected of them is pretty ridiculous. You can't really stop your kids from finding the stuff, but as Amber said you can talk to them about it and raise them with morals you want them to have instead of expecting the school system, the internet, other people influences in general to protect/teach/raise them.

Also, you should know, ethics don't really exist on MFC. And the few models who have them reside in this forum so you're barking up the wrong fucking tree.
thankfully Germany is not USA... as far as i know with a german XBOX u cant enter pornsites without hacking the xbox or add some special software.

This thread turns funny. Some of u forget the point that its not fair to other girls to do hardcore in Public! AND that its simply not allowed due to the terms of use from MFC. AND MFC is not asking u if u are 18 or not when the site starts like other pornsites fairly do, because MFC trust their Models that they observe these rules. If u be particular about the issue in this thread there is nothing to discuss about. :)
concernedfather said:
thankfully Germany is not USA... as far as i know with a german XBOX u cant enter pornsites without hacking the xbox or add some special software.

This thread turns funny. Some of u forget the point that its not fair to other girls to do hardcore in Public! AND that its simply not allowed due to the terms of use from MFC. AND MFC is not asking u if u are 18 or not when the site starts like other pornsites fairly do, because MFC trust their Models that they observe these rules. If u be particular about the issue in this thread there is nothing to discuss about. :)

You should take this up with the admin of MFC, not a random cam girls forum. End of story.
Frankie said:
You should take this up with the admin of MFC, not a random cam girls forum. End of story.

the funny thing is i tried to get one but reporting girls due a violation of the terms of use is not a member thing. As far as i read the Wiki right just cam girls are allowed to report camgirls. It makes sense because there are to many assholes out there who would report a camgirl because she banned him or something like that.

Hey just recognized that even Amber cares about youth protection:

Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's forums are for use by adults only.

Meine Fresse immer diese ignoranten pessimissten, die es nicht ertragen können wenn jemand Ihnen Ihre kleine Welt mit Moral und anstand vermeintlich "kaputt" macht. Aber einfach mal akzeptieren, dass es auch noch Dinge gibt über die man sich als verantwortungsbewusster Mensch mal 5 Minuten Gedanken machen sollte das ist nicht möglich... Hauptsache rummeckern....
concernedfather said:
Frankie said:
You should take this up with the admin of MFC, not a random cam girls forum. End of story.

the funny thing is i tried to get one but reporting girls due a violation of the terms of use is not a member thing. As far as i read the Wiki right just cam girls are allowed to report camgirls. It makes sense because there are to many assholes out there who would report a camgirl because she banned him or something like that.

Hey just recognized that even Amber cares about youth protection:

Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's forums are for use by adults only.

Members can report models. Just send an email with a screen cap. It is not a models only deal.
Amber is 100% right. Members CAN report models via contacting the admins of the website with screen shots of rule breaking. Thanks to bawksy there's almost an archive of rule breaking screen shots over in the "General Discussion" area. Trying to rally people here for your "cause" is just annoying. As I said before MOST of the models on this board DON'T DO PUBLIC SHOWS. Nor do they want to report other models because in someway it's a form of snitching. And no one wants to be a snitch. Plus half the time the admins don't really care. It's something you have to accept. Move on.
I can't believe none of you realize that you're being trolled hard right now. There's no way this guy can be for real.

Good play, OP.


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i knew there was a reason i didn't feel like making an intelligent argument with this idiot. thx Bawxy
i dont rally anyone, i`m not the pope or a holy missioner. My job is possibly more morally questionable then yours. Mybe not in the US but in Germany definitively.
I said what i wanted to say and then just reply to your posts and comments. I thought thats what poeple do in Forums post and reply :)

Did i something wrong? No! Did u something wrong? No! did MFC something wrong? maybe :) but No!

But what is the reason that this Issue makes some of u so emotional? What are u defending? Do say its the responsibility of Parents well for me thats ok. I know what i have to do. But the Problem is that there are so many Parents out there who give a fuck. Maybe u had one of those thats sad or maybe u liked it i dont know...not my business.
But who is responsible for those kids who have no parents or bad parents? The School? Kindergarten? Orphanhouse? I say No! or just particulately. I think the community is responsible for those kids.
U cant say "hey not my fault if a 10y old see`s me doin hardcore stuff in public its the parents" U know that parents out there. MTV, XBOX, Internet thats what brings millions of kids up not the parents. everyone is responsible for this or is a part of this.

Oh it gets kinda philosophical i like that ;)
i knew there was a reason i didn't feel like making an intelligent argument with this idiot. thx Bawxy

i am pretty sure that u didnt make one because u r not able to do one :)

BTW: what does "trolled" mean? cant find it in the dictinary? something like "stultify" isnt it?
Well at first i meant it but meanwhile its a little bit fun because i "talk to a wall" like we say in good old germany. Meant the same like someone just dont understand what u talking about and why...

Whatever nice talk so far....

Edit: just for the record i was always polite and fair just using my arguments... No reason to say anyone here is an idiot because it is simply not like that. u r all uniqe and have something special...maybe...just a little bit crazy ;)


  • Alice-lookatdat-ahahahaha-faggot.jpg
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It also means 'loud Harley rider' :lol:


  • southparkfag.jpg
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Let's see here, he's in Germany (as far as we know). Europe in general is a lot more open about nudity and sexuality than the puritanical USA. And he's bitching about his son seeing some of you girls on cam naked when it seems like he's been watching too.

Yeah, I'd say you all are successfully being trolled. And it's not even that great of an effort on his part. :woops:
Well i have to admit that i have no son or children. But if i would have one the message would be the same i think....
It was more than an experiment. I study Psychology and educational science and i do some things more that i dont need to share with u.

But this was definitively epic AND interesting.
What did u really thougt about this concerned father? Did u understand any of its arguments? Was he simply crazy in your opinion or just really really concered in a really really gay way? Do u know the Simpson? The wife of the Pastor?:
Can PLEASE somebody think about the CHILDREN!
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