Hi KoC
I like your vision.
There's nothing wrong with curiosity and wanting to innovate on a system. It is thoughtful of you
to consider things from a model's perspective. As an entrepreneur who never stops thinking,
I am the same way. I see systems and want to improve on them. Even from an outside perspective.
So I understand where you're coming from. I am curious to hear more about the project details.
With projects like this, as much info as possible is appreciated!
It helps if we know up front how long it will take, where it will be posted,
more about you and your inspiration for this project,
compensation, etc.
I don't know enough to say yes or no just yet, but really would love to hear more about what exactly it is before answering any specifics.
I do give general info sometimes on these type of things, just for the sake of sharing my story. We all have a story
to be shared and I love to talk about myself!
Here is my free answer as a gift to you and the forum.
Do I think cam sites undervalue models?
By prettyartist1992
As a "pandemic model" who started because of a tragic global event, my story
is a classic rags-to-riches tale. There were no jobs, no side hustles. I needed something.
And I found the site I'm on. Since then, things have been even better for me than
before the pandemic! I thought this would be a temporary thing, but then I realized it's my dream job.
Every day I am so happy and thankful for this.
My anxiety has been better thanks to camming. Soon I'll have the financial future I want.
So I guess also a self-confidence story too. From not having to worry every day.
I owe a lot of that to the site I'm on. I was able to have a way to work
without putting myself at risk in the pandemic. That is amazing and makes me feel so valued!!
I can log on ANYTIME I want! No having to have a shift or worry about getting good hours. I can be on
for how often I want. No worrying about switching shifts with a co-workers, if I don't feel like logging on, I don't.
No house fee like a strip club, no manager breathing down my neck. I can
literally do what I want (within the rules) when I want. The value in that? infinite.
They also have a built in way I can promote myself
and grow my room instantly. (The digital equivalent of having a strip club flyer person handing out
flyers ...but to 30,000 people? That's really cool!!) Because of that, I feel really valued. It's easy
for me to grow my following.
Because of this, I am doing well and thriving during the pandemic.
So no I don't feel that my site undervalues me. I really like the site I'm on.
If anything I hope I don't undervalue them, lol.
My experience and knowledge on live broadcasts as it pertains to value.
Often it is the customers who grapple with how they treat us, not the sites.
I was actually shocked at how some of these men act. I don't think a lot of them
value people at all.
Upon further research as to why, I think they are lonely and hurt. They don't value
themselves, so they pick on what they think is the weaker link, a cam model.
My experience and knowledge is that we're all hurting inside somewhat.
So we need to try to have empathy.
This pandemic thing has put a lot of pressure on us.
Camming has taught me to always use empathy, to try to give a bit even when I'm asking for something in return. To be kind and generous even
when people are not kind to me. To always try to help.
I learned that even the trolls and I
are more alike than we are different. I may not change their minds but I can try to understand them. I think a lot of that applies to life.
But what I learned most about camming/value? To always, no matter what value myself first. Even if no viewer will see it, to see myself
as the success I know I deserve to be. And to not be afraid to ask for what I want, or go against the grain even if it looks crazy.
Best, good vibes
(not the QueenOfCamming at all admittedly)