AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Annoying things members do

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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it drives me batty when guys come in my room and say things like, "FINALLY a REAL woman" like...... there are over 1000 women online right now. who are also real. if you're referring to the fact that you've found your first fat model on MFC, grats. but there are many of those also. stop putting other women down to compliment me.
it drives me batty when guys come in my room and say things like, "FINALLY a REAL woman" like...... there are over 1000 women online right now. who are also real. if you're referring to the fact that you've found your first fat model on MFC, grats. but there are many of those also. stop putting other women down to compliment me.

This is the best response I've seen to the "real women" stuff, and is pretty much required reading for anyone who has arrived at the conclusion that existential legitimacy is something that can only be obtained by conforming to someone else's standards and superficial ideals.

"Excuse me while I throw this down, I’m old and cranky and tired of hearing the idiocy repeated by people who ought to know better.
Real women do not have curves. Real women do not look like just one thing.

Real women have curves, and not. They are tall, and not. They are brown-skinned, and olive-skinned, and not. They have small breasts, and big ones, and no breasts whatsoever.

Real women start their lives as baby girls. And as baby boys. And as babies of indeterminate biological sex whose bodies terrify their doctors and families into making all kinds of very sudden decisions.

Real women have big hands and small hands and long elegant fingers and short stubby fingers and manicures and broken nails with dirt under them.

Real women have armpit hair and leg hair and pubic hair and facial hair and chest hair and sexy moustaches and full, luxuriant beards. Real women have none of these things, spontaneously or as the result of intentional change. Real women are bald as eggs, by chance and by choice and by chemo. Real women have hair so long they can sit on it. Real women wear wigs and weaves and extensions and kufi and do-rags and hairnets and hijab and headscarves and hats and yarmulkes and textured rubber swim caps with the plastic flowers on the sides.

Real women wear high heels and skirts. Or not.

Real women are feminine and smell good and they are masculine and smell good and they are androgynous and smell good, except when they don’t smell so good, but that can be changed if desired because real women change stuff when they want to.

Real women have ovaries. Unless they don’t, and sometimes they don’t because they were born that way and sometimes they don’t because they had to have their ovaries removed. Real women have uteruses, unless they don’t, see above. Real women have vaginas and clitorises and XX sex chromosomes and high estrogen levels, they ovulate and menstruate and can get pregnant and have babies. Except sometimes not, for a rather spectacular array of reasons both spontaneous and induced.

Real women are fat. And thin. And both, and neither, and otherwise. Doesn’t make them any less real.

There is a phrase I wish I could engrave upon the hearts of every single person, everywhere in the world, and it is this sentence which comes from the genius lips of the grand and eloquent Mr. Glenn Marla: There is no wrong way to have a body.

I’m going to say it again because it’s important: There is no wrong way to have a body.

And if your moral compass points in any way, shape, or form to equality, you need to get this through your thick skull and stop with the “real women are like such-and-so” crap.

You are not the authority on what “real” human beings are, and who qualifies as “real” and on what basis. All human beings are real.

Yes, I know you’re tired of feeling disenfranchised. It is a tiresome and loathsome thing to be and to feel. But the tit-for-tat disenfranchisement of others is not going to solve that problem. Solidarity has to start somewhere and it might as well be with you and me”
Hanne Blank
Time to vent!

I CAN'T STAND when premiums will come into the room, ask me a question, I answer, then a few minutes go by and they get mad for me not answering the question. Then I am frustrated because I just answered, and he tells me at this point, he doesn't have sound.

If you ask me a question, I assume you have sound on. Aren't you expecting my answer? It drives me nuts!

And also 50% of the time the person leaves the room while I am answering. ARGH! lol
Time to vent!

I CAN'T STAND when premiums will come into the room, ask me a question, I answer, then a few minutes go by and they get mad for me not answering the question. Then I am frustrated because I just answered, and he tells me at this point, he doesn't have sound.

If you ask me a question, I assume you have sound on. Aren't you expecting my answer? It drives me nuts!

And also 50% of the time the person leaves the room while I am answering. ARGH! lol

I hate those guys too. Like they expect them to stop everything and do the entire show by typing just because they dont have sound.:rage:
I finally had something annoying enough happen to me that I felt it worthy of posting.. this bugged the crap out of me..
So last night this guy comes into my (very dead) room. He's like the only one talking. I had a prize draw game going and he bought one prize (20 tokens).
I mentioned that I worked at a carnival for a summer, and he proceeded to call me a "carnie" multiple times.
Also told me to take my shirt off multiple times, COMBINING with the carnie thing once saying "take your carnie shirt off". When I pointed out my countdown to shirt off (which was only at 230) he said "oops didn't see that". WHAT KIND OF PREMIUM DOES THAT??
Asked him if he wanted to try drawing another prize and he said he wanted to see "more riske prizes" and never drew another one. (some of the prizes were pussy flashes, vibe torture, my solo video, my photoset, a custom video, and my snapchat, but I guess those aren't "riske" enough)

BUT THE THING THAT BUGGED ME THE MOST: I was dancing and mentioned that it was 10 tokens for spanks, and he goes "I can do 5". This guy has 175 tokens unhidden. I say "I'm not bargaining, and I can see your tokens." He just says "lol." He was pissing me off but I was trying to keep the mood light so I laughed and said "For five tokens I could do ONE spank" and he did it. He tipped me 5 tokens with a note that said "1 spANK". I did the most sarcastic, light spank I could and told him that was what he got. He didn't say anything to that but stayed in my room and continued to talk to me about random dumb shit until I had to get off because my room was too dead and I was getting no tips. Did a 10 minute timer to make half the countdown (115) to keep me online and he went silent (but didn't leave) until I gave up and logged off.

PEOPLE LIKE THIS PISS ME OFF SO MUCH, WHY DO YOU NEED TO SIT THERE TAUNTING ME??? Apparently I was good enough for him to stay in my room for a full hour but not to spend more than 25 tokens on or be nice to.
I was dancing and mentioned that it was 10 tokens for spanks, and he goes "I can do 5". This guy has 175 tokens unhidden.
Ha! Negotiating token prices like he's at some yard sale. Gotta love it...
Time to vent!

I CAN'T STAND when premiums will come into the room, ask me a question, I answer, then a few minutes go by and they get mad for me not answering the question. Then I am frustrated because I just answered, and he tells me at this point, he doesn't have sound.

If you ask me a question, I assume you have sound on. Aren't you expecting my answer? It drives me nuts!

And also 50% of the time the person leaves the room while I am answering. ARGH! lol

But the no sound thing is SO rude, especially in a busy chatroom! Like, can you really not tell that a model is talking and not typing when members talk to her? It's always someone who is obviously familiar with the site too.

I had one guy a while back who asked me to PM him, and told him it's 111 tokens. Then he tells me that he has no sound, but I should have known that because of the PM request. What?
But the no sound thing is SO rude, especially in a busy chatroom! Like, can you really not tell that a model is talking and not typing when members talk to her? It's always someone who is obviously familiar with the site too.

I had one guy a while back who asked me to PM him, and told him it's 111 tokens. Then he tells me that he has no sound, but I should have known that because of the PM request. What?
It also makes me wonder if guys who say "No sound" actually mean they can't hear due to a tech problem rather than they don't feel like turning up the volume or wearing a headset.

I can't begin to go on about how aggravating the no sound thing is though whether it's guys not telling you when you don't have sound until you've wasted a ton of time online, or guys who don't want people overhearing.
It also makes me wonder if guys who say "No sound" actually mean they can't hear due to a tech problem rather than they don't feel like turning up the volume or wearing a headset.

I can't begin to go on about how aggravating the no sound thing is though whether it's guys not telling you when you don't have sound until you've wasted a ton of time online, or guys who don't want people overhearing.

Has anyone actually had paid time with someone who didn't have any sound? Because I feel like it makes zero sense to be on a cam site if your sound is messed up. I never appease these dudes by typing because I feel nearly positive they just want to waste my time and wouldn't give me a cent. You really want to pay me to masturbate while you have no sound? Seems incredibly unlikely to me... :think:
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Has anyone actually had paid time with someone who didn't have any sound? Because I feel like it makes zero sense to be on a cam site if your sound is messed up. I never appease these dudes by typing but I feel nearly positive they just want to waste my time and wouldn't give me a cent. You really want to pay me to masturbate while you have no sound? Seems incredibly unlikely to me... :think:

I cannot think of a single instance since I started camming in 2012 in which I got tipped when there wasn't sound involved.
Time to vent!

I CAN'T STAND when premiums will come into the room, ask me a question, I answer, then a few minutes go by and they get mad for me not answering the question. Then I am frustrated because I just answered, and he tells me at this point, he doesn't have sound.

If you ask me a question, I assume you have sound on. Aren't you expecting my answer? It drives me nuts!

And also 50% of the time the person leaves the room while I am answering. ARGH! lol
I have seen this often. If you don't have sound, fix that before going to a cam site.
I finally had something annoying enough happen to me that I felt it worthy of posting.. this bugged the crap out of me..
So last night this guy comes into my (very dead) room. He's like the only one talking. I had a prize draw game going and he bought one prize (20 tokens).
I mentioned that I worked at a carnival for a summer, and he proceeded to call me a "carnie" multiple times.
Also told me to take my shirt off multiple times, COMBINING with the carnie thing once saying "take your carnie shirt off". When I pointed out my countdown to shirt off (which was only at 230) he said "oops didn't see that". WHAT KIND OF PREMIUM DOES THAT??
Asked him if he wanted to try drawing another prize and he said he wanted to see "more riske prizes" and never drew another one. (some of the prizes were pussy flashes, vibe torture, my solo video, my photoset, a custom video, and my snapchat, but I guess those aren't "riske" enough)

BUT THE THING THAT BUGGED ME THE MOST: I was dancing and mentioned that it was 10 tokens for spanks, and he goes "I can do 5". This guy has 175 tokens unhidden. I say "I'm not bargaining, and I can see your tokens." He just says "lol." He was pissing me off but I was trying to keep the mood light so I laughed and said "For five tokens I could do ONE spank" and he did it. He tipped me 5 tokens with a note that said "1 spANK". I did the most sarcastic, light spank I could and told him that was what he got. He didn't say anything to that but stayed in my room and continued to talk to me about random dumb shit until I had to get off because my room was too dead and I was getting no tips. Did a 10 minute timer to make half the countdown (115) to keep me online and he went silent (but didn't leave) until I gave up and logged off.

PEOPLE LIKE THIS PISS ME OFF SO MUCH, WHY DO YOU NEED TO SIT THERE TAUNTING ME??? Apparently I was good enough for him to stay in my room for a full hour but not to spend more than 25 tokens on or be nice to.
As a MFC premium member, I apologize for these morons. They make us all look bad.
Re the sound issue: when on mfc or chaturbate on my iPad, I get AT LEAST 30 seconds of lag, which makes it nearly impossible to hold a conversation, I have seen other members claim the same thing. On, they have a mobile version of the site, and around half the time no matter how good my connection is, I just don't have sound, also an extremely common issue.

If I had known this was going to be an issue when I got this tablet, it would have definitely convinced me to go a different direction.
I have had quite a few no-sound dudes take me into shows and/or tip, actually. Which is especially strange since most of my shows very much revolve around me talking... But, whatever, I'll take your money. It takes longer to type than say things aloud anyway. Bonus.

I tell them right away that I expect them to tribute for my inconvenience (I realize this verbiage won't mesh with EVERY camgirl's vibe lol), so I don't waste much time before they bail if they're just being annoying and cheap.
Re the sound issue: when on mfc or chaturbate on my iPad, I get AT LEAST 30 seconds of lag, which makes it nearly impossible to hold a conversation, I have seen other members claim the same thing. On, they have a mobile version of the site, and around half the time no matter how good my connection is, I just don't have sound, also an extremely common issue.

If I had known this was going to be an issue when I got this tablet, it would have definitely convinced me to go a different direction. seems to not expect mobile users to have sound, though, and tells the models that. We even have a column that's checked for us if the user is on mobile, so that we know that they can't hear us. It seems that they designed their mobile platform to not support sound - which is frankly ridiculous. Every once in a blue moon, a mobile user will say that he can actually hear me and I don't need to type, but it's rare.
Re the sound issue: when on mfc or chaturbate on my iPad, I get AT LEAST 30 seconds of lag, which makes it nearly impossible to hold a conversation, I have seen other members claim the same thing. On, they have a mobile version of the site, and around half the time no matter how good my connection is, I just don't have sound, also an extremely common issue.

If I had known this was going to be an issue when I got this tablet, it would have definitely convinced me to go a different direction.

MFC mobile is pretty awful. I just use the full site when I can on Firefox, but even then its still bad. The big cause is damn Flashplayer. Flash stopped supporting mobile, basically leaving it up to websites to make their side mobile friendly.

I found only 3 ways to make MFC on my phone work:

Flashfox is an app that lets you use flash, but its very buggy on MFC and I barely get it to work. Maybe the newer versions on newer devices work? Also, advertisements on the app.

I also used to be able to use an older version of Flashplayer on firefox, but it stopped working for some reason. Basically, you go here and download the newest version you can. Download it and install it (you may have to check something in settings allowing downloads from unknown sources temporarily) and then you go into Firefox and have it use flash. I THINK thats how it goes. A better explanation is HERE, but again, it might not work anymore.

The way I use now requires a computer and an app called Splashtop Streamer. It basically remote connects your mobile device to your PC so you can see whats on the screen of your computer. Its a paid app, but works. Downside? you need a laptop or computer and it has to be on and connected to the internet, so if you have none of those things, you're out of luck.
When they pretend their fetish fantasies actually happened. This bothers me less in a paid show, but it irritates me. Fantasies are fun and hot and I like acting them out or talking about them but it just bugs the fuck out of me when they portray their fiction as reality.
Member spends 3-4k tokens playing a game during a show. Model is thrilled, agrees to front him a skype, because he is obviously good for it. He'll pay her next week, of course.
Next week rolls around, still hasn't paid; but he has money to come in and tip another 1k playing the same game. Begins to beg for a skype when he runs out of tokens.
Model tells him no free skypes. And he offers up this gem...

"is not really free show I do give you many tkns for GAME i think over 1k everytime just take token from there for skype show"

Worse than an ordinary beggar. Ought to immediately be banned (from the planet).

His mother only succeeded in giving birth to him -- she completely failed in raising him properly. I would like to think he would hang his head in shame if he ever stumbled across these words and recognized them as his own. But he won't, because he has no f*cking class.

There is more to this story, but to tell it fully I would have to post it across two other threads, "most annoying thing a model can do" and "things models say that make you go WTF". And in the interest of fairness, I would have to describe my own "most annoying/wtf" shortcomings in this whole matter. But instead I am just going to let it go, because this is not my business...this is not my business...this is not my business...
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Ah, yes, VincentHawk. He doesn't tip but frequently says "yvw" when the model thanks someone who *did* tip. He also says "bbl" even though no one has been talking to him.

LOL, exactly. He thinks he is the center of the model's world.
Private messages of 1 word are always silly. Today I got this one
Member: anal?

Seriously. The guy wants to (presumably) take me private to stick something up my butthole while we mutually masturbate. But the only word he thinks is needed for this exchange is "anal"? Dude. What? No. Maybe sometimes yes, but in this case no.
Dylan wins this thread...

dylan_hayes: i need you
ICANDEE1: i emailed u
dylan_hayes: i responded
ICANDEE1: to ur personal?
dylan_hayes: yeah
dylan_hayes: i responded
dylan_hayes: refresh your personal email
dylan_hayes: killing me
dylan_hayes: i responded again
bojack1966: nice and wet
dylan_hayes: check your personal email as well as here
dylan_hayes: i'll send - can we go now?
dylan_hayes: sending - can we go now babe?
dylan_hayes: babe?
ICANDEE1: check ur email
bojack1966: hey sexy
dylan_hayes: i got them
dylan_hayes: going to send now
dylan_hayes: can we go now?
On behalf of all non-nude models, please don't be this guy...
I get like three emails similar to this a week asking me to get naked. Look, I'll get naked when I want to and I've even held a nude photoset/video raffle (that hardly anyone bit at). I don't mind someone asking me if I get naked or what I'm willing to do in a private, but when I lay out my rules don't you dare fucking push them.



my response:
Oh my god, I found a thread where I can vent and not be penalized for it! Woot Woot!

I have only been camming for a short time but here are the things that I hate so far:

1. Being called an "N" word because you ask for a request and I say that I won't do it without tips, that happened yesterday. I tried to kick that fucker out of my room but CB has disabled my admin privileges for some reason. It is really hard to remain professional on camera after that and I have been known to explode.

2. I really hate the assholes who sit in my room for hours and don't tip and never say anything. If there was a way to charge people to come into my room, I would do it in a heartbeat.

3. I cant stand the dudes who want to go on camera with me and then get mad when I am not into it. I had a dude several months ago who wanted to do a cam show with me but he was clearly underaged. This cat was still in "college" and lived with his parents and couldn't even afford busfare to come see me and I was like wtf. This dude could not even produce proof that he was 18 and didn't want to sign a 2257 and so I just changed my phone number to get rid of him. This kid popped up in the room yesterday for like 2 seconds and then popped back out, I guess he is still mad but I don't give a shit. I am not going to jail for jailbait.

4. I really hate the assholes who just come into the room just to hurl racist insults at me. I even got called "michonne" once and I don't even watch "The Walking Dead"! I am fully aware of the fact that there is not a big demand for dark skinned bbw's within any facet of the adult industry but I am here and I am going to stay.

5. I really can't stand the dudes who keep sending me photos of their dick as that it is supposed to turn me on, um hell no it doesn't. I would never date or marry any guy that comes into my room because that person might be a nutcase with a machete or a hatchet and that's sad cause I do have one that I am sweet on.

6. I am open to most requests but some of them are just weird....super weird. A guy yesterday wanted me to eat his shit and he wanted to eat my shit. That same guy wanted me to drink my own piss on camera. I went downstairs and got a glass of water and drank it on camera and he was none the wiser. I will probably start drinking apple juice in the future so I will have something that actually resembles piss. I will probably buy some snicker ice cream bars and eat them on camera so I will have something that actually resembles shit. I really don't want to lose him as a member because this certain guy tips really well but I am not eating anything that comes out of my own ass.

7. I can't stand the people who come in and spam their rooms and then keep spamming their rooms. I am fine with somebody advertising their room but only if that person pm's me first and ask me if I will do it for them. We are all in this business and we have to support each other but don't be coming up in my spot with bullshit. I try to make my room as nice and peaceful and chill as possible but do not fuck me over or it will turn into World War 3.

8. I can't stand the dudes who send me fake tokens or fake gift cards, as though that is supposed to make my clothes fall off. No, that just makes me want to kick you in the nuts and then kick you the fuck out of my room.
Has anyone actually had paid time with someone who didn't have any sound? Because I feel like it makes zero sense to be on a cam site if your sound is messed up. I never appease these dudes by typing because I feel nearly positive they just want to waste my time and wouldn't give me a cent. You really want to pay me to masturbate while you have no sound? Seems incredibly unlikely to me... :think:

I have had and placate 'no sound' guys on SM. Dudes who really have no sound, are at work, whose wife is in the room over, or WHATEVER. If they are paying I will type. On MFC I will type 'hey', after that you gotta tip for typing/pms and they never do.
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