Bendit01 said:
Thanks Comic I understand what your saying. However, my other question was does the model who works at home versus studio model get the same. According to Cammistar the answer is no. Which makes sense, since the studio needs to get paid. Just ddint know if the studio got there portion from the $30 or from the model portion.
Might I just add that a model that works "For a studio" is not necessarily a model that works "in a studio" she can be at home as well.
When I first signed up, all I did was google webcamming knowing next to nothing about it and signed up via an internet "studio" which filled out all my info and linked me to MFC. In fairness, I had no idea what MFC was and wouldn't have known to sign up myself. In unfairness, I got paid .04 a token for months because the studio "helped" me... they didn't do a thing, and I was the dummy who didn't even realize I was losing money to them. So I was doing my own thing, working from my house making money and they got a cut. They got a few hundred out of me until I learned how it worked. I applaud places like this for helping newbies and wish I'd signed up sooner! My "studio" was also based out the UK so weird and would take an extra 2-3 days to pay me after MFC sent it's payouts. Oh well, lessoned learned.