AmberCutie's Forum
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Amazon Gift Cards

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Inactive Cam Model
Aug 17, 2015
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Hey everyone,
So I've been trying to look into Amazon gift cards, read through all of the public forums, and unfortunately I don't belong to the secret society quite yet (hehe).

So I guess what I want to know is how do they work?

What are the benefits/drawbacks?

Are there any security/privacy issues?

The most common scams?

Again, I apologize if it's already been posted somewhere, I looked and couldn't find the answers I was looking for.


Amazon wishlists and gift cards
When accepting payment via Amazon wishlist item, wait until the item actually arrives at your mailing address, or the gift card is confirmed credited to your account before performing shows for said payment.

  • If a member adds an item from your wishlist to their cart, but doesn't complete the checkout process, the item will disappear from your wishlist as if it has been purchased. Many members have scammed Cam Girls this way. Members say they purchased an item, then the Cam Girl sends them the content or performs the show they requested for the purchase, then the member turns around and removes the item from their cart. Members can also click a button on an item that says they've purchased it from another seller, which also removes the item from your wishlist, looking as though it's been purchased. This is why it's important to wait until the item arrives to perform or send content.
  • There have been incidents of gift card transactions being refunded before the cam girl was able to apply it to her account. To be safe, apply the card to your account immediately. This doesn't 100% guarantee you're safe against refunds, but it should make it a little more difficult for the member to attempt it.
When I take gift cards as payment I actually wait until it is spent & the item is shipped before I send them what they purchased. Since I only allow gcs as payment for customs it works out fine since those take a couple days anyway. A gift card can still be refunded after it's been applied to your account.
I will take gift cards for Skype as well as customs but I spend them IMMEDIATELY before starting the show. I keep a few things in my cart ready to go that I could always use (toilet paper, dish washer tabs, printer paper, foundation powder, hair dye) and just throw them into checkout and buy them. This way the card CANNOT be rescinded once it's already spent.

I let the guy know I just need a minute to sort everything out and if they're a half-decent guy, they'll wait that time before the show begins.
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