Me and my partner signed up for chaturbate to stream together, we invested in all the equipment, camera, lighting, interactive toys ect and we both completed verification on 17th October (was successful). Since then chaturbate has asked me to complete age verification multiple times, I have done so and then one of the attempts I made was denied cause selfie was too blurry.
I tried to reverify multiple times like chaturbate asked me to and they gave all been successful but the failed one is still on my profile and I can’t stream.
I thought if I deleted my account and made a new one this Would fix the issue, so I did, the website crashed and my upload was incomplete and it’s still coming up with the denied one from 19th October.
Also because I deleted my account, I had to change my name from scarlettbbby to scarlettbbbby and the first username is the same that I use across all my sites/social media.
Please help me verify my age and please let me know if I can have my old username back!!
I tried to reverify multiple times like chaturbate asked me to and they gave all been successful but the failed one is still on my profile and I can’t stream.
I thought if I deleted my account and made a new one this Would fix the issue, so I did, the website crashed and my upload was incomplete and it’s still coming up with the denied one from 19th October.
Also because I deleted my account, I had to change my name from scarlettbbby to scarlettbbbby and the first username is the same that I use across all my sites/social media.
Please help me verify my age and please let me know if I can have my old username back!!