RoseCavilla said:
Again, I encourage you to speak up. I should have taken your abnormally high amiability in your PM as a red flag that you were actually upset. However, I reasoned that adults don't let their beliefs be pushed to the backburner in order to prevent... whatever it is you were trying to prevent.
I suppose I may have gotten a little fired up about what I was saying, but I was not once even a little bit angry. In the PM conversation we had I apologized, and still am understand of what you had wanted this to be, and really and truly don't have a problem with that. After thinking about it some though, I thought, you know for that thread to work to its fullest, closely monitored second hand post makes sense. I still believe that is true, if we are talking about a flash news bulletin board, but I understand this to be a little more than that. And yes I understand all your concerns with second hand posting, but really I never meant to say that you should do anything different than you were, but only why it did not make sense to me -
as a place for flash news of ACF Models on cam.
If there was one thing that I did feel a little perturbed about, it was not your rules, or how you set up the thread, I mean I really was not. If you don't like the rules, I think it is fair to question those rules for clarification, and even politely suggest modifications that seem to make sense to you, (but really that is irrelevant because I was not clear on what exactly the thread was meant to be.) So the one thing that did bug me a bit is that the rules seemed to be being applied unevenly. If there is no second hand posting, there is no second hand posting. (A rule I support completely, now that I am clear about the thread.) When it seemed to be OK for Models to second hand post but not me... Well you can see I think what I am getting at. I was not so upset, and am not at all now, and this is 100% understandable. We are all bias, and we all have a POV that is influenced by everything about us. At our very best we are still skewed in ways we can not help but be. Gender is one of the factors we are most influenced by, and is one we have the most problem with being not skewed by, IMO. That you did not take note of the Models posting second hand, and then I caught your attention, is very understandable. Had the rolls been reversed, I can pretty much guarantee you I would have done the same thing.
So in summary, I just wanted to say I was never mad, and if it appeared I had been holding back anything when we PM'ed, I think that is because I thought about the whole thing better after our PM's, and why the seemly change of heart.
And finaly, my first concern when I came back to this thread and made my last post was not that I tell you what did not make sense to me, or even that I point out the apparent different way the rules were being applied. It was my concern that Shaun had gotten embroiled in this thread derailing banter, and I felt responsible for that. I have gotten to know Shaun fairly well, and I really like him. His sense of justice is impeccable, and I think he is a kind soul. I have never known Shaun to kick up shit or make drama for drama's sake. That is not to say that I have never seen Shaun stubbornly stick to his guns when others would show less endurance. This can be good and bad. I think it shows that Shaun feels strongly about his convictions, I also think at times it serves to give ppl the wrong impression that Shaun is still in the ring for drama's sake. Not the case, he's just stubborn.
Now believe it or don't, I really like you also. If you are like me, there are some forum members who can go unnoticed for a long time, - these are the members who's post/replies don't move you in any direction very much. If they were food, they would be plain cream of wheat, or an unflavored rice cake. On the other hand, I tend to notice much faster, those members who I feel some degree of compliance with, or those who I feel some degree of difference with. I am not sure how long you have been a forum member, my impression is not a long time or if so you did not post much until recently. It could be that you were a plain rice cake, but I doubt that, because I have noticed, that mostly I read your post/replies with a degree of compliance, and much of the time with a good degree of compliance, so I don't think this will set us at opposite sides of the field. If you can trade stubborn for malicious, I think you will see Shaun is on the same side of the field too.
I release your thread and am sorry things ever got so away from what they were meant to be. Rambling, using far too many words, and the fact that my eyes keep closing uncontrollably are sure signs I need sleep :sleepy2: I promise if you want to talk some more I will answer any PM first thing after some sleep, and in PM. Just felt I needed to say I was not angry, and why, and maybe why I thought you might have gotten the wrong impression about me as well as Shaun in public. And it has nothing to do with wanting to continue any off topic, thread derailing banter. I'm real sure we passed the finish line a long way back.