I've been a permanent resident more than long enough so that I could have been a citizen with plenty of time to spare before this election. Just haven't gotten around to it, I guess (plus that shit's expensive!)
But, well. Even if I could vote, although I detest Romney I would certainly not want to vote for Obama. In Canada there was always the option to vote for a third party and have it potentially make a very real difference. Here, on the other hand, not so much. Once I'm able to vote in this country I'm going to have a lot of mental discomfort over the concept of voting for "the lesser of two evils". There's the conservative party and the even more conservative party, neither of which I care for one bit. The ridiculous years-long election campaigns just give you
so much time to realize that doom is inevitable.
"Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate..."
So no, I guess it'd have to be Obama's brand of doom for me.
This country really needs some electoral reform, but that's not about to happen. Corporations and their lobbyists run America these days, so I guess the best option for actual change is to become a billionaire?
BTW, anyone familiar with
The Political Compass? This is me... I've actually moved out of the bottom left corner a bit
Obama and Romney are both
quite oppositely aligned from me, and really have very similar politics. If it wasn't for the moderately different social platforms I'd have infinitely more trouble choosing.
LolasLiger said:
It always amazes me how much denial there is in America about it being an imperial power no different from Britain and many European countries. Its unilateral actions in Hawaii, Nicaragua, Honduras, Iran, Cuba (repeatedly), Philippines, Guatemala, Vietnam, Chile Grenada, Panama, Iraq and Afganistan (to name but a few in the last century and half), have been, in almost every case carried out for American business interests or to create spheres of influence. And that list doesn’t even include covert interventions nor wars fought by proxy. But when the international community does actually ask it for assistance, it drags it feet, vetoes intervention or on the very rare occasion that it does assist as part of something international, it ends up running chicken shit away (Lebanon and Somalia being two recent examples).
This, so much.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_exceptionalism. It's like America felt it went as far as it could go with its original definition of Manifest Destiny and decided to push ever outward. I feel like this country has and is essentially infringing on the sovereignty of other nations far more than is appropriate, and this is one of the reasons people elsewhere in the world have negative options of the United States. I
do believe that the American ideal, as outlined in the constitution etc. is just freaking fantastic. I would
absolutely call this the freest country in the world. But it's none of our business
(I guess although I'm not a citizen I do consider myself more or less the equivalent -- I've lived here nearly all of my adult life) to impose our own paradigm
(I hate that word but I'm not currently arriving at another one) on others. Especially when we're whittling away at the freedoms this country was founded on all the time these days right at home.
I'm drinking and rambling at the moment, and probably way off topic, so I shall cease typing.
tl;dr I think this country and the ideals it was founded on are fantabulous, and it greatly disturbs me that I'm now unavoidably of the opinion that things are on the decline and that I don't consider either option for the next "Leader of the Free World" to be capable or particularly desirous of turning things around.
If that's how it's gonna be, then...
JickyJuly said:
I actually might have voted red this year because I feel that Obama is an idea man, but doesn't have the necessary backbone to really stand behind his choices. However, there is NO way that I can justify voting for a Mormon. It's not politically correct of me, and I don't care. Someone who subscribes to a religion that openly dismisses Women, Blacks and Native Americans has no business being in charge of anyone but themselves. So, Obama it is. They're really all two sides of the same coin anyway. :roll:
This had me confused for a second because I still can't get my head around the fact that the colours are exactly the opposite in Canada :lol: Yes, though... personally I'm an atheist and I think that most religions are pretty loony. Some of them, though, especially when they've been founded in and continued to expand during times when people ought to have known better, live in the special OMGWTFBBQ sector of my brain. Scientology, Mormonism, Raelism... well, anything involving aliens, really.
It's a bit hypocritical of me, perhaps (definitely), to hope that other sorts of religious folks will consider Romney's Mormonism to be a deal breaker. Then again, all sorts of people still think Obama is Muslim.
I'm really babbling, now. Probably you can all ignore the entirety of this reply, I'm probably expressing my thoughts pretty inadequately/imprecisely...