AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

ACCOUNT SUSPENDED FOREVER for wife in bath with me…apparently she has to be registered

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Jan 1, 2023
I have the same issue tonight but have only had my account a few days. Normally I am solo but I decided to take a bath with my wife and we broadcasted. Mid broadcast it just cut off and said I was blocked for having an unregistered user. I wasn’t under the impression a spouse had to be registered as well. It says suspended forever and I haven’t even been able to get off the ground with this. I am a cam newbie I guess you could say. PLEASE HELP! Username Sexydadbod43xxx
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I have the same issue tonight but have only had my account a few days. Normally I am solo but I decided to take a bath with my wife and we broadcasted. Mid broadcast it just cut off and said I was blocked for having an unregistered user. I wasn’t under the impression a spouse had to be registered as well. It says suspended forever and I haven’t even been able to get off the ground with this. I am a cam newbie I guess you could say. PLEASE HELP! Username Sexydadbod43xxx
Pretty clueless assumption. Of course anyone appearing on an adult site needs to be age verified. Holy crap.
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If anything shitty for adult content has come out of the pandemic is people as clueless as this trying to earn money in the industry. Stupid and naive people thinking it’s easy. It’s ruining the industry for those of us who take it seriously.
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We weren’t even really trying to make money just spicing up our sex lives after being married so many years. Yah, naive about my wife being registered, maybe, but I wouldn’t say we’re stupid or anything and we’re certainly not taking anything away from others that ARE trying to make money. Yes, we made very little but enjoy what this has done for our almost non existent sex lives
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If anything shitty for adult content has come out of the pandemic is people as clueless as this trying to earn money in the industry. Stupid and naive people thinking it’s easy. It’s ruining the industry for those of us who take it seriously.
We weren’t even really trying to make money just spicing up our sex lives after being married so many years. Yah, naive about my wife being registered, maybe, but I wouldn’t say we’re stupid or anything and we’re certainly not taking anything away from others that ARE trying to make money. Yes, we made very little but enjoy what this has done for our almost non existent sex lives
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We weren’t even really trying to make money just spicing up our sex lives after being married so many years. Yah, naive about my wife being registered, maybe, but I wouldn’t say we’re stupid or anything and we’re certainly not taking anything away from others that ARE trying to make money. Yes, we made very little but enjoy what this has done for our almost non existent sex lives
Yea it’s stupid and completely clueless as to how adult content works.
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Hobby wankers ruin the industry. Putting all models at risk by having unregistered people on cam and the site being punished for it.
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We weren’t even really trying to make money just spicing up our sex lives after being married so many years. Yah, naive about my wife being registered, maybe, but I wouldn’t say we’re stupid or anything and we’re certainly not taking anything away from others that ARE trying to make money. Yes, we made very little but enjoy what this has done for our almost non existent sex lives
Yeah you're stupid.

Think about it for 5 seconds.. how would they know she's your spouse. And even if she is, how does that change anything??

IF you come to the adult industry and want to take up space here then you'll need to learn to play by the rules that the rest of us all follow. We have to jump through many many hoops, age verification being the most basic.

When sites broadcast unregisteted people it gives more cannon fodder to the groups actively persecuting us, actual sex workers whose livelihoods depend on this. They point to sites and say they allow all manner of trafficking and age violations. They pass laws that hurt us. They shut down sites. They pressure payment proccessors into creating more and more barriers for us.

You didn't think about this because you're just a dude trying to spice up his sex life with his wife. This is understandable.

But we are taking the time to educate you. So take the education.
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Everyone also has to stay somewhere…. We don’t just jump in and know everything about it…there is a learning curve
Your responsibility is to learn the rules and how things work before broadcasting on n adult site.
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Ya, I get it…I screwed up so dues that mean a forever banished from doing it on this site? Never having a second chance?
It wouldn’t be surprising if so.
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Ya, I get it…I screwed up so dues that mean a forever banished from doing it on this site? Never having a second chance?
As far as I know (I am just a SC user) on SC if they say permanent, it is likely that it is indeed permanent (the meaning is kind of in the description ;) ).

Also SC does not allow models to make a new account if one gets banned.

Try a new site mate, and FFS read and understand all of the TOS for the new platform you go to.

(Or if you are British, maybe just go and try dogging to spice up your sex life)
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Stripchat quite literally have the rules right there before you click to broadcast, you have to check the box every time before you can stream, so if you failed to read the ToS (I understand we all do if we buy products, but that is very different to broadcasting on an adult site) it's your fault and no one else's.
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Hello @Sexydadbod43xxx

I understand that you are new, and I know there is a lot to learn, but not reading important information that you must read doesn't make you exempt from the consequences of violating the rules.

Please note, as per the messages above, we have all the rules available to all models on our Stripchat FAQ page, TOS and the Stripchat Wiki page and we do advise/expect you to read it all upon registration.
As also mentioned above, we request that all models tick a box (each and every time) you enter your accounts to confirm that you have read and understood our platforms' rules and guidelines before commencing broadcasting.

I can see you have already contacted our Support team and they have responded to all your questions whilst also providing information on how you can proceed from here.
Please refer to their reply, follow their instructions, and continue communicating with them should you need more clarification or require further assistance.
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We weren’t even really trying to make money just spicing up our sex lives after being married so many years. Yah, naive about my wife being registered, maybe, but I wouldn’t say we’re stupid or anything and we’re certainly not taking anything away from others that ARE trying to make money. Yes, we made very little but enjoy what this has done for our almost non existent sex lives
Lol fuck your precious sex life. Your recklessness could have gotten the site shut down and a lot of models would be out of work for awhile.

Go to a sex therapist/marriage counselor. Porn industry is not a substitute. 🙄
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Everyone also has to stay somewhere…. We don’t just jump in and know everything about it…there is a learning curve
You're an idiot. Part of agreeing to broadcast is to read the TOS. You even have to click that you agree to TOS before you broadcast each time. Reading what you can and can't do is camming 101. Each site can have small differences in rules but being ID verified is the absolute basic rule.
Also there was no warning…
There is a warning. It's in the TOS that it's strictly prohibited. The same TOS you have to click that you read and understand before you hit broadcast. It's the first damn bullet point under Actions Strictly Prohibited. Consider this your Darwin award in cam world. I hope you don't get another chance because it takes a serious lack of common sense to be in this situation in the first place.
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This whole thread is pretty funny. Of course ignorance is no excuse for the ban. But nobody actually tried to be helpful to the poster without trying to shame/embarrass them. The solution is simple - register your wife.
If this forum is going to be helpful, then you should expect lots of ignorance. Ridiculing the posts and shaming the poster is not the purpose, is it? And it certainly doesn't need to be done repeatedly.
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This whole thread is pretty funny. Of course ignorance is no excuse for the ban. But nobody actually tried to be helpful to the poster without trying to shame/embarrass them. The solution is simple - register your wife.
If this forum is going to be helpful, then you should expect lots of ignorance. Ridiculing the posts and shaming the poster is not the purpose, is it? And it certainly doesn't need to be done repeatedly.
You're totally right, I apologize.
We weren’t even really trying to make money just spicing up our sex lives after being married so many years.
OP, if you're just trying to spice up your sex live and not earn a living as a cam model, broadcast your sexy bath time on omegle or chatroulette instead of a site models utilize to make their paychecks.
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This whole thread is pretty funny. Of course ignorance is no excuse for the ban. But nobody actually tried to be helpful to the poster without trying to shame/embarrass them. The solution is simple - register your wife.
If this forum is going to be helpful, then you should expect lots of ignorance. Ridiculing the posts and shaming the poster is not the purpose, is it? And it certainly doesn't need to be done repeatedly.
Im not sorry. OP's ignorance could have had serious consequences. Im not being hyperbolic when i say the site could be shut down or the payment methods removed if not verified people appear on cam. Him not taking time to read all the warnings that was blatantly in front of him doesnt mean we should take the time to helpful. And telling people they need to read the ToS is helpful. It warns any other people reading the consequences if they do what OP does.

Also he cant register his wife if he is banned from stripchat. He shouldnt even join another site.
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This whole thread is pretty funny. Of course ignorance is no excuse for the ban. But nobody actually tried to be helpful to the poster without trying to shame/embarrass them. The solution is simple - register your wife.
If this forum is going to be helpful, then you should expect lots of ignorance. Ridiculing the posts and shaming the poster is not the purpose, is it? And it certainly doesn't need to be done repeatedly.
What exactly is registering his wife on a site he's now permanently banned from going to accomplish? Do you have a time machine for OP to hop in so he can go back and register her before the bath show? No? Then that isn't exactly a solution, is it.
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This whole thread is pretty funny. Of course ignorance is no excuse for the ban. But nobody actually tried to be helpful to the poster without trying to shame/embarrass them. The solution is simple - register your wife.
If this forum is going to be helpful, then you should expect lots of ignorance. Ridiculing the posts and shaming the poster is not the purpose, is it? And it certainly doesn't need to be done repeatedly.
TBH I have no intention of helping people who want to play sex worker for kicks. I have a huge chip on my shoulder about this thing people do where they think it'll be fun to play cam model ooh scandalous but they don't do anything for sex workers. In this case, they actually put us at more risk. And then came here expecting actual workers to spoon feed them common sense info.

In general hobby wankers are damaging to sex work as a whole. In theory I have no issue with engaging with sex work as a casual fun thing IF you're also engaging with our community as an ally. But in practice these folks almost never are.

I was mean because I do not want them to feel welcome to take from our community without giving back.

In terms of repeating the same thing, I did try to make sure my post contained unique information/perspective.
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This whole thread is pretty funny. Of course ignorance is no excuse for the ban. But nobody actually tried to be helpful to the poster without trying to shame/embarrass them. The solution is simple - register your wife.
If this forum is going to be helpful, then you should expect lots of ignorance. Ridiculing the posts and shaming the poster is not the purpose, is it? And it certainly doesn't need to be done repeatedly.
No one on this forum owes a single person anything, except perhaps, IMO the people who put the effort into running and up keeping the forum, for the rest of us.

Your suggestion is stupid, and your shaming of the others in this thread is uppity, self righteous, and entitled. As well as being hypocritical.

Sure people were harsh on this guy but he was being a giant, dismissive idiot. A giant idiot who does stupid things to put the rest of our incomes at risk, because his sex lifecsucks and he’s too impatient and stupid to read. This isn’t kindergarten. This is the real world and we are discussing professional ADULT sites. Give me a break.
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This whole thread is pretty funny. Of course ignorance is no excuse for the ban. But nobody actually tried to be helpful to the poster without trying to shame/embarrass them. The solution is simple - register your wife.
If this forum is going to be helpful, then you should expect lots of ignorance. Ridiculing the posts and shaming the poster is not the purpose, is it? And it certainly doesn't need to be done repeatedly.
Having his wife on cam was not an accident. Someone like this is literally risking our livelihood. There are many in this political climate who would love to use an incident like this to shut this and all adult sites down. I've lost income many times in the past when a site where I had built up a good following loses their payment processor and has to shut down. There are a lot of examples, especially in the last few years.
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