Thank you for getting back to me, i really appreciate the questions you have asked me and will answer them in order
1) I knew about ACF because i have worked in the sex industry periodically throughout my life. As an escort in my teens and twenties, webcamming for a period in my thirties and more recently phone chat. I have pretty well retired from sex work now but do occasionally do phone chat and IM when needs must. Student life as a single parent is dear!!!
2) My academic career: I have First Class Honors Degree in Criminology and Cultural Studies. An LLM (Law Masters) in Criminal Justice and Human Rights and the PhD I am studying is a Criminology PhD. The title of which is, "The discourses that pertain to webcamming as a form of sexual commerce; How those discourses differ from those that pertain to other forms of sex work; How webcamming as a form of sexual commerce is experienced by female performers".
3) The reason I chose to pursue this line of inquiry for my PhD was because in the UK in 2014 it became illegal to upload certain types of pornography. The rationale being that kids with direct debit cards could access this stuff, I was struck (and very pleased!) that there was no mention of webcamming. It would have been the perfect opportunity to legislate against it. I did some research and came up with several explanations of why this was the case. The first was money, it is very hard to pinpoint how much money is generated by webcamming as no one is really studying it but to give you an example Gyorgi Gattyan, the founder of, the most popular webhosting site is Hungary's richest man as well as being very corporate (The Economist 2015). The second reason was that webcam performers challenge the idea that all women involved in sex work are victims in need of rescue, that webcamming empowers women to define their own identities because the webcam performer is able to maintain control of their representation and set the terms and conditions of viewing. This isn’t to say that there aren’t abuses, I believe there are but I think webcamming allows women who wouldn’t normally participate in sex work to do just that. It’s their stories of how they experience webcamming that is the central focus of my research, I have interviewed 7 women so far and their data is fascinating. I think this research is important because if women don’t tell their own stories about how they experience sex work then others do it for them. You only have to look at how prostitution has become conflated with trafficking to see how damaging that can be.
4) As mentioned I am a working girl to the core! As an escort in my teens and twenties, webcamming for a period in my thirties and more recently phone chat. I have pretty well retired from sex work now but do occasionally do phone chat and IM when needs must. I have also worked in flats, massage parlours,I have dommed and worked for madams. I have pretty well covered the field!
5) I am interested in how women came into camming, how they experience it as a form of labour, have they experienced stigma as a result of the work that they perform. Im not interested in what you perform so much as your experience of working in a form of sexual commerce that hasn't been regulated against .
6) My research is funded by the alumni of my university. I am lucky because this is a prestigious scholarship that means I don't have to teach. They pay me a monthly stipend for three years in order to complete my research. Its basically a low paid job.
7)I have had to go through vigorous ethical clearing to be able to be allowed to do this research by my university and I have agreed that I will not ask participants for any personal identifying information such as name or address. All interview participants will be assigned aliases. I will initially address them by the name of the avatar that they advertise themselves under. To give added protection to their professional identity I will anonymise their online profile. Once the interviews have been transcribed I will anonymize the data by attaching all interview data to respondents’ aliases. All digital files will be stored on my password protected computer, and on a portable storage device that will be stored in a locked drawer. The emails giving informed consent will be immediately cleaned of identifying information after printing off one ‘hard copy’ for back up the message will be put into a computerised folder system that will be password protected. Hard copies will be kept in binders in a locked cabinet. The email will then be deleted (and re-deleted from the delete file) as soon as response is sent or received. The information that you supply will remain anonymous at all times and will only be accessible to myself and my two doctoral supervisors.
8) I am interested in interviewing anyone who lives in a country where camming is legal, so that includes pretty well everywhere except The Philippines . As long as they can speak sufficient English for me to interview them , as I am such a Luddite I only speak English.
9) I am only interested in women as I believe to spread my research too thin would be to do it a disservice. Also I believe that women have been disproportionately affected by the discourses that radical feminism have imposed on women who work in the sex industry. That all sex work is a form of abuse and that all women who sell sexual services of any kind must therefore be victims. I am opposed to this view, of course their are people working in the sex industry that have been abused and coerced but i think that they make up a small minority of sex workers. Webcamming technology has, i believe, created a considerable paradigm shift in the power relations that have traditionally existed within the adult entertainment industry. Providing them with an opportunity to redistribute the wealth from the profits of the traditionally male dominated pornography industry into their own pockets and i suspect allowing women who wouldn't normally consider sex work to profit from it. Basically i want to challenge the notion that all sex workers are victims and its webcammers who i believe best represent this. Webcam performers because of their cleverly orchestrated use of social media are perhaps inadvertently challenging radical feminist’s contrived "victim" in need of rescue. They assert their own narrative in a way that is seldom implemented by other types of sex workers, a shrewd business woman who may have a fan base that runs into the thousands because of her clever use of social media is difficult to tally with the notion of victim. That isn't to say there isn't victimization of performers, I believe the web hosting sites can be very exploitative and there is already in my research evidence of third party exploitation but its these positives and negatives of a mediated form of post industrial sex work that I am hoping to explore with my interviews
10) I did my masters dissertation about the lack of regulation around webcamming. I have spent the first year of my PhD (I have just started my second year) exploring the webcamming industry, the lack of feminist discourse around webcamming both radical and liberal. I have also done a small pilot study to test my questions.
11) I am the sole author of my work. You will be anonymised right from the start because i will never ask you for any identifying information.
The information that you supply will remain anonymous at all times and will only be accessible to myself and my two doctoral supervisors. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact either myself on or either of my supervisors or . If you would like to confirm my identity further, please feel free to do so. My profile can be found either here or .
I hope this answers your questions and once again thank you for taking the time out to ask them. On a personal level I think its important that women involved in selling sexual services should be able to put forward their own narratives and in doing so i believe we will redress the unbalanced view of all sex work as being a site of abuse and victimisation
Look forward to hearing from you (nervously optimistic)
Rachel x