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Nordling said:
Is there anything wrong with defending one's friends?

Not at all.

See, if it had been me on here making smart-ass remarks about certain models, people would be biting my head off, calling me a "hater" and whatnot, and jumping to their model friend's defense.
mynameisbob84 said:
Girls, girls, girls... there's no need to fight over little old me.
Wait, what? You're not?
Oh :(

*rubs Bob's back* I've got nothin' but love for ya, baby.
Harvey Birdman said:
Also, TP's post above mine sounds more like a disgruntled freeloader than a person who's in the know.
Reading this as guest had to sign on to agree here. The post that Birdman refers to, absolutely reeks with the stench of that which is vindictive. IMO
I stated my opinion and that is pretty much all I have to say. I know there are people that agree with me and I am sure there are others who don't. I am not here to bicker back and forth all day so I am headed off to work and let this thread go back to its original discussion.
Nordling said:
I'm Leo's older brother and he told me...

I also know the President of the US, the Dalai Lam and often have tea with Jesus!

Zeus whispers in my ear!
I thought that was you there, seated across from our lord. Uncertain i said nothing. The way you wore the mandatory thorny crown low upon your brow, did well to cancel your eyes. :lol:

Have not read through to the end yet, but if no one has yet used this smiley :liar: , why not?
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mynameisbob84 said:
I got'cha covered, bb (not a GIF but even better, the song itself :-D )

Thanks. You've got me over here boppin' my head. :cool:
TwistedPretzel said:
I have been reporting site bugs to Leo for the last 6 years so when I PM him about anything he will always read and respond to me. I told Leo about the spam and he told me about an attack using a hidden site exploit.
Wait a fucking second. This is the first time in 6 years that you have received confidential info from Leo, and then shared it with a big group of the adult camming world public? Well I guess it must be! Because the first time you did that, would be the last, i think.

I've read enough. See all you good ppl somewhere that makes sense, i'm out.
The_Brown_Fox said:
Nordling said:
Is there anything wrong with defending one's friends?

Not at all.

See, if it had been me on here making smart-ass remarks about certain models, people would be biting my head off, calling me a "hater" and whatnot, and jumping to their model friend's defense.
Being married to Leo was her own joke that SHE started.
SoTxBob said:
:whistle: I'm waiting for "Leo's wife". [the agent that shall remain unnamed] to appear from the smoke and make claim to the "love child".... :lol: :lol:
This comment is in no way bashing or making smart-ass remarks. It's just continuing the joke that the agent herself started. Being entertained by someones antics and later commenting on them, last time I checked, is not a sign of obsession or pent up sexual frustration. If so, I guess I've got a pretty huge boner for Mitch Hedburg. :/
Not starting an argument here, and there is nothing wrong with jumping to the defense of friends but there was nothing here to defend and I think that may be where the frustration is coming from.
This just wasn't the right time. If anything it was fondly remembering her silly antics. :twocents-02cents:
JoleneJolene said:
If anything it was fondly remembering her silly antics. :twocents-02cents:

I wanted to be mad at her for putting that Jabba the Hut looking member onscreen pulling his pud, when not enough new tippers showed up, but it was so damn funny. :lol:
JoleneJolene said:
SoTxBob said:
:whistle: I'm waiting for "Leo's wife". [the agent that shall remain unnamed] to appear from the smoke and make claim to the "love child".... :lol: :lol:
This comment is in no way bashing or making smart-ass remarks.

Okay, since this is being brought back up again.....

No, the above comment was not bashing her, but I didn't say THAT comment was. And you should do a search on here for previous threads and posts about her. You will clearly see which members on here dislike her and love to make stupid comments (specifically about her age) about her every chance they get. Last summer (I believe?) there was a thread all about her, but it was either locked or deleted when it got out of hand and people started discussing her PERSONAL info that's none of their business.

If you've got that much dislike/hate towards someone, why keep bringing them up in threads? Sorry, but that kind of behavior is what makes one start to look like a troll, in my opinion. And those members know damn well what they're doing.

And if you're going to remember her for something, yes, remember her silly antics.

I could come on here and say how I TRULY feel about a model who I don't really care for, but I wouldn't do that because I don't get enjoyment out of posting nasty comments about people when there's no need for it.
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Yes, and if simply "fondly remembering [an amusing incident]" was what he meant, why didn't he say that when a joking reply was made?
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cStory inPMto SoTxBob said:
I almost quoted one of you two and then was going to suggest that abandonment is not an easy thing to come to grips with, even for Bob. Then below

(Bob apply some of the sage advice you always have to give me, to yourself in this. Like maybe the one about don't sweat the small...)

JJ made the correct observation. IMO
Shaun__ said:
I wanted to be mad at her for putting that Jabba the Hut looking member onscreen pulling his pud, when not enough new tippers showed up, but it was so damn funny. :lol:

Feel free to message me on here or MFC Mail or whatever if you'd like to exchange some funny MFC memories. :-D Someone on here PMed me once (to tell me how much they love her), because he/she felt that people on here would "give them shit" for admitting to being a fan. :shock: That sucks that someone would feel they have to be a fan "on the down low."
TwistedPretzel said:
I want to sincerely thank you all for making this thread reach maximum trollness!

I couldn't of done it with out you!

This is like an episode of Arrested Development where George Bluth Sr. says something divisive and then leaves, giving the rest of the Bluths the impetus to start fighting amongst themselves and then at the end he comes back and acts all magnanimous :?
Bocefish said:
Agent99 got what she deserved and good riddance AFAIC. Like her or not, the mere act of mentioning her name does not constitute some lame obsession.

Funny, you probably wouldn't say that about any of the younger, outdoor public show models, would you? Nah. You'd just take tons of screenshots of them to post on here. :roll:

Shouldn't you be off somewhere trying to smear the name of a dead 17-year old Florida child?
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Just for the record, b/c I had to open my fat mouth, i think i might as well say all I feel I should. My very first post to ACF was when I ended up here via a link from a google search, for true name of agent 99 of get smart. (Barbara Feldon)

My subsequent post was a pretty vicious attach of agent99. I had been in her room one time, and that day she was mad about someone snitching on her for IDK. She thought it was a BBW, and then started to defile all heavy models as "Swamp Donkeys". I did not like her then and I don't like that action now when I recall it. I did however, come to like Agent99, if not some of the things she was prone to do when she had a bad night. That was because I went to visit her a time or two when I found out where she was. I did this - made a point of getting to know her a little, b/c of you mostly Fox.

When I made the below post, I still did not like her. I did not however bash her for age as you can see. I think Bob prloy wishes he had not clicked the send button this time (a feeling i know too well), but I do not think there was any real hate behind it. When you feel like you are the only one to stand on one side, it is easy to become over sensitive, in my experience

Belgian wrote:
Mfc should ban those old fat bags :confused2: nothing is better then a young beautifull woman wihout sagging tits or a fat ass

camstory wrote:
Whats your point? That you personally like young models, and find mature models distasteful. Well I like the color purple, and no one gives a shit about that, any more than they give a shit about your personal taste in models. Stick to the subject, this blog thread isn't about you. :naughty:

Belgian wrote:
did i asked you anything ? besides who the fuck are you to tell me what todo another granny fan say bye bye to your granny :mrgreen:

camstory wrote:
I'm nobody, just a noob applying a little rationale and understanding of what this thread is about, which, if you had read through would have let you know that, I am not an agent fan. :-D
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