AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

A warning to MFC models!

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Ah, so THAT'S where it's coming from! I logged onto AFC this morning and was met with the unmistakable whiff of bullshit. I checked the Video Games Thread (maybe the pew pew booms had turned into poo poo booms) but there was nothing there; I checked the Ask A Cam Girl Thread (maybe someone had asked a particular stinky question) but nope... nothing. I was beginning to think maybe it was just me but then the smell lead me to this thread! I found the bullshit! :-D

To the OP: It might not be bullshit and if it's not, I will retract this statement. It's just that, in my experience, when someone seems so desparate to convince someone of something (and that something makes little to no sense and/or there's evidence to the contrary), I tend to think it's bullshit ;)
TwistedPretzel said:
I have been reporting site bugs to Leo for the last 6 years so when I PM him about anything he will always read and respond to me. I told Leo about the spam and he told me about an attack using a hidden site exploit.

He did say that the models would be banned. Maybe since there are only two MFC models on there that meant just those two.

For all I know those 2 could of PM'd their regulars on MFC about the new site which, as Aeden pointed out, is against the rules. Everything is logged on MFC if you didn't know.

This was a warning in the most unoffical sense but please take it seriously.

See you in Miami!

If you have an email from Leo saying this then you should have no problem posting that email here correct? If you can't/won't do this I will have to call bullshit and even if you do post it I may still call bullshit. MFC has plenty of ways to let models know of site updates/rule changes and while MFC may have its issues, it usually is very good at letting models know when something changes.

Any successful model, and yes I would consider both of the ladies listed successful, with any common sense would not PM members about another site. We have twitter, facebook, and email addresses for a reason....TO PROMOTE OURSELVES AND WHERE WE WORK! None the less I don't think either have been banned since I can still see Devons profile.

As far as this being a warning I don't believe any of us are really taking you seriously. If Leo is willing to answer your email, but not a top model (ie. AedanRayne) what do you have like 56961321648 rewards points? Until I have proof from an admin or a trustworthy model I think I will take my chances working wherever I like.
TwistedPretzel said:
Aedan, that is a stock answer by the support group in the Philippines. Yes, MFC outsourced their member and model support to the Philippines over a year ago.

How do you think you got a (stock) response so quickly?

I have been on MFC almost 6 years and have met Leo almost a dozen times at conventions. In fact I'm going to Miami tomorrow night.

So when you get a response directly from Leo, like I have, please paste that.

Dude, why are you being such a dick? If you were a normal person you would say, "I heard working on this site gets models banned. Don't do it yo!"

Instead, you're being a bitchy little girl because we don't believe you. Why are you so invested in keeping models away from FF?
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TwistedPretzel said:
Aedan, that is a stock answer by the support group in the Philippines. Yes, MFC outsourced their member and model support to the Philippines over a year ago.

How do you think you got a (stock) response so quickly?

I have been on MFC almost 6 years and have met Leo almost a dozen times at conventions. In fact I'm going to Miami tomorrow night.

So when you get a response directly from Leo, like I have, please paste that.

We don't require a response directly from Leo to feel confident that if we chose to join another camsite our MFC profiles wouldn't be deleted. We all signed legal documents with MFC and it was not stipulated in those documents that moonlighting on alternative sites would result in our termination. There's technically a clause that could potentially be used that would prevent us from using our MFC model names on alternative cam sites but MFC would have no grounds to dismiss me if I joined another site under MissLovelyLemon or some other alternative moniker.
TwistedPretzel said:
Aedan, that is a stock answer by the support group in the Philippines. Yes, MFC outsourced their member and model support to the Philippines over a year ago.

How do you think you got a (stock) response so quickly?

I have been on MFC almost 6 years and have met Leo almost a dozen times at conventions. In fact I'm going to Miami tomorrow night.

So when you get a response directly from Leo, like I have, please paste that.

Regardless of whether it's a stock answer, it's still an answer directly from MFC support, so if Aedan decided to cam on another site (not that I'm saying she will) and then her MFC account is terminated, she has that e-mail from support to prove that they said it was acceptable.

MFC has never barred us girls from working on other sites and they have not let us know that something changed with that policy. They can't enforce a policy that they didn't inform us of.

Also I'm still waiting to see a screenshot of your e-mail from Leo! ;)
All I didn't sign a exclusive with MFC to not work on other sites. All I know is I NEVER talk about other camsites while on MFC. I was given a decent amount of money to twitter and sit on the new site. There is nothing wrong with that. I work mostly all of my time on MFC but if there is a chance to make money other places I'm not against it. IF people ask me about other sites I ignore them which I am sure the admin's can pull up and see

Just wish some people would stop with the drama
devonalexis said:
All I didn't sign a exclusive with MFC to not work on other sites. All I know is I NEVER talk about other camsites while on MFC. I was given a decent amount of money to twitter and sit on the new site. There is nothing wrong with that. I work mostly all of my time on MFC but if there is a chance to make money other places I'm not against it. IF people ask me about other sites I ignore them which I am sure the admin's can pull up and see

Just wish some people would stop with the drama
I can't blame you. Bolded text above. The drama is centered around Twisted Pretzel and his claim of superiority over other MFC members when it comes to getting info directly from AdminLeo. We just want to see proof of Admin Leo telling Twisted Pretzel that any girls who worked on would be banned if he found out.
HoldItNow said:
There must be a way that this thread can be more melodramatic. Try people, try!

Maybe Twisted is Leos love child! That MUST be why he gets special treatment!!

(JK Twisted. ) But just as you asked someone to paste what Leo says i dont think its unfair for us to ask the same of you so we know this is for real.
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:whistle: I'm waiting for "Leo's wife". [the agent that shall remain unnamed] to appear from the smoke and make claim to the "love child".... :lol: :lol:
Think this guys got his pretzels in a twist! :whistle:

Seriously however, this sounds fishier that Fishy McFish the Fishfinger farmer, for all the reasons mentioned above
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SoTxBob said:
:whistle: I'm waiting for "Leo's wife". [the agent that shall remain unnamed] to appear from the smoke and make claim to the "love child".... :lol: :lol:

You could always just tweet her if you miss her that
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The_Brown_Fox said:
SoTxBob said:
:whistle: I'm waiting for "Leo's wife". [the agent that shall remain unnamed] to appear from the smoke and make claim to the "love child".... :lol: :lol:
You could always just tweet her if you miss her that

:nono: Who said I missed her at all? Most certainly not I... On second thought, that even rates a "hell no" ... However, by all means, feel free to tweet away.....
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SoTxBob said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
SoTxBob said:
:whistle: I'm waiting for "Leo's wife". [the agent that shall remain unnamed] to appear from the smoke and make claim to the "love child".... :lol: :lol:
You could always just tweet her if you miss her that

:nono: Who said I missed her at all? Most certainly not I...

You sure fooled me...
The_Brown_Fox said:
SoTxBob said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
SoTxBob said:
:whistle: I'm waiting for "Leo's wife". [the agent that shall remain unnamed] to appear from the smoke and make claim to the "love child".... :lol: :lol:
You could always just tweet her if you miss her that

:nono: Who said I missed her at all? Most certainly not I...

You sure fooled me...

:woops: Oh dear me. Sorry... I guess the sarcasm intended was too obscure for some... :lol:
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SoTxBob said:
:woops: Oh dear me. Sorry... I guess the sarcasm intended was too obscure for some... :lol:

Nope. It's just interesting to me how guys on here who claim to dislike her so much can't keep her name out of their mouths. It's kind of funny...I'm sure she'll find it funny too. Thanks for the laughs. :thumbleft:
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The_Brown_Fox said:
SoTxBob said:
:woops: Oh dear me. Sorry... I guess the sarcasm intended was too obscure for some... :lol:

Nope. It's just interesting to me how guys on here who claim to dislike her so much can't keep her name out of their mouths. It's kind of funny...I'm sure she'll find it funny too. Thanks for the laughs. :thumbleft:

To be fair I am sure he was not the only one who thought about 99 after the reference of "Leo's Love Child"...It was the first thing that popped into my head and honestly I was a little disappointed that I had to wait so long for somebody to actually post something about it.
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ElaySmith said:
To be fair I am sure he was not the only one who thought about 99 after the reference of "Leo's Love Child"...It was the first thing that popped into my head and honestly I was a little disappointed that I had to wait so long for somebody to actually post something about it.

Yeah, it was obvious who he was talking about. He's not the only member on here who brings her name up occasionally while claiming he has no interest in I think it's a bit odd.
its kinda funny, or maybe even sad at times, :violin: how some folks can be counted on for ostentatious display at every turn.....
Mork said:
its kinda funny, or maybe even sad at times, :violin: how some folks can be counted on for ostentatious display at every turn.....

This was one of my vocabulary words in
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he is not the one that brought up a "love child", Tegan Chase did and then he went on to elaborate. I think the comment was harmless, everyone was already thinking it and Bob was the only one to say something.....
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Why are you being so defensive? If his comment was harmless, then cool...let's keep things that way. There's been enough negativity and snide remarks on here as it is.
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Im not being defensive, I am stating what I think. You find it odd that certain members bring her up, I find it odd that you are so defensive over her. Every time somebody makes a reference to her you jump in to try to take up for her, just my :twocents-02cents:
ElaySmith said:
Every time somebody makes a reference to her you jump in to try to take up for her, just my :twocents-02cents:

Yeah, because that's what friends do. And we all know that threads/discussions about her never end well on here, since this forum (for the MOST part) tends to be Anti-A99.

And don't try to tell me that if someone was on here making jabs at one of your friends, that you wouldn't jump in and stand up for them. In fact, I've seen others on here do the same thing (standing up for their model friends), but no one ever faults them for it.
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