AmberCutie's Forum
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A Question for Non Models. Input greatly appreciated!!

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Do you want to know what models spend your tips on?

  • Yes I like knowing how I am helping

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • No I would rather not

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 26 72.2%

  • Total voters
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I often see models tweeting or talking on cam about their specific goals, how much money they need, what they spend it on etc. Generally what I see is the essentials such as rent, tuition, car stuff. But I am curious how much you like to know

Personally, I like to think the camgirls I tip are mythical creatures only concerned with the pursuit of hedonism, and my tips are tokens of my appreciation and allow them to continue this wonderful existence. But maybe I'm just some big weirdo. [Disclaimer: I know this is not at all true. That's just a facet of my fantasy life. I don't need you to tell me that this isn't the case] I often see members get frustrated when camgirls are upset about being far from their goals, as a lot of members [but not all] think we don't work as hard as they do and hearing us models vent about our expenses is a big turn off.

On the other hand, I know some members really like knowing that their support is helping me do X Y and Z. Especially when it comes to the pursuit of my outside hobbies, specifically my art. Or just knowing that I need so much to keep camming and not have to look for another job.

Another disclaimer: I'm not trying to encourage models to talk or not talk about goals/expenses, just curious to see what it's like from the tippers side. Or if you guys care at all.
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What seems to make no sense to me is any fan being irritated or frustrated when a model speaks of the goals they are trying to reach. Way too often, fans forget why the models are on cam in the first place; that the website exists for fans to provide them with a service; as blunt or 'bottom line' as the term may sound, it is PAY FOR PLAY; tip the tokens in exchange for pleasurables.

Although I do not care what models spend their money on, I genuinely enjoy when people reach their goals or accomplish what they want to accomplish in LIFE, no matter what aspect of their lives they look to enhance; no matter what struggle they look to overcome. For the model to even share their real-life goals and speak of the things that they need should be looked upon as pretty cool. Fans should not look at these expressions as a cry for help or the model playing the sympathy card. Whether they share things with fans or not, a service is being provided.

Many times, I feel that it is necessary for the models to speak about their goals, as there are some websites in which fans sit in their public rooms and say and tip nothing, so the model is prompted to speak on why they are on cam in the first place as a reminder to those 'mutes' that their room shouldn't be used as a free place to get off.

I could break this down more, but let me stop..
We all have bills to pay and budgets to go by for extras... the only time I like to hear about goals is if it's going for a charity, otherwise it's really none of our business. Sob stories and begging for tips is usually an automatic hide. There's videos to sell at a discount or other mutually beneficial ways to make some quick cash without saying grandma needs an operation while crying.

On the other hand, I know some members really like knowing that their support is helping me do X Y and Z. Especially when it comes to the pursuit of my outside hobbies, specifically my art. Or just knowing that I need so much to keep camming and not have to look for another job.

That's when a special thank you may be in order, privately.

Bocefish said:
We all have bills to pay and budgets to go by for extras... the only time I like to hear about goals is if it's going for a charity, otherwise it's really none of our business. Sob stories and begging for tips is usually an automatic hide. There's videos to sell at a discount or other mutually beneficial ways to make some quick cash without saying grandma needs an operation while crying.

On the other hand, I know some members really like knowing that their support is helping me do X Y and Z. Especially when it comes to the pursuit of my outside hobbies, specifically my art. Or just knowing that I need so much to keep camming and not have to look for another job.

That's when a special thank you may be in order, privately.


Thats more along the lines where I stand but then I see people respond to needs and goals and I wonder if I'm "holding back" for no reason
Pity appeal works like a charm. Are you more willing to give someone money for their schoolbook, or for a night of clubbing?

This reminds me of hookers in Thailand and Philipines that try to get guys on 'sponsorships', where the guy who falls in love sends them a good chunk of money each month 'to help out'. And it's pretty common. They get a few guys like that and they are set. (Some of those girls make more money than their foreign sponsors)

Guys don't want to hear that their favorite girl makes more money on cam than they do slaving away 9-6 in some menial job.

Of course many of the less-than-top cam girls really could use the money and it is probably true that they need it for rent/necessities.
I'd rather not know. I mean, really, in the back of my mind, I guess I'm well aware that my tips will more than likely go towards rent, or bills, or groceries, or petrol, or something equally mundane.
But I'd rather not be told that, ya know? I kinda like to think my tips go towards something the model wouldn't have otherwise treated herself to. I guess I still think of tips as gifts as opposed to currency with which to buy things. When I tip, I'm seldom asking for anything in return - I tip because I enjoy your company and think you're kinda cool. In the real world, when you put a little bit of money in someone's birthday card as a gift, you don't necessarily want to be told that that money went towards a gas bill. :twocents-02cents:
i voted "no" because that would be my general response....but i would have preferred a "sometimes" option....there've been a couple of instances where i've gotten close enough to a model to be curious.
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mynameisbob84 said:
I'd rather not know. I mean, really, in the back of my mind, I guess I'm well aware that my tips will more than likely go towards rent, or bills, or groceries, or petrol, or something equally mundane.
But I'd rather not be told that, ya know? I kinda like to think my tips go towards something the model wouldn't have otherwise treated herself to. I guess I still think of tips as gifts as opposed to currency with which to buy things. When I tip, I'm seldom asking for anything in return - I tip because I enjoy your company and think you're kinda cool. In the real world, when you put a little bit of money in someone's birthday card as a gift, you don't necessarily want to be told that that money went towards a gas bill. :twocents-02cents:
I'm actually the opposite! I would rather know my money is helping towards life necessities or adult responsibilities. But in the end, I never think "I wonder what she's going to do with these tokens" before I tip.
I was leaning twards I don't know but voted no just because I hate going into a room and seeing a message of "I need 21,243 more tolkens so my dog can get surgery or its going to die." messages.

When I tip a girl I want her to do whatever the hell she wants with the money, she earned it, its hers.
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I generally assume that any tips I send to a model will go towards day to day expenses, unless there is an explicitly named use in the room topic such as a charity night.
I'm in the camp of members who tip because they want to and not for any personal gain, unless you count feeling all fuzzy from getting a smile out of a pretty girl. How I see it is that by tipping a model whose company I enjoy I'm helping her make a living from camming so I can continue to spend time in her company, and really what she does with the money the site pays her from the tokens I give is up to her.
Generally, I do not care what the models do with the money I have tipped. It's their money, they can do what they want with it. BUT, there is always a but, right? :lol: If I found that a model I was a regular with was blowing it on drugs or partying, I would probably be a little upset if she came back with a "woe is me" story not able to make rent.
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