@Charlie_SC ,
@xChloe and everyone.
I think it has been touched on before, but I really think something should be looked at regarding "Away" banners and the banning thereof. I am sure that it has been stated before that SC considers that if a model is leaving the screen for more than 3 minutes they should shut down their stream. I think almost everyone, apart from SC, realises that 3 minutes is not enough time to do anything except maybe blow your nose. Certainly not enough time to go to the "bathroom" as the USA folks so quaintly call it, even if it was actually attached to the models' broadcast room.
To shut down a stream means that most of the users in the room will leave and go elsewhere to get their rocks off, hardly a situation that will encourage a model to follow SC's rules regarding being away from their camera. And then add how long it actually takes to restart a stream and it's even more time for users to go elsewhere.
So I ask 2 things of the helpful Charlie & Chloe:
- Why 2-3 minutes? it seems a ridiculously arbitrary and uselessly short amount of time.
- Why doesn't SC allow the use of "BRB Banners" etc? At least it tells users who might be "passing through" that the model intends to be back soon.
And a suggestion:-
Why not allow the use of such banners as long as they have a countdown timer so users can see how many minutes *remain* until the model is set to return. (I believe such a thing is possible via OBS). If you are concerned about models "scamming " the timer by having it auto reset (which I have been told can be done, I do not know for sure), then why not develop such a thing via the platform? SC already uses countdowns for polls, the amount of time until a ticket/group show starts and the battleship game.
(Yes, my friend today got a warning for using a "brb in 10 minutes" banner while she went downstairs to her kitchen to get some yogurt and fruit towards the end of a longish shift, hence this post.

But that does not negate the validity of anything that I have suggested or asked in this post
