Video descriptions and tags -
Allow us to optionally describe our videos in a sentence or two and allow categories and tags for videos and a search option for that -so when a member goes searching for specific content, videos from all the model who used the tag/category come up, just like when members are searching for specific categories to watch live shows and all the models doing that come up on the page
Add a custom video/ photo section where members can order content from us without lengthy private message discussions and 9/10 times models wasting their time on someone who likes to discuss customs but NEVER orders after- 30-45 min of chat I didn't get paid for!!
Their order then to come up in a private message as a form : length, categories, special instructions ( here they can briefly explain what they're looking for in the video), exclusivity, selected delivery time etc. Etc.
Let us set up what categories we are comfortable with doing, set up delivery times (4/3/2/1 week/priority 3 days for example + extra prices for faster delivery we can set ourselves in 5 or 10tk increments), exclusivity fee we can set ourselves so no third party gets access to the content, pre set different lengths with a minimum of 5 min up to maybe 45 min or so, with 1 or 2 min increments up to the max. Length we set that's available and set up prices for the vids in 5 or10tk increments per min(5/10/15/20/ per min...) + add on extra tokens for different categories, let's say the category is anal but the model doesn't want to do that for the standard video price so she wants to add on 30tk/min to her total to do that. It would be displayed next to the category where we can either leave it blank ( standard services) or add extra tk we want per min for that category and members would see *category+10tk/min extra*. For pictures, let us pre set the sets we are willing to do ( 10 pics/20/30 etc.) And again same with categories, let us enable/disable + charge extra for different ones and set everything else like for the videos( delivery, exclusivity)
After the member clicks on all the options he wants and adds special instructions, to display total token price and have the member tip directly from there.
If we are on holidays/busy, we can disable the custom content options but keep the settings as they were -just like schedule for example.
Allow us 24 or 48 hrs to refund tokens spent for a custom order in case we cannot do what the member asked for or the request is completely out of line with categories selected etc. And we don't want to do it. Of course, we can discuss this with the member but they have already paid and we only have 20 min window to refund, so in case we don't see the order in those 20 min, we'd have to contact support for refunds and I'm sure support is busy enough as it is with other stuff.....