I went back and found my 2015 New Year resolutions. Here are some and how they unfolded.
"-It's the first time in a long time I've been single so I'm going to focus on my new found freedom. Just running wild for awhile."
That I did! I dated a little bit, even fell in love! I partied hard, ran wild, and the laughs were endless.
"-Making butt loads of money."
Hahaha check!
"-Working on my mental health."
I said this thinking I needed to find a good therapist and try new medications. I ended up not doing either but have never felt this long of an extended amount of happiness since I was a child. It was a fulfilling year.
"-Surround myself with friends. I want to see at least one friend a day. I neglected my social life in 2014 and I'm changing that for 2015."
This year I broke my record for making the most new friends, many who are quality people and I'm blessed to have in my life now.
"-Be more organized. I know my memory is shit and yet I still rely on it and then forget important things that need to be done. I need to start writing everything down."
The notes on my phone are endless. I've been much better at writing things I need to remember down and even hired a PA to help with that!
"-Follow my heart and my passions. I would like to write more of my book, start a comedy YT channel, and make a website."
Well, I have been writing a lot. I'll work on those other two this year.
"-Doing just even ONE thing a day on my to-do list."
I've pretty much been non-stop busy this year! It's very rare that I have time to enjoy a TV show or just relax by myself but I wouldn't have it any other way. Being productive has been good for me.
"-Do more charity work. This doesn't mean just donating money, but donating my time and compassion to those less fortunate than I am."
I have stepped up and helped more in 2015 than in the past but I still feel like I could do more and will do more in 2016.
"-Fight online less."
I really cut down on this, mostly because I don't have the time or energy for it. Haha Pick and choose your battles carefully, right?
Although I didn't mention eating healthier in 2015, this year my food intake has been the healthiest it's ever been in my life. I was 145lbs a little over a year ago and I am now 103lbs and have never felt better!
I feel like I accomplished a lot of my resolutions in 2015, which I'm very proud of. So many years I've made New Year resolutions and didn't stick with them. I'm hopeful I will continue to actively strive to be a better person through my actions this year.
Here are my 2016 New Year resolutions!
-Trust my instincts and be more careful who I surround myself around. I made many new friends this year by opening myself up to everyone I came in contact with. There were times, however, I ignored my intuition about someone and they ended up not being a good person to surround myself around. This year I am going to cherish all of the wonderful new friends I have made while still trusting my gut instinct and distancing myself from people who give me bad vibes.
-Cook more. I have never enjoyed cooking but I started cooking more often recently and it's been very beneficial. I want to continue eating plant based and share my food with the people in my life.
-Be more organized. This is hard to do when I'm so busy but it's necessary and lessens my stress.
-Write more. I want to take at least one day out of the week to write down my random thoughts, life events, and start writing poetry again.
-Budget and save money. This one is tough for me. I always feel like I NEED things that are not actually a necessity. I am going to try better to put more thought into what I need vs. what I want. I'm going to create a budget for myself and write out everything I spend, make, and start to set myself up for the future.
-Travel. I actually don't really like to travel but I enjoy learning about other cultures and opening up my mind to new things and experiences. I feel like a trip or two this year will help me grow and educate me on life outside of my LA bubble.
-Smoke less. I've been smoking hookah for many years now with breaks in between. I don't want to say I plan on quitting forever, but I'm certainly going to cut down on it and try to only smoke socially.
-Give more. Money, time, compassion, love, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen.
-Learn to accept and love my time alone. I love the freedom being single gives me but I realized that I feel a strong desire for romantic connection. I want to learn how to be content without a partner in my life.
-Be more spiritual, connected, and creative. I often take for granted the natural beauty of the Earth that surrounds me daily. I want to be more aware of nature, more connected to the Earth, and use that to fuel my creativity while creating art in different forms.
-Find balance. I think this has been the most difficult challenge for me every year. I tend to get caught up in one thing while neglecting other aspects of my life. I hope to find a healthier balance and be more well rounded this year.
-Continue living for myself. What made 2015 such an amazing year for me was living for myself and not dictating my actions or choices on the opinions or fear of judgment from others. I want to live this year to my fullest the way I see fit and be somewhat selfish in my pursuit of happiness.