AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. L

    If Your Cam Room Only Had Your Biggest Friends/Fans...

    There would be much less dancing and more talks about gaming, music, and literature. *nods*
  2. L

    Bitching, Whining, and Complaining on Cam about TOKENS!

    Just wanted to step in and echo that while I totally agree that bitching/begging is unattractive, we're cam performers and hell yeah when I show up, I expect to be compensated for my time. These people that spend hours in my room are obviously getting something from me so where does my thanks...
  3. L

    Things models say that make you go "WTF?"

    Haha! I like that one!
  4. L

    Unreasonable vs. reasonable bans

    I ban if people are abusive, annoy me/my members, or begging incessantly. I won't ban lurkers because I AM a lurker and that would be hypocritical. Sometimes I don't have anything worthwhile to contribute to a conversation, but enjoy the laughs, cuteness, and sexy. *shrug*
  5. L

    Have you maintained your resolution thus far?

    Give up soda...still winning at that one although the cherry dr. pepper at the store last night looked so delicious. Stop biting my tongue (within reason). Check. Get rid of my pooch. Check. This has been through calorie restriction though and not actual physical activity. So I failed at the...
  6. L

    Forever Basic

    I don't believe anyone in this thread is advocating being jerks to basics so the suggestion to "be nice" to them is ridiculous. Seems like your idea of being nice to them is giving them the same status as someone who has already proven they have the capacity to be a contributor to the bottom...
  7. L

    Forever Basic

    Yep. MyFreeCAMS, which means you can watch the CAM all you want FOR FREE but you're not entitled to anything. :D This includes acknowledgment. But good show on strengthening the case for basics overall being worthless. The casino analogy sucks btw. You're buying food and drinks. That means the...
  8. L

    What is your guilty pleasure movies?

    I watch Showgirls every time it comes on TV. I also own Dreamcatcher.
  9. L


    I can't stand watching series on TV. I like to go at my own pace so when this show was first on FX, I passed on it. BUT then it popped up on Netflix Instant a few months ago and I watched the entire 1st season in one go. :D Perfect blend of dry humor and pop culture references. Some shows try...
  10. L

    What makes you RAGE!

    People who just chase dollar signs make me rage. I know at the end of the day that everyone is in this industry to get paid, but when you fixate on something you have absolutely NO interest in just because you think it pays well...ugh. Do things because you want to and you enjoy it not because...
  11. L

    Why should people get mad when this happens?

    Jumping on the bandwagon that thought it was a pizza. :lol:
  12. L

    Pelvic Organ Prolapse

    I shouldn't be surprised...I really shouldn't be... :shock:
  13. L

    MFC crashes again

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: But the crashes have been easing up a bit. Only crashed twice today during the 4 hours I was on. :whistle: I do wonder why a site of this magnitude wouldn't have better servers though. A single girl in the top can justify the purchase 1 or 2 with what she...
  14. L

    Man-on-cam sightings thread

    Most likely. And it's dumb. There are tons of sites out there begging for couple's accounts where these people would have the monopoly and make BANK. If I wanted to take it there, I'd do nothing but couple shows on SM or something.
  15. L

    Models/Members, what brings you back...

    PERSONALITY!!! /caps I love seeing a girl who is real and engages those that chat with her. They SPEAK if they have audio. They're easy going, have a sense of humor, appear to be having fun, etc. Making me laugh is a plus. A person who's able to be butt naked and goofy at the same...
  16. L

    Why Do Models...

    It's uncomfortable for me, weight-wise so I automatically go to give them a little relief from the onslaught of gravity? I have perky B-Cs. I'd be sad if they got less perky. :(
  17. L

    Camscore ???

    Can also confirm 60. The few good days I was on to shoot it up have fallen off in my absence. Almost back to square one. :)
  18. L

    Camscore ???

    Oh! :o Will do.
  19. L

    Member's Pet Peeves

    :clap: They're all so quiet when I need conversation, but once I start to get down and dirty, they start with the incessant PMs. It's like don't you see my hands are covered in oil? You really want me to stop the show & ruin my keyboard to reply to your "Mmmmmmmmmmm"??
  20. L

    Camscore ???

    I'm assuming most of you folk are aware of the MissMFC2011 twitter page? There have been a few tweets popping up from models asking followers to retweet their name to that page and that it's supposed to help their camscore. Being as Miss MFC ranking is based on tokens and not camscore, what is...