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  1. D

    Polygamy, For or Against?

    Tapped out and PMed. Lydia was right.
  2. D

    Polygamy, For or Against?

    Broke my thanks cherry with that one...
  3. D

    Polygamy, For or Against?

    You appear to have mistaken the etymology of polygamy for the definition. Here we go yet again using your own sources. Clear? Clear? Here's a really good source you may have heard of before... Clear? Polygamy is a form of marriage that is entirely tangential to the biological behavior...
  4. D

    Polygamy, For or Against?

    Again, marriage is entirely tangential to polygamy AND monogamy. You should consider reading the rest of that wikipedia entry you found. After that you should read the monogamy entry. The first few sentences lay it out pretty clearly on that one. If that is not good enough for you perhaps you...
  5. D

    Polygamy, For or Against?

    Polygamous marriage doesn't really have any bearing on polygamous behavior, only on the legal recognition of contracts pertaining to the behavior. Also, older more influential males use social pressure and dogma to convince younger females to have sex with them everywhere all day every day...
  6. D

    Polygamy, For or Against?

    Hitler and friends are every bit as relevant to monogamy as mormon cults are to polygamy. It is the dictionary definition of blood libel at its best, and anyone here with any sensitivity to issues of bigotry and racism should recognize it easily. The argument about the viability of polygamous...
  7. D

    Polygamy, For or Against?

    Way cooler story than that one about the mormon cults.
  8. D

    Polygamy, For or Against?

    Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao were all monogamous.
  9. D

    Polygamy, For or Against?

    According to the Ethnographic Atlas Codebook, of 1,231 societies noted, 186 were monogamous. Given the rampant adultery and divorce going around in these monogamous societies, it would be more appropriate to say that of 1231 societies noted, 186 failed to be monogamous. The legal status of...
  10. D

    Florida Passes Drug Testing Law....

    I mentioned Florida already tried it in Jacksonville and it failed. This whole thing played out back in 2003 when Michigan shot it down as obscenely unconstitutional. By the time the Michigan law had been struck down, all 49 states had already considered the policy since the inception of...
  11. D

    Florida Passes Drug Testing Law....

    Given that the policy in question has a long sad history of hemorrhaging money and doing fuckall for addicts, doing nothing at all would be a better choice than mandatory drug testing. Cutting the pay of any given government employee by one dollar would be more effective.
  12. D

    Florida Passes Drug Testing Law....

    Among experts in the relevant fields of sociology, economics, and medicine there isn't really any debate to be had here. Mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients is ineffective and costs more than it saves. Losers includes ALL tax payers, the few pot smokers who are too slow to circumvent...