AmberCutie's Forum
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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. Toastyxx

    Breaking Bad

    Seriously...Breaking Bad and How I Met Your Mother are the best shows. Evar.
  2. Toastyxx

    The Perfect Vagina

    I'm sorry, I meant not *just* the mons pubis lol. I wish I was comfortable enough to post a picture of my vagina to be critiqued (not saying anyone would say anything mean, it's just different being naked on cam for people than saying "I am not happy with my overweight pussy, what do you think?"...
  3. Toastyxx

    The Perfect Vagina

    I am just now seeing this post and I'm very glad that I saw it. That documentary was extremely touching. However...what about women such as myself that feel very insecure about their labia majora instead of labia minora? Not the mons pubis, which is a bit farther north. I have always felt as if...
  4. Toastyxx

    What makes you RAGE!

    Sent a naked pic to someone just now, and they didn't react quite the way I thought they would. "Yay boobies, boo no vagina. Oh but it's a nice pic." *basically ends our convo* Thanks a lot. *rage* Also when people talk to me like I'm just ALWAYS horny. In PM, regular chat, whatever. Just...
  5. Toastyxx

    What makes you RAGE!

    The other suggestion wouldn't sit well, however I like this one :P
  6. Toastyxx

    What makes you RAGE!

    My uncle makes me rage. I live with him and I swear he is the most annoying person on the face of the Earth. He's overly obsessed with the electric and light bill. And not you know "Oh, try to turn some of these lights off" type obsessed. That's normal. No he goes into every room unplugging...
  7. Toastyxx

    Straight Anal FAQs, pics, discussion, go if your into or not

    Re: Straight Anal FAQs, pics, discussion, go if your into or Update on the pegging of my boyfriend- He decided no. Darn it.
  8. Toastyxx

    Models with beautiful eyes!

    Hehe thanks :)
  9. Toastyxx

    Getting a paycheck in the mail

    Yeah, I have seen that graph/map before. I'm hoping to get my check sometime late next week. I have Christmas presents to buy! :P The end of the pay period is tomorrow...does that mean that any tokens I make tomorrow will go on NEXT pay period or will they be on this one?
  10. Toastyxx

    Models with beautiful eyes!

    Oooo!!! You have pretty eyes too!
  11. Toastyxx

    I just

    Everything about your post is completely true :clap:
  12. Toastyxx

    What makes you RAGE!

    Hehe I actually LOVE Christmas music (and decorations). But only at Christmas time. :P But another thing that I was just reminded of because of Black Friday is PEOPLE CUTTING ME IN LINE. I have a long list of instances in which I've cussed people out and made a scene because of rude ass people...
  13. Toastyxx

    Straight Anal FAQs, pics, discussion, go if your into or not

    Re: Straight Anal FAQs, pics, discussion, go if your into or :dance:
  14. Toastyxx

    What makes you RAGE!

    No replies since September? Hmm, well here is my list. 1) People chewing with their mouths open, especially when they're making that loud chomping sound. 2) When my dog licks himself. Not just his crotch, but any area of his body. He's old and slow so all I hear is...
  15. Toastyxx

    Models with beautiful eyes!

    PS- This is probably one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen.
  16. Toastyxx

    Models with beautiful eyes!

    I have heard from multiple people that I have pretty eyes. Hmm....
  17. Toastyxx

    Straight Anal FAQs, pics, discussion, go if your into or not

    Re: Straight Anal FAQs, pics, discussion, go if your into or All of you people up there talking about female to male anal...I have been trying to talk my boyfriend into this for the longest time! :roll: He actually wants to I think, he's just scared :P I'm gonna get a strap on or a dildo...
  18. Toastyxx

    I just

    Yeah, that could be true. I think another side of it is she doesn't understand or trust the internet. She is worried that someone will find out where we live or something...but I don't think she stops to think that I COULD be dancing in a club and someone could follow me home easily :P My...
  19. Toastyxx

    MFC Rules and warnings

    How could you! :P Hehe
  20. Toastyxx

    I just

    hehe not a half day for me, a half day for my eight year old brother whom I babysit :P I don't have a Twitter account but I could make one today. I guess I'm overdue for one. You can be my first :lol: