AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. SophiaSophia

    Comparison of Webcam Sites?

    hunh- its almost like- they're an affiliate- or advertising or something...... :thinking: I swear I'm not stalking your cock much
  2. SophiaSophia

    Talking about families

    one of my tags is MILF so there's that and I've been accused of lying about that so- whatevs people on the interwebs I dont know don't need to know my personal life and certainly don't need to know about my family- regardless of what site I'm on.
  3. SophiaSophia

    Hide your location from Snapchat

    if you set location on then open snap- then shut them off you can use filters...or something to that effect i just dont trust it and its a real reason why I have barely used it and havent bothered to use it for any sort of marketing I look super cute with ears tho- jus sayin
  4. SophiaSophia

    On whales; their importance and associated matters

    I rarely say this unless I really mean it...but thats a beautiful cock
  5. SophiaSophia

    On whales; their importance and associated matters

    are you holding your cock in your avi!?!
  6. SophiaSophia

    On whales; their importance and associated matters

    its funny- the mention of whales I had someone elses VERY big whale come into my room a cpl weeks ago and I frankly froze I felt like he obviously made some huge mistake stumbling into my room- I felt guilty he was there instantly- hopeful he'd tip even 5 tkns (he didn't) and ya I agree with...
  7. SophiaSophia

    water based lotion/body slick stuff?

    Ya-we haven't had good luck with Sharpies for doing obstacle course races either ala crossfit style by writing your contestant number on your arms or quads. It sweats off for sure.
  8. SophiaSophia

    models and members- clips/vids

    what are some of your favorites? fetish and vanilla thoughts welcome
  9. SophiaSophia

    MFC's new Non Nude site - Cammunity (now CamYou)

    ya- Im pretty creative just not interactive creative sitting and sculpting gained a few lurkers but absolutely no one that wanted to talk a cpl members and models here visited tho :) I seriously wondered if I'd get flagged because I primarily sculpt
  10. SophiaSophia

    MFC's new Non Nude site - Cammunity (now CamYou)

    cammunity was not wildly successful for me this evening- not even just to chill :/
  11. SophiaSophia

    MFC's new Non Nude site - Cammunity (now CamYou)

    they totally didn't approve my avatar photo- I realized you can sorta see my nipple in the t-shirt so I went all cutesy snap chat instead- cuz I like cutesy
  12. SophiaSophia

    MFC's new Non Nude site - Cammunity (now CamYou)

    its happened to me as well- small- but cool as hell
  13. SophiaSophia

    What was the last movie/show you watched?

    oooooo. I watched the first two episodes and flaked on it- I loved the show so far! ty for reminding me of it
  14. SophiaSophia

    What was the last movie/show you watched?

    currently catching up on some supernatural
  15. SophiaSophia

    Cammunity - Basic steps to create custom profile

    I really wish I had made my name cutienoodle now :sorry:
  16. SophiaSophia

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    where do all these new people whittle down through? ive never seen any of them ! haha
  17. SophiaSophia

    Have you ever felt you were being used for sex?

    an SO? no- otherwise- yes, thank god
  18. SophiaSophia

    MFC's new Non Nude site - Cammunity (now CamYou)

    Im officially squigged out- ty for the mental image you win the internet for today
  19. SophiaSophia

    MFC's new Non Nude site - Cammunity (now CamYou)

    not sure how breast feeding got thrown in there (I know why) but menstruating? hmmm...on a non nude site???? uhm- who thought this through?