AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Its not about "not feeling wanted" its about how should someone respond to a 2 yr old who makes such a comment. Try to answer the question next time. Show me where I threatened to continuing spamming the forum? Un-ban my old account its simple and I'll interact with the other topics in this...
  2. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    If nobody cares then why are they here? Your answer should get you banned by the way according to the forum rules.
  3. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Never said they couldn't do the above. My point stands I haven't done what I mentioned above. In other words, she can't terminate /ban a 9 page thread without reason otherwise, it will reflect horribly on the forum.
  4. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I believe there is no choice for her. She either has to Ban me for no reason again her or reinstate the old account . There was no reason for banning me in the first place. You can't ban someone because you think they are "annoying" there is nothing in the forum rules here about banning someone...
  5. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    To be honest I have no idea how any of you passed this test: "AmberCutie's forum is for use by adults " There is some explaining to be done. So to wrap this all up into a nice bow for the weekend ...Ambercutie needs to re-instate my old account and make a formal apology to me for the hammer...
  6. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Let me ask you this. If someone calls you a 12 yr old or tells you to Fuck off what is your response? Any response is probably going to be interpreted as defensive yes? Have a link? Having a conversation/debate about a topic isn't defensive. The only time it becomes defensive if someone...
  7. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    -pretending to be a woman - Huh? wild accusation proven not to be true. -being annoying - You Opinion and subjective. -not shutting the fuck up about bitcoin when nobody wanted to talk about it - Some people do and did. If you don't want to butt out. -attempting to insult people with your humor...
  8. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    So, make a wild accusation that everything is ponzi scheme then claim you are victim. LOL ....I have to remember this tactic seems its played around here a lot.... I will.
  9. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    As your sig says MynameisBob84 . "Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man" Couldn't be a more fitting quote for such a moment.
  10. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Well? is Bitcoin a ponzi scheme ? Instead of making some broad accusations like this ..why not back it up ?
  11. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Bingo! this is what was happening earlier and now even. People asked some questions and I responded back to those questions. Take away the spamming and child antics of others between those real questions and who didn't like to hear they were wrong ( which is the real spam) and you have a...
  12. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I was banned for having a conversation about Bitcoin. Is that better? Because according to the admin of this forum if you engage with others about a subject its considered Spam.
  13. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I'm just saying you are incapable of forming a conversation. Be careful proving your own point doll.
  14. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Says someone who has no idea what a ponzi scheme is. I'm sure you think Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.
  15. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    And how is that for you to decide? Another way to get paid isn't worthy of being mentioned got it.
  16. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    You wouldn't know a conversation if it hit you in the face. How is that my problem? Conversations is now considered Spam? LOL
  17. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I was. Did you not read what the reason for my ban was ? Talking about Bitcoin. Ok. No. If people want to talk about Bitcoin they should be able to. Get a clue.
  18. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    If people replies are to ask me more about Bitcoin I'm going to reply back. This is how a conversation works. People ask you a question and then you respond back. You don't understand how conversations work. The point was I was talking about Bitcoin and I was banned. Period.
  19. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    It doesn't matter. If I want to say Bitcoin works and didn't fail and people don't like it to bad. See how that works?
  20. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    It was specifically about Bitcoin. It shouldn't matter how I talk about it, it wasn't something anyone wanted to hear so they banned it.